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Everything posted by Tynisa

  1. I think they will cope bro.--Love you.
  2. YOU DID WHAT BRO???That is SO NOT FUCKING COOL. I mean, i have problems with my GF, but i would never just kill her and get another. I would just, you know, ask her to leave. You should be in jail bro.
  3. Did you even try with this marriage?Did you take her out to dinner, buy a lovely bottle of wine, get her some new sexy underwear and really try?This is why the world is failing, too many people just kill their wife and hope a courier will solve their problems.I hope for the world's sake you cannot remarry, and that every woman knows what you did to your last!
  4. Get an Iphone Bro.Blackberrys are so 1950's.--I did not read this post.
  5. I woulda got 99 Mage, but jagex gave me a free 350k XP.DUPING MOTHERFO'RS
  6. U WAN2 FITE BRO?????--Really though, as if i know what promisisisisassary means. Jagex duped me. I want my 98 mage back.
  7. So yesterday night i log onto RS to use my 3x spins on SoF.In my inventory is something called a promosisisosry note. Im confused by this note, but hey, its a note after all, so i open it!To my suprise, it seems as if Jagex are going to give me 350K worth of XP to one skill. Obviously, jagex have NEVER doing anything like this, so im a bit confused, and assume when i click to give myself 350k mage XP, i'll have to do soemthing inane to get the reward.Anyway, this retarded note gives me 350k to my Magic skill - i was only 140k off at this time, i was just doing it for shits and giggles to see if i would actually achieve FREE XP.So, i did, i got 99 Mage, and im upset because of it.No party for me.JAGEX IS NOT BE MY FRIEND.
  8. I am joking, i dont need 10,000 Sharks for training on level 3 goblins at Lumbridge.I NEED 20,000! NJAHAHAHAHA
  9. What you no replys to my 10,000 sharkies order?! Sadfaic.
  10. You forgot High Priestess Shakalakabingbong, Far Northen Hemisphere.
  12. Whats that website where i can check whether a game will run on my piece of shit laptop?
  13. 13 Views no replies.This forum be dead, or your all scared of my manliness.
  14. I need 10,000 Sharks for my task in the .. um .. let's see, somewhere convincing, somewhere dangerous .. uh .. level 3 goblins at lumbridge castle.Cya soon.
  15. Long post, didnt read it all.30 seconds of an advert to play for over an hour - at least. I cant be bothered to do the maths, but i'm sure its still near 99.8% of your time spent actually playing the game, not watching adverts.
  16. 3 spins per day, and its the only reason i log into RS for less than a minute - to spin that mo'fo'in wheel.Well, 7th day doing it, got a Fish Mask, laughed out loud at my free cash.4.5m if i wanted to convert it straight into gooooold, but i kept it, because i wanna look like a fucking fish bros.
  17. Sylvanian High Priestess Goat Herder
  18. Des.I dont understand how RS won't load for you.Uninstall Flash player, it should be in the usual Control Panel/Uninstall Programs.Then go to the RS website, and try and load RS - tell me what it says, it should say "Plugin not installed" or some shit close to that.From there you can either install Flash from the link the page will give you, or report here what it actually says, so someone can help you -theres only so much i know, but this method should give us an idea of what is fucked up.
  19. I like both in different ways.Any game with many shortcuts, your going to need a PC; and MMORPG's dont really exist on consoles - so i dont have much choice there.I prefer my xbox for chilling out, comfortably.In all honesty, if i had a better laptop/PC - i'd probably play every game i could on it, so yeah .. bring on cheap PC's
  20. Fight as a clan until we are all dead in the first 15 seconds, then go back to whatever we were doing*--Just thought i would correct the plan.
  21. I just didnt like the fact haste lasted for only a few turns, as it were. Kinda made me sad, i loved haste because it made battle go faster, and they took that from me! -- I might give this new one a shot, it sounds interesting, more interesting than 13 was.
  22. Dunno if all the flaming has carried on from pages 1 and 2 because i got bored of reading the posts.Anyway, i'll hang around the forums, and donate if we need some extra cash - i dont play, so i dont know if its worth it, but im sure David wouldn't lead me down the garden path.
  23. Hmm, so by hack, you mean just changed your account email, and thus stolen an account with a bank they cannot access.WHAT FUN!---Have you run all your Anti-virus software, updated it, scanned computer? I believe that should find any suspicious keyloggers - but then again things have probably changed since my day.Honest though, you wont get any "new" content by starting again - just a boatload of leveling stuff again - but the second time, its more painful, because you already know how long it takes.
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