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Your still serving?

Hello there everyone! This is Blue speed aka Ghost aka Ghostthefox. This is mainly for people who have known me for awhile but if your new feel free to hit me up haha. Anywho...On May 7th 2013. I Walter re-enlisted into the military. Lol to make this entry incredibly short I'll just say that I knocked someone up. *cough* I'm currently stationed in Italy and you can figure out what the hells going on with that. I'll post an article :L http://www.armytimes.com/article/20140422/NEWS08/304220055/4-A

Blue speed

Blue speed

A Translation of the Daedric Script Around the Dark Anchor

After seeing all the theorycrafting threads last thursday, I thought "Come on, there's gotta be something for the lore enthusiasts." So, I spent the better part of the night translating the Daedric runes found circling the Dark Anchor on the recent developer gameplay video. I was hindered a little when, for some reason, some of the text was facing the inside of the circle, while the rest faced the outside of the same circle. I copied them facing the same way on the picture. I hope you guys find



RWBY Review

RWBY (pronounced Ruby) is the latest series from Roosterteeth Productions, the creators of popular web series such as; Red vs Blue, a comedy series created in the Halo game engine now in its 11th season; RT Shorts, A series of skits featuring some of the Staff members; RT Podcast, formally known as the Drunk Tank and has topped the iTunes charts several times; and much more. RWBY is a very different venture for Roosterteeth as it ventures into the anime style. Whether or not it is technically an



The Membership Boom of '13

April 20th. A magnificent day for history. 1534 – Jacques Cartier begins the voyage during which he discovers Canada and Labrador. 1792 – France declares war against the "King of Hungary and Bohemia", the beginning of French Revolutionary Wars. 1861 – American Civil War: Robert E. Lee resigns his commission in the United States Army in order to command the forces of the state of Virginia. 1918 – Manfred von Richthofen, aka The Red Baron, shoots down his 79th and 80th victims, his fina



Sword Art Online Review

Before I start I want to mention that any words underlined like this are words that have an explanation on my glossary page so you may want to have a look at that if you don't understand those words. So I've wanted to do this for a while, that is write about anime and manga, but it doesn't really belong as an article, nor does it exactly fit in with the theme of the rest of the site. Eventually it occurred to me that it would be perfect for a blog. And I recently started watching the perfect ser




There are several terms in Japanese (like most languages) that don't really have a direct English equivalent and instead need to be explained a bit more. So instead of explaining the full thing every time I want to use such a word in my blog entries I'll just use that word an then have a list of all those words and what they mean here. I would recommend just using this to refer to words that you might not understand rather than reading the whole thing. Anime and Manga A lot of people who aren't



OMFG I made a blog entry!

I used to have the most popular blog, with most views, comments and entries. I still have the most comments and entries, however that damn sloth wizard Traaginen have overtaken me. I'm so angry I called him Traaginen. Well, I'm not really angry. Yes I am. Maybe later. Anyways; I had a pretty though leg exercise today. I think I'll just sit in this chair for a few days, as I already barely can walk, and it's just going to get worse. Exams are coming up. I have to take one exam this year. Because

Eric the Bard

Eric the Bard

Everything about the present seems unknown

Well I can't believe the past couple weeks or months. I haven't been active here in such a long time. Well, I made my first welcome back guide for a post 1.9 update power-leveling. Recently I got back into Magic:The Gathering and have been playing Borderlands 2 like a cocaine addict. My main Assassin has over 19 days of game time and about 1,000+ items in my bank. I hope to get around to more builds for Skyrim and even Borderlands 2. I hope somebody can beat my record for hitting 251, as I cur

Unknown ProbLem

Unknown ProbLem

Pay No Attention To The Man Behind The Curtain

It's been a long time since I've bothered to document any changes/updates that have either been completed or are in the works. Mainly because no one ever reads/responds to these blogs. Since I miss the days of 2-3 new, original blog posts a week, I figured that I may as well take the plunge and post a quick one of my own. The Header Remember the days when navigation consisted of bookmarking "View New Content"? Pepperidge Farm remembers. Nothing really fancy here, but you knew that already. You




My duty as a Norwegian and my nightmares. Maybe not so much my nightmares anymore. I've never really liked skiing. The reason skiing isn't so bad anymore, is because I've learned how to go up-hill and doesn't fall in every down-hill anymore. I did before though. It was pretty horrible. It's kinda odd, because I'm the only one in my family that dislikes it so much, and my father is pretty good at it. I went skiing today, which you might have guessed. It was the first time this year, and I had for

Eric the Bard

Eric the Bard

The Most Popular Articles of ES - Jan '13

Since statistics are always interesting, I figured I'd post the following table highlighting the most popular articles on Elder Souls. I was going to sort them ALL by author and tally the views to create the biggest pissing-contest cluster-fuck possible. Sadly I lack any easy way to do this and am already procrastinating work, so I'll just do the top 12 (because screw top 10 lists). The following numbers are based off of the articles only, and do not take into account topic views (some of these



Playstation 3?

Does anyone have a ps3? I have black ops 2 and mw3 and red dead redemption and a few other games. Just looking to see if ps3 is popular on here?



Ongoing Home Page Updates

It's been awhile since I've worked on the site, so after having finished up the first round of midterm exams last week I figured I could donate a decent amount of time to it this weekend. Fortunately I've gotten a few things done! Home Page Updates Most of you probably haven't noticed the new, less-cluttered look for categories and article blocks. I wasn't sure if I liked it at first, but the look grew on me after I looked at the redundancy of the old double-boxed in style we used to have.



An update

So, I probably do have Wilson's disease. After having tiny parts of my liver removed and examined and several other tests, they have come to the conlcusion that I might have Wilson's disease. They are doing a test that will tell more certain if I do have it, however it can only confirm that I have it, and can not confirm that I don't have it... So I've started treatment today. The medicine will be sponsored by the state, however the first time I had to pay for it, and later get money back. The p

Eric the Bard

Eric the Bard

Day 1

hmm well im just gonna start by saying HEY!!!! well now thats said i will be posting most of the time, i dont know much about bloging lol but im gonna start here.



Skullgirls Review

Skullgirls Created by: Reverge Labs Skullgirls is the combined creation of renouned tournament player MikeZ along with the artistic and general ideas of Alax Ahad ( or 'o_8' as he is more commonly known ). MikeZ being a very well known BlazBlue player knows his fighting game mechanics. He understands what problems most fighting games have and what things work wonders. His tournament and just fighting game experience in general really shine through so many different parts of this game. The IPS (



New Home Page

Those of you who navigate to ElderSouls.com instead of having the forums bookmarked have probably noticed that we have a new home page installed at http://eldersouls.com/. I am MUCH happier with this new layout (although it is a ways from being finished), primarily because the width is fixed. Fixed width layouts allow every user to see the same design regardless of what screen size or resolution they're using; this makes designing something that looks halfway decent much better. It's also easily



Gallery and Blogs Updated

The Gallery and Blog applications have both been updated. Gallery had a rather massive overhaul and as a result there are some issues with the dark skin I'm aware of (though they're just visual and don't affect usability), so if you want to check out what it should/will look like use the Light skin. Hopefully I'll fix whatever issues there are relatively quickly. Here is a list of improvements; each bullet links to an in-depth write-up by IPB if anyone is interested. What's New for IP.Gallery In



Content Updates and Things I've Learned

Home Page I'm not sure if you've noticed, but I've recently begun turning what was previously our articles/content database into our new home page. You can see its current state by clicking here.My main goal is going to be to ultimately set that as our overall home page so that eldersouls.com redirects there instead of to the forum index as it does now. Obviously this is a ways off, and I need your help in choosing what feeds to have on the page. As of now, we have feeds for recent articles, top



The Hobbit - As in I just read it, I realize i'm a tad late.

Just read the hobbit this past week, and i must say its lived up to the "classic" hype. Quite frankly its been a while since I've enjoyed a fictional book so much. I'm always a lover of journeys and runescapish tales. (Fun fact, Mithril actually was a metal that originated from the Lord of the Rings) So, who doesnt enjoy reading a story about a midget with hairy feet? Lord knows I do From what I understand a major motion picture is coming out for this book, though I do not believe it will be a



Game Review: Final Fantasy XIII-2

When Final Fantasy XIII was released, the fans' reactions were very mixed. The reception was generally negative, however, and I see it as the Japanese version of Dragon Age II, except, you know, FFXIII came out first. Anyway, for that reason, it is a bit confusing as to why Square Enix would make a sequel to such a hated game. Despite the general dislike, I actually enjoyed XIII and picked myself up a copy of XIII-2. Needless to say, they have been listening to complaints, and XIII-2 delievers o



I did make the blog post after all!

Big Headline Croatia Not long ago I was in Croatia, on the island BraÄ. I was staying in a nice little town called Postira. It was very calm and not so focused on tourists, so there wasn't people trying to make you buy crap everywhere. On the other side of the island, on the other hand, it was like that, in the city/town Bol. It was a huge tourist place because of their beach. But I liked Postira far better. We couldn't find any sandy beaches though, i was just stony beaches. They were everywher

Eric the Bard

Eric the Bard

The begininng of the end?

Well, First off Dawnguard is amazing. and definitely has a wide variety of choices. The only problem, is basically to activate it, you need to wait. The Dawnguard will find you. you get in, find some coward who is nervous and what-not and asks you to walk with him. First Thoughts: Not a bad DLC, and the fact that Arrows were added (maybe due to 1.6, i don't know) makes it much better. off the bat, Base versions of Dragonbone are around +1-+5 damage to Daedric, putting Dragonbone at the top of th

Unknown ProbLem

Unknown ProbLem

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