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Everything posted by Tynisa

  1. Someone stole your telephone wire.Best thing ever. Not for you, but from a humorous point of view, someone walked into your house, or to the outside of your house, and the most valuable thing worth stealing was a length of £5 wire.Or this person was on smack.I do not know which. My first version is slightly funnier though.Come back soon.
  2. How can you fish for so long without crying? D:
  3. Rainbow. Zippy Bungle and George are fucking awesome.
  4. Shortened your post to make for an easier read , but have hopefully not forgotten the full details, lolol,1. No idea, its just what i heard :-P2. You can "deny" creeps and XP if you have gotten ahead in the laning phase far enough by harassing your opposing laner to a point where they can't lasthit creeps without taking too much harass. - Its not exactly that simple, but the theory is there.I still don't quite understand how being able to lasthit your own creeps makes any sense, and would like it explained in more detail if you don't mind.3. Same. Early/Midgame/Endgame champs exist - But its not usually the be all and end all to a teamcomp, it can be based on quite a few factors. Eg. Laning, Teamfights, Synergy, Viability - but im sure that would be the same in any of these games?4. Suppose there are always going to be champions that are the same, but surely there are enough champs that are equally different to balance it out.5. Community is bad, agreed. You can ignore people ingame though, or at least, i thought you could, i'd have to research it. True though that leavers and feeders should be punished better, but if your good enough, you can still carry out of that hell hole - and to me, its actually kinda fun testing my limits of patience and skill.6. Hero's do take ages to aquire, or you need quite a bit of cash, so we are fully agreed :-P7. To Labuuuuushshshshhhh. Ingame teamspeak sounds AWESOME, and i wish LoL had it. Njaha.8. Another for Labush, Bushes making you invis - your only invis if you dont have an ability on you that makes your visible - Eg Nidalee Traps, Lee Sins ... "E" Or the bush is warded. This makes for a few interesting bits of strategy.Eg. You can go into a bush, and as another person enters it, run out - this usually means they will misclick you, and gives you a juking option. --This post also makes points about a couple of Labush's posts, i just couldnt be bothered to quote everything.My apologies if i have answered to any of things things slightly askew, im kinda tired.--Quick one, can you ward things in HoN and Dota?
  5. 3 games, 3 MOBA's.Let's talk.I prefer LoL, yet i havent played the others, so maybe i dont know the difference. I only know about things i have heard about both of these games.HoN is darkDota2 is a lot slower to start up in actual action, as farming is paramount in the early levelsDota/hon you can lasthit your own creeps, or something along these lines?Anyway, i wanted to have a fun discussion about these three games, and why people play/don't play one or the other.Preferably dont turn it into a flame fest, more just a general manly discussion. Not expecting flames though .. we have quite a nice community.--I like LoL because of the ranked 5's. There is a lot of team composition/laning strategys, and the different timings of champion picking in the draft part of a game is fun.I havent exactly gone in-depth about why i play LoL, but im sure i can elaborate if we get soem responses going.
  6. Pig is the correct name, yes! D:And yeah, Kenshi, thats the guy. Lol. Kinda gathered freddy was built for the zoning, kinda fun to watch, ish.Get back on the horse so i can spectate your ass.
  7. Thanks for the replies guys.Im honestly not up to date on most console games, hence why i thought some were single player - Mass Effect 3 for example?I can agree that keeping some of the older games is a good idea, and its not exactly a problem, for me to compile them, lol.Looks like they are staying. happy days.I dont think we have a vent or a TS server - however we can use the public TS/vent servers, if they exist, and if we have enough interest im sure a few people could put together to make a pot for a server of our own.Edit: Blue Speed did have a server for us a while ago - dont know if its still used or even paid for?
  8. Thanks man, i think i get all of that jargon. Tahaha.
  9. I didnt need to quote all this, but i did anyway.Okay, i can't honestly remember names, because i was just watching randomly over the weekend inbetween League of Legends streams.I think the Freddy player eventually lost, and in the finals it was Kabal vs that ninja bloke who can attack people with spectral images of himself, i think he is blind?Freddy just zoned, and kept comboing his stupid claw outta the ground for big combos.You going to anymore MLG's? I will keep an eye out for you.
  10. What was your "gamertag" thing at MLG Raleigh.I watched quite a bit of the Soul Calibur IV (or VI) and MK9. That Freddy Kreuger guy was funny to watch,
  11. Yeah - Can't run it. One day i will gain a better computer. One day.
  12. Please read the Gaming Community V2 First post and Re when possible. And anyone who hasn't posted, please do so :-P

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Tynisa


      Played it once for 5 minutes. Stopped playing it because i hated the controls on Sexybox

    3. Blake
    4. Tynisa


      I will lick your bum if you do. ^

  13. Diablo III stole my LoL friends for about 2 weeks.Then they nerfs Attack Speed, or something - making some of their champs un-viable, and they all returned to LoL.YAY BLIZZARD.
  14. Aliath was fun as fuck. Same as Terra was. Blah, mesa want peoples back tooooo.
  15. So if i play with someone else who is from the USA, we will both be using different dedicated servers, and thus playing together is perfectly viable?I never fully understood dedi servers, but they were the reason i loved GoW3 so much, level playing fields are awesome.
  16. You worry me. A lot.I want Heated Deus located, or Zeus - though im sure Zeus quit fully.
  17. I just thought the Wii was for small children. :-PApart from SSBB, since its the only game i own that i actually still play.
  18. I would be willing to play again. My gamertag is Bovine Bear, i never got into BF3, played it a little and quit because i couldnt be bothered to learn the maps again.Check my BF2 stats if you want any indication about me and my playstyle - i usually fly solo.From the UK though, so i dont know if its viable.
  19. Clan Communication Servers: RAIDCALL: -Simply download it here : http://www.raidcall....d-raidcall.html -There is also a version for Mac floating around, but I think its 3rd party -Register an account -Search for our channel id : 5037732 : in the top left corner -You should be connected to ESChat -Dont forget to favourite our channel so its easier to find next time! Communications (Send PM's for more info if not enclosed): Tynisa - Skype, Ventrillo, TeamSpeak. Fergal - PSN: ZohanDaGreat Steam: webmonkeyire Brad - Skype, Teamspeak, Raidcall, IRC, Steam: braderz8 Eric Bloodaxe: Skype: Baardakus, Ventrillo Steam: Olbitt or CQ23 Snuggles: IRC - Contact for more information about other systems. XBL GT:KoloradoKush420 Daniel: Skype, IRC, Ventrillo, Facebook Blexun: Steam: Captain No Pants. Traaginen: Vent, Teamspeak, IRC, PSN: Wolverine408, Steam: Traaginen Deathirst: XBL: BoneyDeathirst, IRC Squishyman: PSN: kkjwsmith Playstation 3: Battlefield 3: Fergal Call Of Duty 4: Fergal Modern Warfare 2: Fergal, Daniel Modern Warfare 3: Daniel Black Ops: Fergal, Daniel, Traaginin NCAA Football 13: Traaginen Dungeon Defenders: Squishyman Fat Princess: Squishyman Dust 517: Squishyman Dynasty Warriors 7: Squishyman Demon Souls: Squishyman Dark Souls: Squishyman Little Big Planet 2: Squishyman Modnation Racers: Squishyman Mirrors Edge: Squishyman Unreal Tournament 3: Squishyman Portal 2: Squishyman Borderlands: Squishyman Xbox 360: Gears of War 3: Tynisa, Brad Call of Duty's: Brad, Snuggles, Daniel Battlefield 2: Tynisa, Daniel Battlefield 3: Brad, Snuggles, "Poss Tynisa if re-buys" FIFA's: Brad Halo's: Brad, Snuggles, Deathirst Borderlands: Tynisa, Brad, Snuggles Super Monday Night Combat: Brad Resident Evil 5: Snuggles Skullgirls: Snuggles Street Fighter 3: Snuggles Castle Crashers: Snuggles Super Street Fighter 4: Snuggles(No DLC) Left for Dead's: Snuggles, Deathirst Mortal Kombat 9: Snuggles Armored Core 4: Snuggles Forza's: Daniel Resident Evil's: Daniel Mass Effect 3: Daniel F1 2012: Daniel Guitar Hero 3/Heroes of Rock: Daniel Assassin's Creed's: Deathirst PC: League of Legends: Tynisa, Brad, Daniel Counter Strike's: Fergal, Eric Baxe, Labush Team Fortress: Brad, Blexun Guild Wards 2: Brad, Eric Baxe, Daniel Diablo 3: Brad Portal: Brad Minecraft: Eric Baxe, Daniel, xboxyoyo (1.3.2 cracked version), Deathirst Terraria: Eric Baxe MateriaMagica: Snuggles Tekkit: Daniel Realm of the mad God: Blexun, Squishy, Brad Spiral Knights: Blexun Garry's Mod: Blexun Civilization V: Traaginen Heroes of Newerth: Labush Wii: Super Smash Bros: Snuggles, Squishyman Pokemon something shit; Squishyman
  20. So Brad blagged me into doing this, so here goes.This post is for compiling all the games that people play, i have no idea exactly what the best way to do this layout-wise - but i will learn as time passes.Im trying to keep the form kinda short, and keep only the "mainstream" stuff, that people would probably group together to play.The point of all this is:- To find people who play the same games as you - and potentially play with them.- Possibly to find a new game, that you have never played before!- Events based on gaming together, not just RS.----------Please reply with ONLY this form,Owned Communications:Playstation 3:Xbox 360:PC:Other:-------------------Im pretty sure that small copy and pasteable form is self explanatory.------------------Events don't have to just be based on playing one game together, we can have a "PC GAMING TIME" where we designate a time we are all going to get on a communication system, and play any game we fancy playing at the same time.If anyone thinks i should add anything to this post, please feel free to send me a PM.------------------Updates:13/09/12 - I will be changing the format sometime this weekend if i can be bothered, so don't be alarmed by its current state; i shall try and make it more pretty, if i can be bothered.19/09/12 - Added Brad's Raidcall thing
  21. I lied about doing this today. Been doing 5am starts all week, and im shattered today. If i dont get to start this on Friday, i have all day Saturday to do nothing.I'd rather do it properly to start with than make a half hearted effort.
  22. I'll work on a post tomorrow to compile this, and to ask people for what games they play. Do you think we should include "ways to get in touch - other than RS", such as Vent, TS, XBL, PSN .. Etc?
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