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Everything posted by Blake

  1. *whistle* Nice updates, David. I know you put a lot of time into all of this and I appreciate it. And I actually did notice the eldersouls to home button change. I was scared.
  2. Too rich for my blood I kind of wish we tested longer periods of time of you being logged out with my key. Not that it matters as I'm pretty sure people will stay on until it's solved.UPDATE: Added two more rules to the event. These are just to make sure somebody doesn't cheat in one of the following ways. [*]Solve 4 clues then spam me with answers while guessing the last one. [*]Solve 4 clues, then solve the location clue, then force guess the pin number.
  3. Blake

    Old People

    They all left, besides Delly who can be spotted once in a blue moon.The real question is where the fuck is Harleystock.
  4. I gave you a like, but I refuse to give you anymore until I get those cool buttons you have.
  5. I'm in the process of creating them now, but they aren't hard. Like I said, you won't be hella rich from this event, but you'll bank one of my personal items. Also this is mainly a test to see how I could use the chest for future events. In the future, I may hide large amounts of cash or some high end items. Just seeing what works and what doesn't.
  6. Oh. I forgot I'll be at a festival on the 4th.5TH OF JULY IT IS!
  7. Yeah, I'm fairly certain werewolf is a one time thing. I heard the vampires are hiring though.
  8. The Search for Blexun's Treasure Date: Join on July 3rd. Search and clues begin on July 5th. Location: Anywhere and Everywhere Notes: Fun event I hope to do more of. Free swag as well About With the completion of Carnillean Rising, I've come across a chest that I can store any item in and let other people find. So naturally, I've hidden it somewhere in the wide world of Runescape. Your job is simple, solve the clues to figured out the 5 digit pin number, then solve the last clue to find out where the treasure is buried. You need the pin number to unlock it, so rushing to the end will do you no good, unless you wanna guess numbers from 00001-99999. Rules [*]The chest is on world 64. Digging on other worlds won't help [*]You can only search for the chest when I'm logged in. This is Jagex's rule, not mine, so I'll try to be idling as soon as I relsease the clues [*]BRING A SPADE! [*]You can help others if you really want to, just know there is only one prize [*]I'll do my very best only have clues and the chest in non-quest related areas or quest related areas I assume we have all done already. Also, the chest will only be hidden in areas on the world map. In other words, no dungeons or buildings. [*]YOU MUST ASK ME FOR A KEY! You need both the pin number and a key to unlock the chest once you find it. Once I bury the chests you can request keys from me in game [*]The pin numbers aren't in the order that you solve them in. Once you have the pin numbers, pm me them in game and I'll tell you the order they are in. [*]If you pm me the supposed pin numbers and they are wrong, I won't let you guess again for another 10 minutes. [*]I'll give you a hint as to the general location of the chest ahead of time, but I'll only tell you the directions to the exact location when you pm me the pin numbers. Prize Now it wouldn't be fun if I told you what you were playing for. I will say it is a pricier costume from my personal collection. And honestly, I came up with this off of the top of my head. I just hope you appreciate the item and you aren't blind sighted when you get it. Introduction I woke up in the Party Room bar, regretting the night I had with the random stranger who challenged me to the drinking contest. After pulling myself together and getting back to the bank, I noticed one of my most prized posessions missing from my bank. In its place, I see a note with 6 clues on it. Thus, I begin following the clues on the note, on what I assume is a retracing of my forgotten, drunken, night. Clue #1 Clue #2 Clue #3 Clue #4 Clue #5 Location Wrap Up I dug up the treasure, and saw my prized posession at last. I was going to reclaim, but I hesitated. It means a lot to me and has been with me for years. But our time together is nearing it's end and I'm not the person I used to be. So I reburied it, leaving it for another adventurer to claim for his or her own, that is if they can retrace my drunken night as well. Time Chart Daylight Saving Time [table] [th] Time Zone [/th] [th] UTC/GMT Relative [/th] [th] Event Time [/th] 10:00 P.M. [/td] 9:00 P.M. [/td] 5:00 P.M. [/td] 4:00 P.M. [/td] 3:00 P.M. [/td] 2:00 P.M. [/td] [/table][table][th][/th][/table] If your time zone is not included in the chart, a time zone converter may be of help.
  9. Random people ruined my Book of Char run D:.A lot of fun though. Nice event overall.
  10. Sooo much exciting stuff.Carnillean Rising: Sounds like a cool quest, moulding a new adventurer by making your own quest. Some more xp for experienced adventurers and a chest to hide treasure for my friends is also really cool. LOOK OUT FOR A "BLEXUN'S BOOTY" EVENT!Slayer Duo: Not sure how I feel about sharing loot, but powering through stupid tasks for quick points is always nice.Gielenor Games: TEAM ELVES!
  11. Blake

    Valentines Day Cards

    It's not that it is bad, it's just that the person who posted it actually went to 9Gag. Yeah it's stupid, but damnit I need something to hate and Forbidden Revolutions (idk the name) isn't giving it to me.
  12. Maybe just "Regular Gamer"? Not so sure about that as the term "regular" is relative to the people and crowd who say it.
  13. On a side note though, when I think of app gamers, I always think of middle aged Facebook mothers who are think it's cool that they can harvest and tend to an e-farm on Farmville.
  14. Mixing Beta testing and events....You are a genius. I didn't know you could play mini games in beta testing though.Edit: Imagine the lag.
  15. It is possible to get two Daedric items from Hircine's Daedric quest. Here is a copy pasta from the page on the quest on how to do so. Apparently a recent patch made this not always count as two Daedric items, so this may not work if you are playing on a patched games.
  16. I can throw 100 or so forfeits your way. Did the same thing with Nuggeh, but only got the 3rd tier hat.
  17. Yeah I also fall in some magical area between Casual and Hardcore.Pretty much nailed Wannabe Gamer on the head with that picture. Really nice article, Squishy.
  18. I think there is a side quest in Winterhold that has you steal a staff from the mage that hangs out in the tavern and give it to a random citizen. Maybe that is it.According to the wiki though:
  19. Blake

    Nocturnal on Skooma

    But seriously, I wanna keep the Skeleton Key.
  20. Really nice build and looks very organized. I'd go with Option 1 since I always enjoy doing more damage, but pickpocketing is also a lot of fun.Currently doing a thief with only Archery for combat, so I'll probably steal some of your enchantment ideas.
  21. Talos did deal with the moral realm in Morrowind. :PAlso Delphine doesn't make sense as she didn't even know who was the Dragonborn until she stole the horn.
  22. Reserved for future comments. Would read right now, but I'd rather finish it in one sitting and I'm leaving fairly soon.
  23. I usually don't send other's to something I am to afraid to go to, but if she really wants it, I'll click it when I can.
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