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Everything posted by Blake

  1. Maybe it was built prior to the Empire butting in and they were just to lazy to get rid of it. Now that you mention it, Whiterun also has a shrine even though they are neutral, well neutral up to the point you make them side with the Empire.
  2. Most of my movie collection was before I got a Blue Ray player, so no, not that much. I only have one movie that is on Blue-Ray; Eat, Pray, Love.
  3. Well Tullius is an Imperial from the Legion, so I will excuse him not caring about Skyrim.I think Tullius is the better leader just because he makes me giggle. I don't really like Ulfric though, so maybe that influenced my decision.
  4. About the killing the Forsworn in exchange to freely worship Talos in the city, but the Empire coming in and saying they couldn't.
  5. I guess if I had to make an argument for one or the other, I would say Oppression, just because I would think the events at Markarth would of probably sparked that song. Then again, if the song was written after Ulfric killed the High King, maybe it was Aggression.
  6. I only ever pk as a group for fun. It usually ends up being a complete failure, but that is the fun of it. I remember our Take Over Barbarian Village events, but that was before they brought back the Wildy.
  7. Now I'm confused. Once you are high enough and play correctly, you don't really need to worry about escaping danger as there are few things that you really need to worry about. Again, that brings us back to the point that werewolves are very useful up until ~30. By then, if you play correctly, you should be able to out DPS what you could while being a werewolf.
  8. I was gonna write some long monologue about you and your friend parting ways, but I scrapped it after the 3rd paragraph.I mean, the "Fear Growl" thing that Werewolfs have is very useful. I guess spamming that as you tear through NPC's, it would work. The DPS of that compared to weapons that you could of crafted yourself is lame though.
  9. For now, I love them. Honestly though, I always check active topics, which makes notifications about any replies, regardless if I replied to that topic, pointless.I guess in the future, status notifications (maybe), messages, and replies to a topic i created is what I want to see.
  10. Yeah, I meant that there is no solid evidence and hardly any glimmer of valid speculation that would suggest that one was written before the other. Also, I seriously doubt that Ulfric or Tullius wrote either song as they are both head strong war leaders and not bards, who would of written either song.
  11. In case you are interested, here are the lyrics for both songs so you know which is which Honestly there isn't any reason to believe either one was written first, but I'll say Age of Oppression just for arguments sake.
  12. Yeah I'm not sure which game made being a vampire more of a drag, Oblivion or Skyrim. I might actually become one this play through though, if anything just for the experience.
  13. Off the top of my head, I think it's either...1. You go to the leader, do a task (kill an ice wraith or empty a fort of bandits), take oath, get crownor2. You go to the leader, do a task, get crown, do oath.All I know is you can abandon each side by giving the crown to the other leader, however if you just wanna remain neutral, I think you are in a jam. LEGION FO LYFE.
  14. Oh, hard work is rewarded. You grind skills, like herblore and prayer and such, and you are immediately rewarded. You take the rewards from your hardwork and use them for rewards that are based on luck. Of course luck plays a large role in Runescape, but hard work, or rather pointless grinding, is the means to which you start making money.
  15. lol. Dragon Killing comes in three phases, or as our brethren from Spain call them Los Tres Fases de Dragon Asesinato 1. Avoid like hell It was just last week that you escaped Helgen. Now there is some talk about you being "Dragonborn" or something. You aren't cut out for this. You barely killed that dragon at Whiterun, even though you had help from 6 other guards; and thank god they had bows and arrows, right? You see a dragon, you run like hell. You avoid the wilderness when you can, run the opposite way at the sight of one of those scaly bastards, and pray to Akatosh that Lydia can take another hit from that dragon. This is, for the most part, successful. 2. "There can be only one" -Christopher Lambert So maybe being the Dragonborn isn't all that bad. I mean, walking into your local tavern definitely has it's perks when you are some mythical dragon slayer. But occasionally, you have to prove your worth. Thankfully, you are way more prepared than you were a few weeks ago. I mean, look back at how you ran like a pussy. Oh my, look how much you've matured. Still, killing Dragons is no simple means. You face them head on, yeah, but you know when to heal, take cover, and to no go for the head. A couple of close calls, near deaths, and some pretty epic battles pepper your epic story. And after killing these frightening behemoths you get to ravage their body for bones and scales, dreaming of the day you can make a set of dragon armor. The immediate satisfaction of a dragon soul to add to your collection is enough for now. I say, these are the fights you'll be drunkingly recalling while you try to pick up wenches from the Gray Mare. 3. http://images.cheezb...ac443173c99.jpg Guards tell you to not shout in the streets. Who gives a shit, you are the fucking Dovakiin. NPC's show blatant disgust when you sprint into them. Who gives a shit, you are the fucking Dovakiin. You've seen the world, mastered in skills, and killed oh so many things. Oh, the death you have slung. You look back a few months ago where killing dragons was an exciting challenge. Fuck that. Thanks to your hours of potion making and smithing, you can just blunder dragons to death with your mace with just a few hits. You start handicapping yourself, taking off some armor before waking up the fiery faggot, and still killing it without any problem. You actively seek them out just to try to sneak up on one and one hit killing it. And when you learn Dragonrend, oh fuck it all. They try to take off and run away, but just yell in their general direction. And after all this pointless bloodshed, what do you gain. Well there are some bones and scales I guess BUT WHO CARES YOU ARE RICH AS HELL. I guess you have them souls. Souls are good for Dragonshouts, BUT YOU ALREADY HAVE ALL THE SHOUTS YOU WANT. You are the cream of the crop. End your dragon slaying career and start breeding. And that is why I think I'm a good lover.
  16. After you get the crown, you can choose to give it to Ulfric or Tulius. That is when you make your official decision.
  17. I keep seeing the "1" symbol next to the chat button. I get excited and join, then realize it was just me.

    1. David


      There were 4 people there yesterday; me and 3 guests. They didn't respond to me though. :(

  18. Please clearly highlight and/or separate your TL;DR if you plan on using it. Otherwise you are just making me read something long and stupid, only to upset me that I could of taken a shortcut all along.But srsly br0, c0ngratz @ teh l00t.
  19. The "codes" you see are called console commands. They can only be used if you are playing Skyrim on a computer.
  20. Yeah I've never been a vampire. Maybe I'm used to Oblivion Vampires, which are by far more awesome than their Skyrim counter parts.
  21. Yeah, but Jagex is doing a great job taking chance, a shit load of random items, and large amounts of traveling out of quests. And I always hated MEP2 a lot more than Underground Pass. It only had one obstacle that you are pretty much destined to fail 25+ times and the whole thing is one big puzzle that I would like to meet the person who did it without a guide.
  22. I didn't know you could name enchanted weapons until like a week ago, so I usually just keep the name.I did soul trap enchant a mace and called it "Bam Wham Kapow!". I laughed a bit.
  23. Free>Xbox Live crap. Gave it a shot and I didn't like it as much as I thought I would. So I promptly deleted it.Playing Pokemon Stadium 2 and Goldeneye for shits and giggles though.
  24. I didn't like any of the vampire quest, especially navigating that clusterfuck of a town.
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