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Everything posted by Blake

  1. Yeah Wind Waker is probably favorite Zelda. I say probably because I also put a lot of time into Ocarina of Time and Twilight Princess. Yet to play the newest one though.Now that I look at this list, I kind of hate the fact that I didn't even mention Portal 2, Super Smash Brothers Melee/Brawl, Mario Party 3 or Mario Kart. The last two made me hate my family and friends.
  2. Blake


    It's some genetic disorder where the muscles freeze up when being startled. People actually purposely breed that disorder just because it's so fucking hilarious.
  3. I haven't played this game since the one on the Gamecube. 40 dollars isn't enough for me to drop money on it though
  4. I looked into it and I didn't see a Markarth shield in there. =/
  5. Fuck Glacors.Honestly, I think the majority of money I've ever gotten came from people giving it to me. Second would probably be slayer or kingdom management related.
  6. Blake

    Le Crouch

    Notice how the last two panes are unnecessary. I'll allow the Jackie Chan Wtf one, but the other one is just a stupid place holder.
  7. Blake

    Door Follower

    I gave that bitch a Fus. Bitches love Fus.
  8. Missing my profile background image D:. Also just took a survey for some person. Involved me listening to "My Jeans" 3 times. *suicide*

    1. David


      Mods can customize it w/o being a Premium Mem.

    2. Blake



    3. David


      All those wasted weeks with no background, amiright?

  9. I got it all from http://www.emuparadise.me/ . Legit site, had it referenced by a lot of people, so you don't need to worry about anything messing up your computer. The games are on the left under "Roms, IOSs, and Games" If you have an Xbox 360 controller, that is compatible with all the games so you don't have to use the keyboard.For the emulator, I choose Project 64. The link below is a legit link to download it if you have Windows.http://www.emuparadise.me/emulators/files/Project64_1.7.0.50b23(Oct-2010).zipAnd here is Pokemon Snap link. When downloading, just open it and right click, then click "extract all". Make sure to extract it to a folder you can find later. I just keep all my games in one folder.http://crimson.emuparadise.org/Nintendo%2064/Pokemon%20Snap%20(USA).zip
  10. It's not coming along. I might crank it out tonight or tomorrow if I'm not doing anything.
  11. Idk I like Tulius' outfit better. But I've never gotten it cause I can't force myself to side with the Rebels.
  12. I actually got this from Gamestop for the same price. Shipping bumped it to 34, but still good deal for how soon it came out. I recommend it, but just because I like the series.
  13. Yeah I think the evil guy should of at least put up a better fight. Tbh though, who brings skeletons to a war?
  14. I recently downloaded Pokemon Snap. I forgot how fun it was.I also downloaded Conkers Bad Fur Day which is pretty hilarious and offensive for Nintendo.
  15. I've yet to run into any that were game ruining. All the ones I run into are just stupid and/or hilarious.
  16. I don't think anybody really cares about the results enough to constitute the creation of a poll.AND ULFRIC BETTER DRESSED? I beg to differ. His outfit makes your character look fat. Also Tulius looks aged and wise. I would definitely give my virginity to Tulius.
  17. Took some Skyrim quiz online. Got an 80%. Fuck that shit.

    1. David


      Shun the non-believer.

    2. Blake


      In my defense, it was a 5 question quiz and the last question was something about a country that wasn't in Tamirel.

  18. Blake

    Skyrim Horses

    I'm against the selling and trading of horses in Skyrim. I frown upon a society where we are allowed to hold these beautiful majestic beast in captivity just for our own recreational use. Except Shadowmere. Bitch be dead. Oh. I liked the Dar-ma one the best.
  19. So Skyrim, and pretty much every game by Bethesda, is infamous for being a bit glitchy. This opens the door for some pretty weird moments that, looking back now, were actually kind of hilarious. So what are some of yours.Here are 3 of my favorites.1. I was in the Gray Mare when Delphine just busted in the tavern and tried to kill me. Worse yet, the guards helped her. Even worse, some random civilian tried to help me, but the guards snuffed him out. She also tried to kill me prior to Diplomatic Immunity.2. I heard the Dragon encounter music and started freaking out as I could hear him flying and breathing frost. Even though I could hear it and see a red dot, I couldn't find it. After looking around for a minute, I saw some Imperials shooting at something with arrows, but there wasn't anything there. For some reason the Dragon was invisible. I still killed it and absorbed it's soul.3. Some random NPC in Whiterun had three copies of him. They spoke in unison like some kind of medieval barber shop quartet.
  20. Blake

    Skyrim Wildlife

    The first phase of dragon killing applied in everyday life.
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