These follower questions can be caused by a lot of things, so it is hard to say what happened. However, there are a couple of fixes that you can try. Wait 3 days. Your follower may reset and go back home. Bah I should read the topic better.Start a quest that requires you to have a follower. Again, my bad.This one is a stretch as I've never tried nor heard of this solution being done before. Part of Barenziah Boethia's quest requires you to bring a follower to the altar to be sacrificed. I guess, in theory, if you bring a follower to the altar, then you'll kill whatever follower is following you. However, this may not work at all and instead make the Barenziah quest un-finishable, so save before doing this.Also, once you do the main quest far enough, you have the opportunity to join the Blades. After you join them, you can bring them followers to join the team. This only works 3 times and doing this may make you team of Blades be short a member, but it is worth nothing.That is the only creative fixes I thought of. I hope these works and please respond if you tried any of these out.