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Everything posted by Blake

  1. Seriously though, I'd probably do Vampire lord first, see how royally I fuck up Skyrim, then save it on my other character. As for which character for which side, I might go with Wood Elf for Dawnguard, only because he is probably better with archery so he can make good use of the crossbows. If this isn't the case, then just ignore it. Vampire Lord first though.
  2. Blake

    Skyrim Pokemon Battle

    You're right, David. Pokemon do suck.
  3. Yeah. The enchantments to smithing is pretty much the main appeal.Well here is a build I worked out for you if I was doing a one handed and archery build. I made this one to level 48, but you easily take out whatever perks you want and rearrange them to your liking. http://skyrimcalculator.com/#146160 [*]Choose the left side the left side of the Archery tree as that is the side I prefer. [*]I made you a Light Armor build, but went up the Heavy Armor side of the Smithing tree. If you have Dawnguard, you have access to Dragon weapons, in which case, go up the Light Armor side of the Smithing tree. [*]Only put a couple perks in the Light Armor tree. With smithing, alchemy, and enchanting enchantments, you should reach the max armor rating no problem [*]I had a couple of left over perks, so I picked up Deadly Aim and Assassin's Blade in the Sneak tree. [*]Added Enchanting. If I were you, I would not worry about Alchemy and just stick with enchanting. For the layout I made for you though, I put both if you are feeling determined for greatness.
  4. They do. They have an invisible advantage over a similar leveled opponent.
  5. From what I've dug through on Runescape Wikia's beta pages, armor and equipment will boost life points to ridiculously high amounts. Also, meleeing with a shield won't be as lame as I thought it would.
  6. Well you should at least put a perk in the very first sneak perk as the first one you put into it makes you hard to detect by 20% and only goes up by 5% for every other perk into it. Also, you may want to get the backstab perk as well, but that is up to you.If you tell me what perks you have so far, I could work on a layout for you.
  7. I could help with the Perk Planner, but what exactly do you wanna focus? As Achilles said, it is best to focus a couple of trees and put some perks in some you aren't focusing in as well.But to help you specifically, are you interested in one handed, two handed, a sneaky/archery build, mage, etc. I always put smithing and enchanting in all my builds though.
  8. Blake

    My return

    Traag isn't really in charge. He's just the admin for the site and occasionally gives his insight to Cons/Anarchy, who I think you should remember. And you just gradually disappeared, which is never a good sign.
  9. I actually poked around the edit options and was shocked I couldn't edit Display Names.Then I found out I could edit Member Titles, so everything is alright with the world.
  10. You are a cooking God.Also, good luck. Merged your double posts, you lil spammer.
  11. If you want you can post a different topic about what ever character type you are planning to build and we can help you with that. The perk calculator at the top of the website will help as well.
  12. Yeah the memory upgrade program is dead.The deals on the harddrives are really nice though.
  13. I guess I also enjoy Archery. I can run away, hide, take a shot and hide again. The sort of panic killing is what makes dragon killing the most fun.Also, if I get the chance, I'll sneak up and get a sneak attack on a dragon with a dagger. It usually one hit kills it, so it'll take off to fly, crash land, get up again, and die. It is actually kind of funny.
  14. Also guest can't talk, which cause a problem twice so far.
  15. What if I wrote a Stone of Barenziah mini-guide? That would be nice...yeah..OR I could write A BACHELOR'S GUIDE TO SKYRIM!

    1. David


      Or both!!11!1

    2. Jake


      I would love to see a bachelor's guide, especially coming from you, Blexun.

  16. My dad used to work as an Administrator for a health department before he was laid off cause his boss was a bitch. Anyway, he snagged a copy of whatever anti-virus he used on all of the computers there.No idea what it is called, I didn't wanna feel left out.
  17. Spellcasting is definitely the most fun. While it definitely has a limit damage wise (unless you make a potion to increase destruction damage, something I haven't messed with yet), I enjoy blasting area spells, conjuring allies on the run, and just general mayhem that magic provides. If they ever supply DLC for making spells, AND STAFFS DAMNIT, then it definitely has the most potential to be the most over powered combat style.Archery is also a lot of fun and I what I would pick for most over powered. With the right perks, smithing, and enchantments, it can do just as much damage as melee. Not as fast of course, but between staggering shots, slow motion aiming, sneak attacks, and the many other perks in archery, you can take down most opponents before they land a hit on you.And Melee is fun I guess. Just more satisfying to take things down from a distance. =/
  18. Blake

    My return

    You were definitely one of the few people I thought I'd never see again. Very glad you came back, though now I'm a tad worried about how hard we are to google. D:
  19. Oh. That does sound serious.
  20. Wow. I had no idea it was that bad. Jeremy was a bit unstable as it was, the Emily thing just sent him over the edge.
  21. Blake


    Not sure if you will read this as you've already told me you aren't a big forum user, but I feel like I have to comment on bits and pieces being as I was more or less a problem. Already said this on your original topic and in game, but good luck with your recovery. Wasn't aware it was that rough on you, but then again, I've never had any sort of extened hospital visit since I was born. The reason was Cons, or Anarchy as he is known on the forums, doesn't pay attention in game. While this also annoys me, I've just come used to contacting him on IRC and forums. And I also volunteered to help for a couple of reasons. First off, I thought you were either a guest or from another clan asking about a war and whatnot, in which case I would of directed you to the forums. As I said, this came from me not seeing you ingame that much, though I understand this is because of you being in surgery which I forgot about since you aren't a big forum poster. And that is fine. I also didn't even look at your name on the clan chat list, so that is my fault. I feel like I need to defend myself a bit here. I wasn't going on about myself, instead maybe provoking the other members. Honestly, this doesn't happend often. Actually, that is probably the first time I've seen that happen in years. As for the being a gentleman in private, occasionally I forget or don't realize other people are serious or don't pick up harmless banter.. Said this before, but I didn't even check the CC list. My bad. I'm actually glad you logically made an arguement and vented your problem rather than quit without talking about it. As far as I know, he quit Runescape. Not saying he won't come back, but he's on a tight leash as it is. I'll just leave it at that. I would add this to my quotes, but even I can't believe that. I wouldn't say he demanded answers. He just showned increase interest after I hinted I knew what was going on. And again, handled it via pm so to keep drama from putting a damper on everybody's time.
  22. A lot of quests are fun. I guess it depends if you get into the story lines for each of the quests, which of course, some are better than others.Honestly, getting quest cape wasn't that hard. I just focued on rewards I actually wanted, then story lines I wanted to do, then all the quests I could do, then skilled for the final batch.Also, Elemental Workshops suck.
  23. If you have a save when the problem first arose (when you were first doing the quest) go back to that and try the following fixes. If you don't, you can try these fixes, but I'm not sure if they will work. Of course, you'll have to walk Mercer back to the door. [*]Try sprinting into Mercer while he is near the door. Maybe use Unrelenting Force if you have it. [*]Sometimes saving and reloading will fix this [*]Try hitting Mercer until he attacks back and sheathing weapons to make him stop attacking you. This may work as well.
  24. ANOTHER EDIT TO THE HISTORY HAS BEEN ADDED!!!!I for one am excited. I was hoping for more Ozzy bashing though D:.
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