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Everything posted by Blake

  1. Shoot me by your bow And I'll kill you Shout me like you're drunk And I'll show you All the moves like Draugr I've got the moves like Draugr I've got the moves like Draugr I don't need to try to kill you Surrounded by my friends and we'll own you With them moves like Draugr I've got the moves like Draugr I've got the moves like Draugr
  2. I would make a cheesy joke, but I figured it'd be full of holes.
  3. Blake

    Nocturnal on Skooma

    If you watch this for 10 minutes, she takes off her top.
  4. It shows up around 20, but randomly at shops that such an enchantment would show up at, like weapon shops, fences, etc.
  5. Blake

    Troll face

    The troll is this picture is really small.
  6. Yes. Especially since I tanked a hell of amount of hits prior to that.
  7. Lol'd at the 2nd to last screenie.It was a lot of good fun, though sadly, Team MMS failed to hold off the Blue team. At least we killed TRR_Daniel.
  8. Pretty cool concept. A couple of easy quests can be added every now and then.Also, a chest that I can put money into and hide it for my friends to find it. Anybody up for TRR's Annual "FIND BLEXUN'S BOOTY"?
  9. Oh. I hope you check back at this topic, but I meant Boethia, not Barenziah. My apologies.
  10. Yeah, fences have been known to give awesome enchanted weapons once you get high enough, like a bow that does 40 fire damage, and that was at level 40 something.
  11. MY FATHER WEARS IRON ARMORIf you have a mage character ready, I'd go with Vampire Lord as opposed to the Dawnguard. A large pool of magicka will help out with the Vampire Lords new abilities and spells.
  12. These follower questions can be caused by a lot of things, so it is hard to say what happened. However, there are a couple of fixes that you can try. Wait 3 days. Your follower may reset and go back home. Bah I should read the topic better.Start a quest that requires you to have a follower. Again, my bad.This one is a stretch as I've never tried nor heard of this solution being done before. Part of Barenziah Boethia's quest requires you to bring a follower to the altar to be sacrificed. I guess, in theory, if you bring a follower to the altar, then you'll kill whatever follower is following you. However, this may not work at all and instead make the Barenziah quest un-finishable, so save before doing this.Also, once you do the main quest far enough, you have the opportunity to join the Blades. After you join them, you can bring them followers to join the team. This only works 3 times and doing this may make you team of Blades be short a member, but it is worth nothing.That is the only creative fixes I thought of. I hope these works and please respond if you tried any of these out.
  13. Blake

    Clan Citadel

    We've had 20 before. I'll just lure people with promises of massive amounts of gpz.
  14. Fairly certain that isn't possible, as I think both vampirism and lycantrophy (don't hate on me for misspellings) have a 100% Resitance to Disease.However, you can remove the Resist Diseases through console comands if you play on the pc.
  15. yeah, but I'd rather save those enchantments for something else.
  16. Really weird. Do you have a bounty in The Rift?
  17. Across the land, people will sing songs, write legends, and tell myths of the great site that Unfroze The Water. Elder Souls!

    1. David


      This wins the status competition.

  19. I've had multiple characters as all of these classes, so from experience, I'll have to say Mage.When I go for a dual wielding warrior, I can pretty much level gracefully with the game. Even if I go with a sword and shield approach, my Block doesn't take that long to level up with me as well.As far as thieves go, it depends on the play style. I had a purely archer Thief that had it's difficult patches, but pulled out alright towards the end. I usually have more success with a blade/archer type though.Mages is where I have my problems. I went for a perfect mage character, so I was using novice spells until level 30~. At times this got really frustrating. It isn't so much about the damage cap, which I don't mind as mages can fling spells pretty fast. My problem is more with my dwindling magic supply towards the beginning of the game. Too bad Skyrim's High Elves don't have a huge pool of magicka to begin with . D:
  20. I always figured a Dark Elf would make a decent vampire as their resistance to fire would help balance out a vampire's vulnerability to fire.
  21. Blake


    Nice to see another new face. Welcome to the site, Drake, and I hope you enjoy it here.
  23. Looked at it once. Recognized Wise Old Man, and those twins Molly and Jolly (I forget their names).10 more to go for the 4 of you who care.
  24. Yeah, enchanting does take a long time. First of all, disenchant all of the enchanted items you find. This can power you through the early levels. I usually level smithing and enchanting side by side though. Basically, you first want a house or another safe chest to store stuff in. After that, during the main quest and your other adventures, collect all the soul gems you see. While doing this, also be on the look out for a weapon with a soul trap enchantment, a sure-fire way to do this is the mace from the Molag Bal quest. Just make a habit of killing non-human NPCs with the soul trap weapon.Everytime you notice you have a lot of soul gems, go to the mage stone for it's blessing, sleep so you are well rested, and just enchant the items you smithed with whatever enchantment you've encountered that gives the item the highest value. Finally, sell the items you've enchanted to various store keepers.
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