Clan Communication Servers: RAIDCALL: -Simply download it here : http://www.raidcall....d-raidcall.html -There is also a version for Mac floating around, but I think its 3rd party -Register an account -Search for our channel id : 5037732 : in the top left corner -You should be connected to ESChat -Dont forget to favourite our channel so its easier to find next time! Communications (Send PM's for more info if not enclosed): Tynisa - Skype, Ventrillo, TeamSpeak. Fergal - PSN: ZohanDaGreat Steam: webmonkeyire Brad - Skype, Teamspeak, Raidcall, IRC, Steam: braderz8 Eric Bloodaxe: Skype: Baardakus, Ventrillo Steam: Olbitt or CQ23 Snuggles: IRC - Contact for more information about other systems. XBL GT:KoloradoKush420 Daniel: Skype, IRC, Ventrillo, Facebook Blexun: Steam: Captain No Pants. Traaginen: Vent, Teamspeak, IRC, PSN: Wolverine408, Steam: Traaginen Deathirst: XBL: BoneyDeathirst, IRC Squishyman: PSN: kkjwsmith Playstation 3: Battlefield 3: Fergal Call Of Duty 4: Fergal Modern Warfare 2: Fergal, Daniel Modern Warfare 3: Daniel Black Ops: Fergal, Daniel, Traaginin NCAA Football 13: Traaginen Dungeon Defenders: Squishyman Fat Princess: Squishyman Dust 517: Squishyman Dynasty Warriors 7: Squishyman Demon Souls: Squishyman Dark Souls: Squishyman Little Big Planet 2: Squishyman Modnation Racers: Squishyman Mirrors Edge: Squishyman Unreal Tournament 3: Squishyman Portal 2: Squishyman Borderlands: Squishyman Xbox 360: Gears of War 3: Tynisa, Brad Call of Duty's: Brad, Snuggles, Daniel Battlefield 2: Tynisa, Daniel Battlefield 3: Brad, Snuggles, "Poss Tynisa if re-buys" FIFA's: Brad Halo's: Brad, Snuggles, Deathirst Borderlands: Tynisa, Brad, Snuggles Super Monday Night Combat: Brad Resident Evil 5: Snuggles Skullgirls: Snuggles Street Fighter 3: Snuggles Castle Crashers: Snuggles Super Street Fighter 4: Snuggles(No DLC) Left for Dead's: Snuggles, Deathirst Mortal Kombat 9: Snuggles Armored Core 4: Snuggles Forza's: Daniel Resident Evil's: Daniel Mass Effect 3: Daniel F1 2012: Daniel Guitar Hero 3/Heroes of Rock: Daniel Assassin's Creed's: Deathirst PC: League of Legends: Tynisa, Brad, Daniel Counter Strike's: Fergal, Eric Baxe, Labush Team Fortress: Brad, Blexun Guild Wards 2: Brad, Eric Baxe, Daniel Diablo 3: Brad Portal: Brad Minecraft: Eric Baxe, Daniel, xboxyoyo (1.3.2 cracked version), Deathirst Terraria: Eric Baxe MateriaMagica: Snuggles Tekkit: Daniel Realm of the mad God: Blexun, Squishy, Brad Spiral Knights: Blexun Garry's Mod: Blexun Civilization V: Traaginen Heroes of Newerth: Labush Wii: Super Smash Bros: Snuggles, Squishyman Pokemon something shit; Squishyman