Drop the Nashor, Drop the FH, Drop the tri-force.Build Doran, Kages, DFG, Then its situational - Abyssal Scepter for tankyness and a team aura, Rabadons if your snowballing ahead.The full AP build means your ult will hit in an AoE for around 30-50% of peoples MAX HP instantly, in just one spell. Throw in a DFG beforehand on a squishy member, and thats an instant 4v5 with only two of your spells down.Your build can carry, its tanky and has sustained damage - but at the same time, you will still have low HP - so having sustained damage is kinda pointless. Eve is a melee Autoattacker, and being squishy is not a good combo.You are better off building AP, spamming q while kiting people, instead of trying to auto them.