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Everything posted by Blake

  1. If I read that correctly, than yeah. Or he is just wrong. Are you wrong, Mr Wrong? Mr Wrong telling us Wrong. Why are you wrong, you big King Kong. Take off your thong and tell us you're wrong.
  2. This months BXP is f2p as well?Well, my good sir, that is preposterous.
  3. If I ever become a porn star, I'm totally using the name "Ross Ashcroft". Thank you in advance. A compliment for a cool name.And I'm fairly certain all you have to do is connect to Xbox Live or the Playstation equivalent of Xbox Live. I don't/can't play online so I'm not entirely certain.
  4. My method is more entertaining to me. Besides, it is more personal if I comment on the topic.
  5. If I had a better computer I would totally download Skyrim on Steam. I really want that Space Core add on XD

  6. Blake


    Oh. I should pay attention more.Yeah most of the containers there are safe. Don't store items in the urns though. And don't lose your Wooden Mask or you'll have a hard time getting back.
  7. Blake


    You haven't asked a question. Click the edit button and edit your post to include an actual question so we know what you are asking. If you are talking about where you can store your items, you will have to buy a house. To be able to buy a house, you must ask the city's Jarl to make you Thane, which may require you to do quest or tasks first. Whiterun is the easiest house to buy early on because becoming Thane of Whiterun is part of the main quest and the house is the cheapest at 5000. Alternatively, if you joined the College of Winterhold, the wardrobes near your bed in the Hall of Attainment (the only bed that isn't owned) can be used to store things without them disappearing. The barrels there will not. Also, there is an "Alchemist's Shack" that is south of Ivarstead, and a "Riverside Shack" south-west of Windhelm. They are both empty and if you store your items in the endtable (for the Alchemist Shack) or the wardrobe (for the Riverside Shack) your items will be safe. Both of these houses are free and just require you to find them. Again, if you didn't want to know any of this, then please edit your question to include more details about what you want to know.
  8. Okay I got a plan. You work on getting 99 fletch. I'll write you a 99 fletch song.Ready. BREAK!
  9. I just commented so I can be notified when you reply to this topic. Like keeping up on people's progress.
  10. I like the part where you leveled up.
  11. Also sound advice, though remember, summoning isn't affected by the the very high bonus. You'll always get bonus xp for summoning at a flat rate of 1.1x (I think. Been awhile since I've played. Thank god I'm starting to forget this crap.)
  12. But seriously, I watched this twice and read all the comments and I have no idea what's going on. Even the Channel 6 news bit looks fake. Here is my list of suspicions. 1. He is trying to be a figure head for the internet against policies such as ACTA. 2. Some social experiment where he sees how many idiots he can rally without really saying anything. 3. Some Kony 2012-esque scam. 4. Aliens. Do combat. No reason, but I figured you'd rather have somebody tell you what to do than give you an option.
  13. I'll keep an eye on the channel. I'm watching Episode 2 right now. Eventually I'll subscribe, but I can't remember my youtube crap.
  14. Blake

    Halo 4

    Yeah I figured we'll see more ODST or Reach stuff, different story lines that were Halo related. But I wasn't expecting to bring back Master Chief. And I think I read 343 Industries is composed of a large number of Bungie employees, but that was from some guy on the internet post on a forum, so I have no idea.Seriously though, is it possible for you to add a media button?
  15. Blake

    Halo 4

    I'm not going to pretend I'm some huge Halo fan; I only played the third one and rather enjoyed it. But still, even I was prepared to give it up Master Chief at Halo 3. BUT NOW!!!http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f6UL63Zo-uoSo, being made by 343 Industries since Microsoft dropped Bungie. If anything, I hope they give Master Chief some weight. I hate floating around when I jump.Edit: We need a "Media" button so I don't have to dig through the "Special BB Code" button to post videos.
  16. My first play through was a spellsword. Melee is always my favorite, but I also liked how shiny magic looked. I guess I'll go with melee since I went with that more often than maging.
  17. Blake

    You keep using that word...

    I laughed too hard at this. Sad thing is the next three frames is the dragons laughing, the dragons dying, and the Dragonborn being over encumbered by bones and scales.
  18. I think I'm going to start slipping in these type penis of words to worsen the issue as well. (not really)
  19. Blake


    None of those children are invisible.
  20. Oh yeah. I know that one. I kind of like it, but it's boring.
  21. Blake


    Their lack of legs is disturbing.
  22. Blake


    Adept cause fuck changing shit.
  23. Blake


    112 combat w/ 99 firemaking"We're taking the infant out of infantry"
  24. Mehrunes Dagger sounds and looks pretty cool, but hoping on a OKO is kind of disappointing. The Mace of Molag-Whatever is kind of lame.I actually liked Dawnbreaker. It was kind of lame, but it looked pretty shiny.
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