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Everything posted by Blake

  1. Well we have a guide written by myself on this very topic which is located here.http://eldersouls.com/page/index.html/_/guides/skyrim/boosting-armor-weapon-and-item-stats-r20Just to summarize on come key points, I would recommend getting 80 alchemy and getting all 5 tiers of the Alchemist Perk. Getting that and doing the method on the guide will totally max out your gear. However, if you don't want to get 20 more levels in Alchemy, I recommend going to Alchemy shop to Alchemy shop until you find an effective Fortify Enchanting potion (20% better or 25% better recommended) and an effective Fortify Smithing potion (40% better or 50% better are recommended). Then, with 4 grand soul gems, drink the Fortify Enchanting potion and immediately enchant a necklace, ring, gloves, and chest item with Fortify Smithing. Then wear your newly made Fortify Smithing gear and drink your Fortify Smithing potion and immediately craft your weapons and armor. This is pretty much the simplified version of the method used in that guide.
  2. Meh argument for another place and time.
  3. Is that arguement solely referring to graphics or something else as well?
  4. I guess you were one of the hundreds of whiners who didn't like the new Barrows look?
  5. Yeah, but for some reason, I didn't mind it as much in Oblivion because the outside area would be pre-loaded because it was the last area you were in.I guess the real reason is that fast traveling is always from outside area to another outside area. The more probable answer is fast traveling=flying and roofs are hard to come by in skyrim.
  6. The one with the cannibals and House of Horrors have the best tone. Sheogorath is my favorite because he is just so refreshing.
  7. He is talking strictly about the items, just like the topic is about.
  8. DS pretty much out does PSP in handhelds anyway. None the less, I'm to old for handhelds.
  9. Buy members on Runescape. That is my plan.
  10. Bolts that can target certain body parts? I guess one can truly take one to the knee.
  11. I forgot how hilarious this was

  12. When I played, I always heard Rs News from their website as opposed to the forums. BUT we had some good discussions from Rs News topics, so why not?
  13. I've heard of it but never read into it. EDUCATE ME!!
  14. If I remember correctly, Babette will mention something along the lines of "first we want Cicero dead and now everything is okay?" (not even a close quote, but that is the gist of what she says). Nazir will mention something like "I didn't think you killed him. If he's fine by you then he's fine by me" (again, that's a summary).
  15. You just lie and say you killed him and you go on with the main quest. Afterwards, when you first meet Nazir and Babette at the Dawnstar Sanctuary and leave, he'll walk up and pretend he's going to attack you, then laughs and says he's going to resume his role as the Keeper or whatever it's called.
  16. Bruma. I think the guy is named Baellin. I remember that because his servant, Grogg, was crying in that bar afterwards.Yeah Skyrim easily beats Oblivion story wise and the general feel of it; creepier, etc. I don't care too much about the variety of missions, but Oblivion obviously had more. Yeah Nazir handed out task, but there was no bonus or special method involved in those, so I don't enjoy them as much.
  17. PC has the most potential because it can always be updated, console commands, and mods. My biggest fear when buying Steam products and other online games is my computer can't run it. Then I'll be like Fergal. We don't want that. With consoles I don't have to worry about buying games I can't run. WYSIWYG my friend.
  18. Me and Nuggeh used to play one. Then it broke. And that is the end of that.
  19. I was concerned when I thought he heard an ambulance. Thank god it was just the Motherfucking Truth Siren.
  20. At first I thought it was some sort of Skyrim/Assassin's Creed merge. And it isn't really medieval robes, just their uniform. I agree it's kind of out of place feeling, especially since he has a bow and arrow, but also a gun.
  21. I don't see them making too many games after this one, so I don't think they'll travel much closer to present day. The only exception would be any Desmond missions where you aren't in the Animus, which are pretty much guaranteed to happen.The fact that it's more modern doesn't bug me. That is kind of what the story is all about. My complaint is the cover character looks awkwardly out of place. Again though, that is kind of part of the story, just bugs me. Also, I hate all of the range weapons, so I'll probably just go back to neglecting guns unless absolutely necessary.
  22. Maybe people are selling because they think SoF will ruin the economy. So, it's all their fault.
  23. Blake

    Assassins Creed 3 Cover

    I just ate a Kellog's protein bar and a cup of milk, that is how pumped I am. Interesting concept to have it set in the Revolutionary War.
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