THIS GUIDE IS FOR TOPLANE AND BOTLANE - MIDLANE HAS A SLIGHTLY DIFFERENT MIDSET. Do as this guide says, and the things outlined will not only help you win games a little more, but will help you not be as far behind a lot of other level 30 people. First thing to note, is that if you are bad, its okay, LoL has a "Hidden ELO" System for normal games, where you are generally matched against people who are of a similar level. So being bad is okay. HA. ----- LASTHITTING! Lasthit Read the word out loud, and lets analyse what we hear. Last - The final thing to happen. Hit - Attack. Put them together, you have the basis of what league of legends is. Hitting creeps in order to kill them, gain money, win game. - You want to hit the creeps on the final hit, the hit which will kill them. - From doing this, you gain lots of $$$$, much more than the zero $$ you would gain from NOT killing the creep. WHY?!?! do we do this, i hear you cry?! Why cannot we just auto attack and use our skills to kill everything in sight?!?! - BECAUSE THAT WILL PUSH LANE. YOU WILL DIE. HARASSING/KILLING!: I want to kill people! I know you do, i really do. However, some basic maths will show us its not worth it to kill people if it costs you the gold from creeps you are missing. 1 x Champion kill - 300g (First blood is 400g) 1 x Creep = 16/24 +/- depending on the game time. 6 x Creeps per wave - One super creep every 3/4th wave, i dunno - its worth 30g +/- (16 x 3) + (24 x 3) = 120g per wave +/- dependant on game time. So, what do we get from this info? - Well, if we farm every creep for 3 waves, we get a free champion kill. This calculation has not taken into account the XP gained from these creeps. If you go for a kill, generally its not clean, and you will have to recall, or face being in lane with low HP ready to be ganked. This is BADMODE. ----- BUT TYNISA WHAT ABOUT HARASSING, THIS SECTION SURELY DOESNT HAVE TWO SEPERATE WORDS FOR YOU TO JUST EXPLAIN ONE THING????? Harassing is a smart man's game. Inbetween farming, you can try and harass your lane opponent, or "Trade" with them. This consists of attacking your opponent with abilities, and autoattacks, in an attempt to do more damage to them, than you are taking from them. If this proceeds for long enough inbetween farming, eventually they will be low enough for you to go all in and KILL THEM FOR FREEEEEEEEEEE. Be wary of harassing with abilities that will push your lane, as you may endanger yourself and have just been better off farming. --------------------------- Quick tips: - Farm better than your lane opponent and don't die - you have won lane and you are WAY more useful. - Use for champion guides and builds BEFORE you play a champ. - If you care, has "Tier Lists" of how good champions are, and what are common picks by people - Its obviously not cut and shut, and just about every champ is viable, but it still helps to know whats worth learning. - Watch Livestreams if you get chance, and Tournaments are the best thing to watch, as they have commentary by people, and they explain most of what people are doing, and why lanes are winning. Playing can do so much, but its also good to learn by watching what other people do. --------------------- Im on LoL quite a bit, and im always happy to help people learn. Add me if you like: xTynisa on EU West.