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Everything posted by Blake

  1. I'm still with the city being RotM relaetd. When examined the statues say something like they don't look human. It has those dragons, which is probably dragonkin related. Oh. And this pretty much confirms it. Picture found in the Mahjarrat Developer's Blog. Same design as the design in Kethsi and the code obviously leads to Kethsi.
  2. Oh. I need one for 1800 total level.
  3. Very nice. Glad to see yo back Dub.
  4. I only had two memorable trust lends in my life. Once was with this one guy who was named after a popular board game. He gave me a BGS just for being a good guy. Later he asked to borrow it and I never saw it again. To this day I wonder why he jew'ed me out of that. Another one was with this one guy who was named after a popular rock singer. I gave him my friendship for a little over a year. In exchange, I took 4m from him. I clearly got ripped off, but I trusted him to pay me back some other time. That never happened.Good job on the drops Nelly, lol. Hope you can pay him back soon.
  5. Blake


    I've decided to go with agnostic Catholicism. In my opinion, agnosticism is the only practical viewpoint on religion.
  6. I was half expecting this to be a clay tinderbox topic.At the moment, it is rapier, fire cape, keeping my Quest Cape, and just higher combat in general. After all of that, it will be friends. D:
  7. Quest Cape110+ combatCan't think of anymore.
  8. Bane will make a decent villain, but I don't think it can beat the Joker. Still think Nolan will make it a decent movie.
  9. Blake


    Popeye's was delicious. They moved all the Popeye's out of North Carolina though. Now they are all Hardees, Burger Kings, or Arby's.From what you gave me, I love Five Guys. Huge burger and plenty of fries. I also love Cookout. It's a North Carolina based fast food join. When I go to college, that is all I'm going to eat.
  10. Yeah probably Paul. It'll have it's uses though.To be honest, I'm happy I have all the stats for the new quest. New Rc robes, so I'll have to start more 50/50 games at GOP,
  11. Why thank you. Btw, Crazy Cow logged in, said he was working on the video, and said he may come back.

  12. Blake

    Award Sytem

    How do we tell people to give us awards?
  13. Crazycow caused trouble. Cristine refused to post her picture and the sexual tension between us was just too much. Nuggeh would of been if he never came back. Herp is still around Rs, so I can't rightfully pick him. Aliath is back, so yeah.To be honest, Wilson was funny, Caspen was lulzy, that Redi guy who disappeared wasn't half bad, and Shampoo was funny at times.Of course, I am my own favorite legend. And all of you would agree.
  14. Blake

    Clan Raffles

    If people do it, I'll happily donate 1m to the winnings :)I really like the citadel one though. Maybe it'll get more people to work. Just hope they work regardless of an award.
  15. So after browsing the RSOF, I found a topic that seemed to be very busy. Saw this familiar face on the topic as well. (Kudos if you remember who it is) Anyway, the topic talked a lot abouta new area that can only be gotten to with the fairy ring coordinates DIR-AKS. Traveled there and here are some of the things there. Probably Dragonkin related^ Most people think it's Ritual of the Mahjarrat related, which is a pretty safe bet, considering there seems to be multiple agiltiy obstacles over there and it's been said that RotM will have a high Agility req. So go ahead and gawgle, comment, or just laugh at the pear with a smile.
  16. We are like 990 from 13850. Invited Noob Sauce and Pooing into the clan today, and I'm sure there are plenty of members who can cut. We should make it to our goal. And here are some HD shots I took.
  17. Used to max herbs and the rest trees. I'm considering swapping them since seeds and nest are pretty expensive now.
  18. Count me in. Sounds like fun.
  19. I know you. Hi. Welcome back and I hope you can back into the flow.
  20. Actually I stole this topic from David and was worded and got a better response than both David and Delly.Actually I never read David's. Must of been away.I pull it all under my junk.
  21. Slaying, monster hunting, kingdom management, and from friends who quit Runescape. That's my major source. D:
  22. OH MY GOD FAP FAP FAP. Mono turned me onto Zooey. Me gusta.
  23. Mind my skillz while I tell you how much I love this channel because it helps me Merch with Penguins while I riot for Better Updates

  24. A lot of you know I used to be in the clan. Decided to apply for Clan Friend and I'll lurk and post around the forums every now and then. Hurry up and accept so I can get access to the forums.
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