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Everything posted by Tynisa

  1. Dis be true. Coulda, shoulda.Oh well, for the brief moment i laughed, and i laughed well.
  2. YES.The Bane part made me laugh hard.Enjoyed this. South park's are usually hit and miss with me. This one was a hit though.:-D
  3. I was too scared to be in the middle of the fight, because i was an archer. By the time they kill something, someone else had always grabbed the loot.The only items i ever got were t6 for characters i dont even own.----Is there anything to actually do when you hit 20, apart from run around and hope for an item?
  4. I got to level 20, got on a fame train and didnt really understand where the fun was.I wasnt strong enough to kill anyone solo, but i would never get any items in a group.zzzzz
  5. Same problem.Its still funny with friends on teamspeak though. I think it was the teamspeak aspect that kept us laughing.
  6. Indeed my friend, indeed.Although you can translate what i said into a "life" thing if you want.
  7. Arr.Shit happens, in order to carry you have to ask yourself "What could i have done better"I used to blame everyone but myself, and thats why i couldn't break out of 1200 ELO. Then after every game i thought about what i could have done differently, and there is ALWAYS something you could have done that would have changed the game.This be how to carry. If WW doesnt gank, do it yourself. Time enemy buffs, steal them with your ult AND kill the jungler while he is doing it.Things like this change games. Its no good getting fed and doing nothing with it.
  8. Drop the Nashor, Drop the FH, Drop the tri-force.Build Doran, Kages, DFG, Then its situational - Abyssal Scepter for tankyness and a team aura, Rabadons if your snowballing ahead.The full AP build means your ult will hit in an AoE for around 30-50% of peoples MAX HP instantly, in just one spell. Throw in a DFG beforehand on a squishy member, and thats an instant 4v5 with only two of your spells down.Your build can carry, its tanky and has sustained damage - but at the same time, you will still have low HP - so having sustained damage is kinda pointless. Eve is a melee Autoattacker, and being squishy is not a good combo.You are better off building AP, spamming q while kiting people, instead of trying to auto them.
  9. Im 99% sure my account got transferred from Classic to RS2, hence why i got the classic cape without having to log into classic during that two week period, thing.Dunno tho, if they reset my account i would have literally no reason to play.Im sure OTHER people would also have no reason to start all over - guess it depends how big the changes are.W/E, sounds stupid.
  10. A bunch of guys talking about their tans.No homo?
  11. I C I C!I got on a train today, and got owned by a sphinx. Lololol.I don't think i should join a train, but meh, whatever, it was fun.
  12. I see.Whats the point of the earthquake, and why does it occur?
  13. Yeah.. Im getting there.Tips?I go in a cave, i kill a few quest bosses, maybe do the pirate cave, but then shit gets heavy, the world starts rocking and i end up in a place where a LOT of people die.AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
  14. Kingdom Hearts one was k, never really got into any of the others - mostly because the first one was kinda just a smash buttons ftw. Then again, thinking back as i write this, i enjoyed it.Nintendo kinda suck anyways, never had much time for their games.Don't know or care who Romney is.
  15. How i play with other peoples?1?
  16. Will get this.Is there a specific server or what?
  18. http://www.kongregate.com/games/kingk/dream-world?kv_sn=2Its shit, but good.Nothing new, nothing special.Brad is hooked. Haha.
  19. 94 or 96. I really don't know.Might stick it onto Agility. Less to concentrate on.-----Edit: I used it to get my skills to rounded numbers. It makes me look a bit prettier.Majority went on Agility though.
  20. Lol, i kinda understand where the analogy is going. Thing is, along with the people who are all pleasant lovely people, there are the people who think its cool to burn Poppy's on Remembrance day. Problem is, how is anyone supposed to know the difference?I vote people have to wear a sign.--Its not that over the top in the UK, but there are a lot of "new" people here, and in an ideal world, i'd just like everyone to get along.
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