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Everything posted by Tynisa

  1. Ah, thanks. At least they came clean, makes more sense than hiding it. Guess its back to using SK for me then. Thanks.
  2. I seem to have been ignored for over 3 posts. So i will try again.Weeble, discuss.
  3. Title: Still usable? I heard it got hacked, or something retarded like that.So, is it still useable? I dont like having to switch screens to check player stats, or use the IRC. Kinda gay.
  4. HA! Updated with my spelling typo, that i noticed, NJAHAHAHAHAHA!Being picky is not fun, and i am not proud.--SUP BRO'S. I will try and log in to cheer each and everyone of you on.-----------Group 3, It seems like a rough time, but i want in.(I'll be using SoF lamps only! YEAH)
  5. Euh, okay. Do me a favour, if you write me a draft post out (So i can Ctrl + C, Ctrl + V it), and tell me where to post it - i will gladly keep the list up to date via the impressive edit button.I dont mind coming up with a format of what we are compiling, i guess it will just have to develop as time goes along.--Wtf is Raidcall. - Raidcall is like Teamspeak, yeah, i has google.
  6. 1350 ELO in League without really trying. We should do this.Honestly though, if there is a post somewhere where people can post "What they play, and on what console" - of which someone then compiles all of this into the very first post, so people know who is playing what, that would be awesome.--I would do this, and i could, if it was needed - it wouldn't take that much effort to compile.Event-wise, i'd hope would could organise even a mass "gaming time" where people might not be playing the same game, but could still use TS/Mumble/Etc to chat with eachother.--Reason i left RS is because nobody even types to eachother that much anymore, but in LoL you literally have to have a way of talking to eachother to even play they game properly, and this in itself creates a lot of hilarity.--I've gone off topic. My bad.
  7. Maniac is, but Maniarch? Not so sure.
  8. I dont even know how you skill so much.You are a brave soul.
  9. Looks good to me, hope you get some participants.I won't be, because i don't play enough .. :-PI dont think Maniach is a word.
  10. Bulletstorm.So BS.--Runescape. Its not even fun, all you do is sit there clicking the same shit over and over for no reason other than for your screen to say "99"FUCK YOU JAGEX.
  11. I got the massive thieving XP one instead of 200m, i was annoyed too.
  12. It makes people want to gamble. If i was a newer member, who had less In-game cash, i'd pop a quick £5-10 to try and hit up some of these amulets.Thing is, its just Jagex's way of RWT, but your chances of getting what you deserve are severely lowered. The price used to be like $1 for a mil, so if anyone spends more than $5 and DOESNT get their 5m, Jagex wins.Based on these facts, "The house always wins"
  13. That one that looks like 4 balls stuck together, that is useless.Weeble, maybe.
  14. Tynisa

    Clan Citadel

    You guys, are prosWell done sexies.
  15. Thanks mate, happy days. 99 Mage ftw!
  16. Enjoy my young friend, it seems you have done your previous position rather well, i logged in yesterday, and there were over 10 people in the clan chat!:-OGrats.
  17. I know i dont post this here, but someone give me my 99 Mage forum sticker badge button thing
  18. Why rub it in that i overspent on getting 99 mage by 200k.This is Bullshit, i didn't know it was free XP, and i didnt know you could SPLIT IT.PFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFT.Lock and delete this topic.
  20. Brad likes this post, ey!Ima have dem works with this Bradley chap, maybe rough him up a little. Then we will see who will be liking Dan's mean posts.
  22. I just wanna be popular. MW3 Sucks.
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