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Everything posted by Tynisa

  1. Talk to me about how school effects anything?I go to work from 6am - 5pm, i get home, and if i dont go out to the pub, or to play football/squash/do something with my bitch GF, then i chec our TRR's site.I easily check this site over 4 times a week, and each day i manage to respond to a few posts, or maybe even start a few .. rather pointless posts.I don't get how school can make things any worse than my situation is.
  2. Maybe its salvageable. Maybe.Problem is, that the only people who use the forums are the older people, from back when i started, and before i started.I probably recognize around 2 people at most who joined after me and regularly use the forums. When things were good, it didnt matter, because the clan chat would be brimming with people, or at least i would have to use the scrollbar to see who is around.Runescape isn't dying, otherwise there wouldn't be over 100 servers, with 2-5 having permanently full status between peak hours. Anyone who thinks otherwise needs to think a little more.TRR itself has issues, which can only be resolved by a group of people who want TRR to thrive, not one person who says "I b recruit soonz"I wish i could find the energy to help properly within Runescape, but as it stands, its not really a fun game anymore, in fact, i never actually enjoyed Runescape itself i enjoyed it because i could talk to people, friends who i once played RS with, and had AMAZING times chugging around runescape doing events with, and really getting to know you guys. - This ain't there no more, hence why i fucked off to play League of Legends.I do hope its workable to get TRR back and properly active, all it takes is a few new faces who really want it. I mean REALLY want it, who wanna make time to do things for the greater good.
  3. Looks like we are done.We are a forum of people who happen to like to talk to eachother. Nothing more.
  4. I have no signature, which means my signature is the fact i do not have one.Which is kinda cool, all things considered.I deserve my 4 star rating, Or my 4 beards, or whatever i got.
  5. Thanks for the fun, well done shifty.
  6. Does that mean you have a massive handicap, Brad?HAHAHAHAHA...Im not funny.
  7. This be true.Its the potential of throwing someone off an edge, car doors, dustbins, etc that makes it fun for me.The combat itself is nice though, simple but varied enough that i dont get as bored as i would with AC.
  8. I always thought i had a Flash Gordon themed signature.It says something, im sure.
  9. Hmm.If its similar, but not as good, i dont know if i will enjoy it.Convince me?
  10. How similar to Arkham city is it, and is Arkham worth buying?
  11. I think i just used my lamp to gain XP in the skills.I didnt mean to, i was just trying to make my stats look even, and forgot about this race.Exclude me.
  12. Indeed. Not so many of us folk left.I do not play this game, but i fully enjoyed creating my Brad character, and if i did own this game, he would be my pawn. NJAHAHAHA
  13. Name: BradLevel: -150Class: BallsackGender: UnknownDescription: Hangs around the TRR forums looking for young girls to stalk - is always touching himself no matter what the situation may be.
  14. Nice.Its not bad at all, a small hidden gem in my books.The fighting is good fun, and interesting.Storyline is basic, but meh, thats life.Driving is kinda bad, feels kinda like "The Getaway" driving on PS2. Its not game breaking though, still playable.--Mini review by accident. Anyone else played it?
  15. I want it to be good.I just hold out little hope for it. None of the AC games have kept me occupied for long enough.
  16. I'd still have to spend time doing shit to get a rare though.Guess it will stay stale until the combat update - i guess thats one thing to come back for, at least for half an hour.
  17. Well, its finally over.I think i bought a 1 year subscription, maybe more .. i honestly don't know.Anyway, my runescape shit says i have less than a week of subscription left, so i guess that's it.I have literally no reason to log on to RS in a week's time - what the hell do i do with my shit?
  18. Is k. If bitches like it, you can exploit this. When bitches stop liking it, it will become uncool.
  19. Gangnam style isnt good or funny.ITS FUCKING BOTH BRO.Really, how can it not be?It's a great excuse to dance like a douchebag in the middle of the club dancefloor when you are drunk, and bitches love it.Thanks Psy.
  20. LIES!You have broken one of the ten commandments! You shall be banished to hell for all eternity!-o-o-o-o-My guess is now 4 total votes.
  21. Xbox, PS3, PC?That info is quite probably vital in order for someone to help you.
  22. Played a Mario + Luigi game with a friend.The stage was setup something like: ---- ---- o o -------------------------------the o's are boxes.the aim was to fight turtles, and other such things - this small .. repetetive game was hilarious.I think it was the multiplayer part of Mario Allstars, but i cannot be sure.
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