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Everything posted by Tynisa

  1. If i go to some asian countries as a female, i am expected to wear a full dress, thing, that will cover my whole body, only leaving my eyes on show because that is there culture.If a person of asian descent comes to the uk, i would expect them to dress like we do in our culture.By wearing something that makes them stand out from a crowd, they are already saying "no, i do not want to be a part of this country" - Fuck off then.--My views are simple, your either a part of the country you join, or you can leave. I do not understand why we mollycoddle people who want to emigrate. If they want to leave their own country so much, i would much prefer it if they would actually be a part of ours.Then again, in the UK we care more about the criminals than we do about the people who are victims of crime.- We cannot harm someone if they come into our home to steal.- Its taken up until the last few weeks for us to have more rights over our homes than squatters.----I've gone drasticly off topic. My bad.
  2. Ever done it? Ever pulled an all nighter?I did it once, at university because i had nobody to go out with, because they were all doing coursework. FUCK DEM GAIZ!So yeah, i went for it, i was like, NP BROS I WANT 93 RANGE!So i played all night, got one level and was tired as hell for the next day because i had drank 4-5 cups of coffee and couldn't sleep when it got to morning, and completely regretted doing it.----So, how bout j00z?
  3. Dates are not my forte. W/E then, someone shout me up next thursday, i will still be doing the same thing.
  4. 1. Yes, its amazingly fun, solo-queue ranked is great when you can get to level 30, and challenges you to overcome all the bad players. Its fun pre-30 too, but more fun with friends (We have a small LoL community here, 4-5 of us) Check this post: http://eldersouls.co...ming +community to find out exactly who, and how you can get in contact with them.2. You will be bad, you will not have a clue what you are doing. You will push lane, you will die a lot and people will get mad and angry and upset. FUCK THEM ALL. Unlike other games, you rely on your teammates to actually be able to win, you have to work together. If one champion achieves a lot of kills, dependant on what enemy champion this is - it can spell disaster for a game, and make it un-winnable.However! Its fine, i started out doing this, people getting annoyed with me, but its okay, we all have to start somewhere. If people get mad, they get mad, it doesnt hurt you because its the internet, and pre-pubescant raging children do not cause you pain with their pixelated insults.Really though, play a few games against bots, get a handle for a champion, and go to http://www.solomid.net - look in the guides section, under general guides. There are a few troll guides, but they are easy to spot and meant to be laughed at - but there are also a lot of guides with good information that will help you on your way to becoming a better player.3. www.solomid.net - Look under guides section, and then look for specific champions.4. Its far from full of serious players, a lot of people are horribly bad, but think they are amazing. The other "problem" is people who already have level 30 accounts, and have decided to make a new account to play with some new friends, or because their "main" account got stuck in 500 ELO - which is actually where they belong.So basically, dont worry about what other people say, its a game and should be treated as such. If people get mad, your new, and by even asking these questions you will probably turn out to be better than the people flaming you in the first place.I have always found that if someone gets mad, dont respond, if you concentrate on the game in hand you won't go wrong.If all else fails /mute or /ignore both really help too. :-P------tl:dr PLAY LEAGUE OF LEGENDS ON EU-W AND I WILL HELP YOU.Add: xTynisa - but all the people you want to add on EU-W are on the link the the gave you.
  5. Hmm. Well .. i'll be knocking around between 9 and 10 tonight anyways. Someone just give me a shout on LoL if i forget. Geheheh.
  6. I won't be doing it again.It was scary as hell. Like, really scary. Horses are big, and scary. Did i mention they are scary?
  7. I rode a horse for an hour. I worked muscles in my legs i never knew existed. Was the most painful next day ever. Worse than German Volume Training my Shoulders!?!
  8. Thing is, its hard to get ACTUAL members who wanna be a part of something. Most kids just wanna join because you asked them too, or because they saw your cool cape. Its too easy to join and leave a clan.My first clan experience, i had to search Zybez for it, myself, with nobody in-game comign around asking me to do it.I had to motivation to look for myself, and out of the 6-7 replies, i picked one clan, that had the best looking forums, because i actually wanted to use them, i also made sure they had an IRC chat, and a ventrillo server. I did all of this MYSELF, because i wanted to be a part of a Pure clan, and kick the shit outta people in the wild.Fact is, if i walk up to someone, ask them to join, and they do, there are a plethora of reasons that they will say yes, and to be honest, being active on forums, joining the IRC are not part of the "newly recruited so easily" plan.--This does not apply to members who find us through forums, as those members, like myself (Yeah, im one of those members!) use the forums and are regularly active.
  9. If i didnt play on a piece of shit laptop, i'd be doing the same. Good job i like LoL. Heh.
  10. Tynisa

    Green Day

    Flight of the ConcordesThe Lonely IslandTenacious D--Can you spot a theme?
  11. Agreed. My bitch rides horses, and her legs come up to her armpits. Not literally, but you get the picture.
  12. Sounds good man. I will be around anyways, if im not in ranked 5's i will definatly join you guys, and iusually have a couple of good friends on to fill the gaps.Ill this week, apparently breathing is not a thing my body likes to do properly.
  13. Thursday is better for me, just need the time confirming. Never heard of BST, but i guess its when we put the clocks forward. Dunno if i have done this. LFMAO
  14. On the new "black" one, you can just plug in any old keyboard. I only know because i did it to play Final Fantasy - the online. Played for 5 mins and quit tho.. lol.TBH though, im bored of my Xbox, havent used it for anything but DVD's for over a year.
  15. Xbox can plug in a keyboard, in order to play games such as Final Fantasy "That online one that i dont know the name of" I believe they decided not to let the Xbox have a mouse though, because they didnt want it to be too much like a PC. Wierd.On a second note, i used to play Command and Conquer: Red Alert .. (I think it was that one) using 2 x PS1 and a link cable, and 2 x TV's. This was mouse compatible. Fun times.
  16. 10PM on a Thursday. Im from the UK, and i dont know if its BST yet - TBH i've never heard of that shit though.I should be able to, but i will only be around for about 30-40 minutes, as the woman will be home from work - which in turn will signal PUB TIME!Sign me up for now, and i will do my best to arrive.
  17. They were different, i agree, but i just kinda found myself a bit bored. Its the "go here do that" kinda stuff that gets on my nerves.Then again, i suppose what game isnt like that. Heh.
  18. Spread the love then my friend.In all fairness, it seems to be a trend that people who use the forums, are also sociable in-game. We must promote from the inside, to gain members from the outside.Nobody wants to join a clan, get into the clan chat to find only one person gives a shit that they even joined.
  19. Dependant on the time of day, there are quite a few people in the clan chat. However, not everyone is so forthcoming in terms of saying a simple hello.I do remember a time when a person would get online, and the chat would be full of "Good morning "x"" or "Hello "y""Happy happy days. In my opinion, anyone who uses the forums, and reads this post, should try and spread the word of "simple greetings"!
  20. There were games when i played "sniper" and i felt, hey, im great and super strongy! Then after a while, i dropped off, with no new weapons to come by not really doing much damage.Then i played a Siren, did a bunch of damages, but once again got to a point in the game where i felt like i wasnt doing enough damage, i follow online build guides for my skills, so im guessing i wasn't totally getting it wrong.Xbox player btw.
  21. Makes sense mate, i'd hope so. Its worth a shot anyway, so why not ey? :-p
  22. Looks okay.Got bored of AC 1 + 2 before actually finishing them. Nothing that new to do after a while, apart from climb every building, do every sidequest, and then get bored of Counterattacking.Oh well, it looks like it might have a few new features, and they will eventually get my hard earned cash, just probably not on release day.
  23. In theory.Any recruitment runs i have done have gained 3-4 members, with none of them sticking around or using the forums. Still, im all for taking part my friends.
  24. Liked the first Borderlands, but always felt i was under-powered at times. So dunno, might pick it up.
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