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Everything posted by Blake

  1. I might actually download an N64 emulator and give Banjo Kazooie a shot. I played it when I was real young and I don't remember getting that far in it because as a small, stupid, hispanic child.
  2. I spent my weekend hiking in the mountains. I come back to find the comics gone from teh main page. Oh. No fap February was a failure

    1. David


      No fap February? I thought such things only existed in the depths of Urban Dictionary.

  3. Blake

    Skyrim Marriage

    You must also find Skryim offensive because that is all I come to my wife for.
  4. Blake

    Nose bug

    Yeah with console commands you can do the advice above. That works too.
  5. I'll need a good 3 days to be able to describe this in words.
  6. I always thought they were more African Moor, maybe Arab. I don't even know. Brown though.
  7. Blake

    Skyrim Marriage

    Coming back home to the missus
  8. Yeah the extra 5% isn't that big of a deal, but I kind of hate alchemy, so the faster I get to 80 the better.
  9. I think the ranking wasn't supposed to take in racial benefits into account. :PAlso, I would think Imperials and Redguards would make better spellswords than Dunmers as they also have bonuses in Destruction as well as One Handed.
  10. Being a werewolf isn't even that useful, unless you want an easier way to remove graphical glitches, which is all I ever used it for. The fear howl is potentially useful though.
  11. 1. Ocarina of Time/Wind Waker (Zelda shares a spot)2. Skyrim/Oblivion (TES too)3. Half Life Episodes4. Assassin's Creed Revelations5. Mass Effect 2Kind of cheated, but I had to cut it to 5 D:
  12. Shadow of the Colossus was pretty amazing, but not story wise. Just the scale of it all.
  13. Yeah pretty much guy for all the reasons above. I might do one Skyrim playthrough and just les out.
  14. Nuff said. Yeah I had pretty much the same type of theif/assassin type Khajiit.Now I'm going with non stealthy approach, just shield and mace.
  15. Meh 100 speechcraft and I picked up some persuasion and intimidation perks so I don't really care. But I never knew that .EDIT: Yeah. Apparently full set, not sure if this includes shield, raises intimidation chances by 10%. That 10% bonus is of the original chances, in other words it won't be 10% after any perks or enchanted gear you have is factored in.
  16. Why not? It's just a room where they will But The Companions enemy, just like it's Fighter's Guild counterpart, is kind of weak. The whole quest line in general doesn't really have any significance in the story. Also, pretty much no rewards that I noticed.
  17. Yeah I'm back at heavy armor, so I think I'll go with Dragon. If anything, guards will just comment on how awesome I look. Also, it is pretty fucked up killing dragons, who have the ability to feel emotions, think independently, and have free will, while wearing armor made up of themselves.
  18. It's very useful at lower levels, but after you start enchanting and smithing your own weapons, it becomes increasingly more obsolete. You are only able to transform once a day, so no random transformations. It doesn't require you to feed or anything. The only difference you'll notice when you become one is NPC's will have werewolf associated dialogue, such as "you smell like a wet dog" and "you have a wolfish grin" (not direct quotes, but that is a summary of what they way). Also, you won't be able to have any rested bonuses, which is a turn off.
  19. So I kind of think The Companions are a bunch of jerks and there quest line is kind of lame and pointless. Discuss.
  20. Blake

    Bring it!

    In our defense though, all civilians usually die when they are fighting a dragon.
  21. Blake


    Maybe I typed that wrong. I approve of this one.
  22. I can't think of anything, but that sounds hilarious.Maybe I'm not understanding the full scope of the problem, but completing the main story line should help. I mean you can't progress with the civil war quest until that is finished. Maybe I'm missing something. Idk. Stop making fun of me. Quit it. IT'S NOT MY FAULT MY PARENTS NAMED ME EDWIN!!
  23. I agree roleplaying is probably a good sized portion of fun in Skyrim, but let me just say, you haven't lived until you slept with an Orc.Yeah I have no idea. Just say if any of that worked and we'll try to help if we can.
  24. Blake


    You smell that? Ahhh. No horrible comics.
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