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Everything posted by Blake

  1. Screw you. I love Desmond.Also, I seriously doubt the Grand Canyon will be added since the first Americans to really explore and settle around there was James Pattie in like 1820something, A good 50 years after the events of ACIII
  2. I think Oblivion's landscape was more diverse and beautiful. I especially liked the Imperial City, which tbh, I don't think I've ever explored that entirely. I guess what I want to see is a game that looks as good as Skyrim, probably better graphics by the next installment, but a more diverse and interesting environment.Also, I'm still kind of confused by Oblivion's stat and skill system while I found Skyrim's stat and skill system to be overly easy. Still preferred the simplicity of Skyrim's than the mind-fuckitude of Oblivion's, but maybe a more complicated system with perks.Biggest complaint with Oblivion is was the repetitive nature of the dialogue. It seems everybody in Cyrodill was soo interested in Kvatch months after it got torched. Skyrim did a great job adding loads of unique dialogue, but the characters didn't talk to each other as much. Again, a combination of these two things will be nice.Lastly, an improved magic combat system, separation of body and legs, and the special niche (Oblivion gates for Oblivion and dragons for Skyrim) to not be annoying.
  3. This can just be the LOTR topic. I'm not a cruel person D: I was talking about the books. Speaking of which, I'm kind of pumped to see The Hobbit
  4. This site has all the features I care about. No real reason to fund two different sites. Only potential complaint is it may be a bit difficult to navigate to the TRR part of the website.
  5. Very true about humans being weak, but consider that Deagol found the ring while fishing with Smeagol (both of them hobbits). Smeagol, who didn't even come in contact with it, fought and murdered Deagol when he refused to give it to him. Also, Sam lingered a bit when handing the ring to Frodo (after Frodo was poisoned by the spider and taken to that Orc place). I think Frodo was just more strong willed than anybody else, who probably wouldn't of willingly taken the ring to its destruction as far as he did.And as far as Saruman goes, he convinced the Ents to let him go after the ring was destroyed. He travels with Grima Wormtongue to the Shire. When he arrives there, he sees that his men and Orcs have already taken it over, so he secretly starts governing it. Later Frodo and friends lead a rebellion, exposes Saruman's role in all of this, and takes back the Shire. They let him live, even though Frodo was almost killed by Saruman, but Wormtoungue kills Saruman after being kicked and abused again. I would also like to apologize for once again aiding in a thread heading off topic, but you have to admit this is a high quality discussion.
  6. Yeah true, I mean Frodo willingly handed it to Gandalf when he first had it in Bilbo's house. Then again, the person who first killed Sauron had the ring for a relatively short time, from the time he chopped off his hand to the walk up the volcano, and he still didn't throw it in.
  7. I always wanted to assinate a bear.Shaping up to be pretty epic. Not sure how I feel about navigating the wild terrain as opposed to the cities, but Boston and New York looks promising as far as cities go.
  8. Not sure if it's said out right, but in the book the eagles follow some Valar that prevent them from interacting in wars and such unless they want to. Besides this, you have to remember that Sauron has those Narguls (flying dragon things), he is able to paralyze by staring at people, and Frodo probably wouldn't of been able to build a resistance to the ring in that short flight. I mean Frodo carried the ring for months and still didn't willingly throw it in the fire at the end.
  9. I'm for the facebook approach. Don't give people the option to potentially cause problems and avoid heated, stupid arguements.LIKE LIKE LIKE.
  10. It was a joke. The eagles wouldn't help because they refused to carry something so evil, according to the book anyway. So now you have a comeback to all those jokes.
  11. "With what?" you ask? Never knew it was such a big deal, lol. I just remember painting my bedroom with my Dad while watching the whole trilogy.
  12. Here is one I thought of. While it isn't necessarily sad or depressing to your in-game character, it sure did make me feel slightly disappointed.After you kill Alduin and hear Paarthurnax commend you for your work and all the dragons fly off. The main quest is over and they just leave you up their on the mountain by yourself. You then just run around a circle for a bit then ask yourself "What now?".
  13. I'm intrigued by your propisition, but I need to see the goods.
  14. He is becoming self-aware.....Does he follow the 3 Laws of Robotics?
  15. First time I watched it, I thought it said fly. If it is "run you fools", than everything I know about LotR is a lie.
  16. Alright boys, Tragic told me I should stop getting off topic on these Skyrim topics. But what the hell does he know. I pay the bills, damnit, and I can talk about what I damn well want to. So here is the dossier in all it's entirely. I bolded and numbered some points I would like to hit on, like Isaiah's mom. 1. Thalmor are arrogant and confident. They call him an asset, which to them basically means a stooge who's actions are playing in their favor. The attached the word uncooperative, meaning that whatever aggreance they used to have is gone, an idea that is also backed up when they call him dormant, meaning inactive or idle. 2. At first his position as the son of a Jarl marked him as an asset and his interragator and torturer was told this. After he was told information that he gave them helped in the capturing of the Imperial City, which it didn't, he was allowed to escape. 3. Probably the part that confuses the most amount of people. I'll admit, even I'm not sure of it's entire meaning. I read it as both Ulfric and the Thalmor hate the Empire, maybe they kept in contact. I'm willing to bet most Jarls cooperated with the Thalmor until certain events came into play. Even if I was to believe he was indeed acting with Thalmor intentions, #4 will blow that idea out of the water. 4. Let's say the idea of Ulfric being a spy was under consideration. I think, and as it is explained in the dossier, that the Markarth Incident ended that. Ulfric was allowed to fight with his men to take a city in exchange for Talos worship in that city. After he took it, the Thalmor/Empire told him he couldn't worship Talos, even though it was promised. Although I don't think Ulfric cares too much about Talos, I think he genuinely cares about a free Skyrim and the ideals of his fellor Nords, who genuinely respect Talos. If Ulfric was ever a spy at one point of time, I say this is where it ended. 5. Again, dormant: Inactive, idle, no good. 6. This, again, explains why he is an asset to the Thalmor. They want the war to weaken both sides as much as possible. Doing so will discourage any Empire/Stormcloak rebellion against them. 7. Again, why he is an asset. 8. The Dominion doesn't want the Stormcloaks to win either, which I'll admit is a bit confusing. Maybe they think the Empire, having been destroyed in a war already, will be more willing to negotiate with the Thalmor longer than the rebels. Either way, if Ulfric was truly a spy, wouldn't they want him to win? Ulfric is a good speaker and leader and the Thalmor would use him to manipulate the rebels if he really was a Thalmor spy. If you google "is ulfric a spy", you'll see lots and lots of topics about this very subject. Until yesterday, I had no idea that this was such a heavily debated issue.
  17. 1. I am both very excited and horribly upset at this blog. 2. Why is Taylor Swift an Asian troll? 3. Dem Knees. 4. I found out I was a leg/butt guy today and this satisifies neither.
  18. I should seriously name my weapons. Or at least my armor. I hardly mess with weapon enchantments.
  19. Yeah the dossier said he was an asset, but uncooperative. So his actions were helping the Thalmor by weakening the Empire and possibly running them out of Skyrim, but he wasn't in cahoots with them.And quoth the Raven, Never More
  20. Yeah....look at the photo he took of himself.
  21. The site. She be fragile. Clicking on all her buttons gently, hoping not to upset her. You have broken a might fine thing, David.

    1. David


      Lmao. Yeah... You should see this support conversation I have going with IPS... 3+ days and like 50 replies. I almost know all their staff personally. As of now I'm not getting any issues though *crosses fingers*

  22. This happened to me too. I was level 21 and started Smithing. I got plenty of levels that should of bumped me up to 22, but no Level Up option was on the pause menu. So basically, I could keep raising skills, but I couldn't level up, so I couldn't get any more perks or raise my magic, health, or stamina anymore. All I did was go back to my last save, which I have my game auto saving after I leave every area, so that was just 3 minutes ago. After that, I just Smithed again and I leveled up properly. Note that this issue is actually really rare and it shouldn't happen often; I only ran into that problem once out of 6 playthroughs, reaching 35+ each. In fact, I think one of the more recent patches for the game fixed this issue. If this doesn't help, just reply giving some more information about your particular predicament. I have a couple of more ideas about how to fix it.
  23. I should just let you buy every game I plan on getting so you can review the parts that matter. Very good review. The only Final Fantasy I ever messed with was Kingdom Hearts, so I doubt I'll actually buy this game. But 20 dollars for a month of solid play time, you can't really complain thaaat much. Also, I like my RPG men feminine.
  24. Found a bug with the new site, and probably my favorite bug of allllllll time. I am unable to log out. David must really want us to stay.

    1. David


      Clear your browser cache. I had that same issue too, and I think it's a one time thing. Let me know if it continues though because that's pretty serious although awesome. ;)

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