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Everything posted by Tynisa

  1. You forgot how to level the "Fucking Hookers" skill. Its not that hard, however the chance to get diseases that lower your other stats is quite high. First walk down any street at night, the bigger cities have the best variety of hookers to choose from, and thus make for quicker leveling. You can nail one, and then quickly find another without walking the streets for a couple minutes to secure your next romp. If you have "Appeal" at 100, you can nail two bitches at once, which will make your leveling twice as fast (duh). Always go for the hookers that are below age 39, at 40 they turn into MILFs, and give less xp per shag. Anyway, always buy extra rubber from the general store, and craft "man-sheathes" in order to avoid STDs such as "alchemy crotch" and "smithing penis". These will lower your stats according to how many bitches you have porked, so if you have porked 50 bitches, be ready to lose some mega stats. You could however gain "Clap of the runner" which gives you a +10 boost to speed, or "Stinky fingers" which will increase your bow handling by +15. ---- Add this pls, i worked hard on these stats.
  2. I've got some meat you can shift for me. IN MY PANTS! ahahahhahaahahahhahaahahahahahahahahahaha i made a funny.
  3. I didnt win for a whole year?1 This is bad news. I vote Bush.
  4. Tynisa

    Anyone here?

    Give it a shot, if it dies, it dies. Its not like everyone is jumping up to give a shit. We still have the forums, and hopefully with the advertisements David is making enough cash to keep elder souls afloat. GL brother, but dont worry yourself over it.
  5. Tynisa

    Anyone here?

    YOU CAN DOO ITTTT. Said the man in all those Adam Sandler films. ---- I believe in you, thirster of death. Do you believe?
  6. I just didnt like the fact i couldnt have constant haste in the first of the series. Thats why i didnt finish it or play another one of them. Its like, i didnt get haste in the other FF's to make the game easier, just to make battles pass faster. With this taken away from me, i feel like i am giving extra time for no reason. Unless im missing something. zzz
  7. I <3 Anne Hathaway. She is not Lesbian, for if she was, she could not be searching the universe to find me, like she is doing now.
  8. Apro po. Dunno how its spelt, but thats about all the latin i know. French and German. VERY small amounts, and mostly useless things like "Mushrooms" or "Which way to the stadium" zzz
  9. Love FF7 so much. One of the first RPG's i ever played as a kid. Enjoyed it a lot. I wonder if it will be a different experience now i have 10 + years under my belt since last time? Hmm.
  10. I post here as often as i can. That is all i can offer. Good luck though my friend.
  11. Havent even logged in for a long time. Got no reason to.
  12. If i order £16-19, i give him a £20. If i order £11-14, i give him £15. Basically, its a lucky dip and depends on how lazy im feeling.
  13. Is CoD any good then? I guess its not, but then again i've never been a CoD fan since they can make 1b, but then NOT pay for dedicated servers. Who does that? GoW3 is a more impressive online experience for me, just because it actually has dedi servers, same as BF2, and BF3. Meh.
  14. Indeed, I dont quite get how they are going to fit in the daughter of the town mayor, if she got the pin from an old bitch. Wierd. Oh well, the second film is prob gonna be my favourite, so i hope they tie it in somehow.
  15. James Bond is kinda gay. I will watch them, but i dont rush to see them when they first come out.
  16. I did the same, film wasnt that bad. It wasn't amazing though. I dont know why they changed the bit about how she got the mockingjay pin, that annoyed me. --- 300
  17. Im always up for RMOTG. Im dsylexic. <-- See what i did?
  18. HARRO! WHA U WAAA???? Welcome.
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