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Everything posted by Blake

  1. No need for a spoiler, I just thought Harley Quinn made some kind of appearance from what you said, but that wouldn't make sense considering the story. o.OBut I guess what David said was true. Probably just to spark conversation and debates and maybe tribute the Holly Robinson character. All I know is David has a knack for these kind of discussions. First the Assassin's Creed conversation, now this.
  2. Trying to navigate the incoming TDKR topics without running into spoilers.That being said, I haven't seen it. But Tcee did lead me to believe Harley Quinn was in it, which I'm not sure is true or not. If she is, then I'm excited, though that doesn't make sense.Edit: Nevermind. Deleted the gif. Too big.
  3. Pro Tip: Cheese roll your way to massive awards! Or farm.
  4. Spends a half hour gathering sceenshots and typing up a nice paragraph about Spelunky to add to the downloads section. Tries to attach Spelunky, but I'm not allowed. My face when this happened http://media.egotvonline.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/02/lebron-sad-face-thumb-500xauto-94.jpg

  5. As a Kahjiit, I want Skooma.
  6. Seems pretty interesting, so I'll give it a shot. I'd have to start a new file as I'm already past my first dragon encounter.I'm guessing enchanting weapons isn't allowed? It says basic weapons, so I'm guessing I can't enchant one for soul trap.
  7. Time to confront your fears. Yeah I can relate to N64 games without clear objectives. I played some Japanime game where I was a ninja and I blew some whistle to summon a dragon. I had no idea what to do and took it back to Blockbuster 3 days early. And oh my god....SUPERMAN 64!!! Also, balls. Edit: Googled "n64 game ninja dragon whistle" and came up with this http://www.honestgamers.com/reviews/7276.html I love teh gewgle.
  8. Blake

    Wall Ninja

    Don't know why, but I lol'd at Wall Ninja. Not that it was funny, but just because you changed it.
  9. Actually this doesn't count towards the outfit, so no worries man!
  10. The following is pretty much all the information on the upcoming Elder Scrolls MMO due out in 2013 sometime. All the information, and any updated, can be found on http://elderscrolls.wikia.com/wiki/The_Elder_Scrolls_Online#cite_note-GI-2 Guess my Khajiit army will be part of the Aldemeri Dominion. :*(
  11. I make a habit of doing my part. I took a run and gun approach to the Thalmor Embassy mission in Skyrim, killing everybody I can. I even killed the head lady chick after Season's Unending.But yeah, probably DLC. At least, I hope DLC. A future game is also a possibility. I just hope it doesn't disappear into the lore.
  12. The first answer, to me anyway, is an obvious yes.As for changing the domain, that is a double edged sword. We keep it and we deal with other games not being represented well, but keep the current traffic. We change it, and the opposite happens.I would say, for now, to change the Skyrim and Dawnguard message, but I'd imagine that even that brings a lot of people to the forum.
  13. Yeah, though I guess technically 2008.
  14. We need a name of TRR members who are also a part of the Skyrim group. So I came up with this. Coalition League (Inner Tamriel) Of Rebels In Skyrim. Thoughts?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. David


      I have no idea how the hell you noticed that Cheeky. I only realized the joke because you wrote that and I couldn't understand what was funny. /fail

    3. Nathan
    4. gotab0ner4xmas



  15. Or simply, here is a guide on how to get married.http://eldersouls.com/topic/49-how-to-get-married-in-skyrim/and a list of characters who you could marry.http://eldersouls.com/topic/52-marriable-characters-in-skyrim/But honestly, the bachelor life of Skyrim is just to tempting to give up.
  16. Yeah they re-opened it for all P2P for a limited time. Once you log in, you can log in again even after they close it again.
  17. Not sure. I know quest essential NPC's can't be killed, but if you finished all the quest, then maybe? Same thing applies for that Thalmor chick, you can kill her after Season's Unending (which is a huge plot hole but whatever).Save and try it out for me?
  18. I..oh my....wow...erm...*heart attack*
  19. Blake

    Wall Ninja

    I think you should type soon one more time.
  20. Blake


    Also, this forum is for Ubcoming Absences, not Leaves. Topic locked.
  21. I want the mad scientist outfit, but oh God, the lag.THE LAGGGGGGGGGG!!!!
  22. Or....UPCOMING THALMOR DLC@#$@!#@!#@!#@!#!@#!!!!@#!@#@!#@!@
  23. You probably already know this, but they are really really rare, and also the 2nd weakest arrows in the game.As to where you can find more, I'm stumped. Besides the location you mentioned, I've found no more.
  24. Too long ago, lol. I bet something around 2 years~
  25. Yeah you can go back to Soul Cairn.
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