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Everything posted by Blake

  1. And yes, bronze star can add people too.I learned that the hard way.
  2. Get on Runescape and slay.
  3. I see your signature tells the truth.I have to agree, though as a general rule, you don't dip in Daedric.
  4. Blake


    Not to be "that guy" but you are taking things too far. They are just names, just meant to be read, enjoyed, ignored, or identified. Nothing else. Sure, you can judge, which nobody clan blame you."911 is a lie" is a horrible name. Honestly, I told him his name is stupid and is an ass for having it, but that is all I can really do. Honestly, I don't like him as a person, so it's quite alright. He doesn't read the forums anyway, so that's fine too.Contracept is just a joker, so nothing to explain about that. And my name, The Pantless, is also an inside joke that started in IRC. It is just for fun. I do take names seriously, which is why I always return to my original everytime I change. Basically, I, and most other players, don't have the kind of grasp on Rs as you do.You probably won't read this, but good luck on finding a clan who also shares a collective stick up the collective ass.
  5. Blake

    Hacking Recovery

    Yeah you have to set up your notficiations so it will notify you of blog comments. I think the default set up doesn't.
  6. I guess the red sign is the part I was confused about. I guess it means no entry or whatever?
  7. For the first question, no.I don't understand the 2nd one, sorry.
  8. Blake

    Dust 514

    I won a key to this on some website's lottery type deal. I just traded it to some guy for TF2 hats though.Looks really cool. I have a PS3 at my new place and this looks worth it.
  9. Can't help with the backgrounds thing, but I didn't have trouble with brush sizes on GIMP.Re-download me thinks?
  10. Parents kicked me out of the house. New apartment, stealing shitty internet, must start working to live from now on, and still trying to hold on to online duties. Thus marks the end of an era.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Blake


      Na just food and utilities mostly. Even my rent is covered by the refund I get by not having my health insured by the school.

    3. Jake


      Maybe you should get a roommate to help pay the rent. I dread when my day will come when I'm kicked out.

    4. cheekychips


      I dont get kicked back out till August, but i know that feel bro. Workstudy pays for my foodz

  11. You may want to give a translation for the "funny" picture. Glad to see the trip went well.
  12. How is this pay to win? lol. All you can do is buy cosmetic outfits, new animations, and emotes. Just cool stuff that have no real purpose in game.The only thing that can kind of be seen as pay to win is the SoF, but that is only because of the ultra rare lucky and money drops, which hardly anybody wins. And honestly, I'd want a decent handful of people to buy spins and runecoins rather than Jagex raise the price of membership.
  13. Blake

    Skyrim Is My Family

    I live in Breezehome with Lydia and I'm married to Mjoll, so that guy who always follows her lives with me too. We are like a horrible sitcom.
  14. Blake

    People Who Choose Khajiit's

    They figured me out.
  15. Blake

    Skyrim Babe

    Woah, what am I doing here? I was trying to learn the Dragon and Daedric alphabet. Better turn around now. That's right. Two Eldersoul references in one picture.
  16. Blake

    This seems very fitting;3

    Big Cheese is more important
  17. Blake


    Cause it's awsome, that's why.
  18. The ability to craft them me thinks? This would of been great to post on the vampire lord or dawnguard topic.
  19. Can't do it this time. Out in the city and all the money I have is for food, gas, etc.
  20. Whenever I load up a game, it goes to the load screen where I can see a picture and a description, but then freezes shortly after. Note this happens if I try to load an old save or start a new game.Any suggestions?
  21. From what I looked up, most likely. A couple of people say the dresser is a safe bet.
  22. We thought the zombies got you.WELCOME BACK!
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