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Everything posted by Blake

  1. I'm afraid Robert Di Nero is staying in the movie. However, he is losing this Greybeard role and instead that'll be given to Ian McKellen (Gandalf). It's him or I walk. Liam Neeson is also Dragonborn. He has gotten plenty of wolf fighting practice in The Grey, so he'd be perfect. We'll be getting some Dark Brotherhood action in Skyrim: Rise of the Dovakiin. Not a lot, but we need the main characters. Cicero- Jonah Hill Astrid- Charlize Theron Nazir- Will Smith Emperor- Rober De Niro Nicholas Cage- Nicholas Cage. That's right. Nicholas Cage is in Skyrim. Didn't you know that? I'm also seeing a three movie spread for this. Skyrim: Rise of the Dovakiin Skyrim: The Search for the Elder Scroll Skyrim: Alduin's Bane We will have jumped the shark by the third movie.
  2. I'll be recasting Dragonborn. Dragonborn- Liam Neeson Esbern- Sean Connery Delphine- Meryl Streep Master of Greybeards- Robert De Niro Paarthurnax- voiced by Morgan Freeman Alduin- voiced by James Earl Jones Ulfric- Chris Hemsworth, but he's wearing the wig from Thor Tullius- George Clooney and scene.
  3. Blake


    No, there isn't. That is just NPC specific. It's possible there is a mod for it as the elements are there, just not for your character. I'm not sure of this though.You can always tea bag the corpse of your enemies. That is a just punishment.
  4. Blake

    Clan Citadel

    Oh I forgot all about Clan Citadels. I'm definitely gonna start working there.Okay. You caught me. I lied. I had 999 posts and I had to find a topic to post in. I promise to work though.
  5. Some guy posted this exact same video in their status and I pretended to of heard it before.Yeah the acting is a bit over-the-toppish
  6. I was going to comment on how it is impossible to only watch this once, but after the 10th time watching this, my brain is nonexistent.
  7. Very nice read. I forget you are out there doing stuff. Good luck and thanks.
  8. I know right. God I hate being Catholic.
  9. First of all, I hope you are enjoying Skyrim for the PC. Honestly, mods and console commands are worth the trouble. :PI guess what should be said first is thank god you can use console commands, but I understand how constantly having to depend on these can get tiresome and just ruin the experience in general. I'm not too versed in computer gameplay though, but I would recommend things like reinstalling and basics such as that.I just re read your thing about Mods and I understand that installing mods the wrong way can have adverse effects on gameplay, but this is mostly a visual thing. Still something to consider.I'll help more after I look into it a bit more. I'll post again if I have anything new to add.
  10. Not sure if you know this, but this is one of my favorite shows, definitely my favorite talk show anyway. Craig is original, honest, hilarious, and very talented.Anyway, this came up in conversation and I decided to share it.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JRygb0lfJbU
  11. Blake

    Fish Flingers

    Your mother must be ashamed.
  12. You should wait a bit closer to the actual achievement date to post one of these, but I'll definitely be there.
  13. I guess theoretically, attack will make you more accurate so it'll help with strength and hp. The difference won't be astronomical though.Still going with attack as the cape is more unique and, imo, sexier. Hp will come as you train your other combat skills.
  14. Yeah this rarely happens. The only fix I know of is to go back to an earlier save before you should of leveled up, but didn't. You said you've been playing for 2 hours afterwards though, so I'm not sure if you have a save that goes that far back.Just out of curiosity though, are you playing an unpatched version of the game? This bug was supposed to be fixed on patch 1.3, I think. Maybe 1.4.
  15. Lord of the Rings Online is free to play via Steam. I will ultimately try this out and give it its 3 hour chance, but is it any good? It has already risen to one of the most popular f2p downloads on Steam, but then again, I was out of commission for awhile.
  16. Imagine how many lives you have changed David.You are our hero.
  17. What's worse is the fist fight at the end where I step on his crotch like 10 times in a row and he just pops up.Nevermind. What you posted is worse.
  18. I once had sex with Neptune. What did we call our big mOment?That's right...
  19. Yeah they are pointless platforming "missions". Basically, it's a first person experience where you walk through some pretty cool levels that sometimes correspond with what Desmond is talking about. All the while, you'll be creating either cubes or ramps to platform through obstacles. I loved the actual level design but... If you want a basic idea of what you'll be hearing, you'll hear about Desmond's childhood growing up in a "cult", escaping said cult, his life in the city, and finally being abducted by Astergo.
  20. I remember asking you if you knew that song or where you reading lyrics. You then said no as only faggots know that song. I then cried as I knew that song by heart. Good memories, but it doesn't have anything on Mindmyskillz by the LoL Squad http://thelolsquad.bandcamp.com/track/mindmyskillz?permalink
  21. Make a move on his mother. That usually solves all my problems with friends.
  22. Been gone for awhile, so I have a lot to comment on. [*]I'm extremely jealous of your muffle enchantment [*]Ring of Namira. CANNIBAL!!! [*]A Sephiroth build would be interesing. The Blades katana is a must. [*]Yeah not much difference between Ebony and Daedric to go craft another set. Between perks and smithing bonuses, you should be fine. I'd still craft the Daedric great sword, but that is just because I needz moar damage.
  23. Please don't double post. HAR HAR HAR.Yeah I can agree with most of these things, though I'll still like the hookblade. And I'm guessing it will make an apperance in AC3 as tree climbing seems to be a thing.I really didn't have a problem with any missions being confusing or anything, rather if you fail you have to go back all the way before some cutscene. I have a good script of dialogue memorzied after trying to get 100% synch on a mission and failing horribly.I guess all I have to say is I was expecting Ezio to go out with a bigger bang than just finding an Apple of Eden, but just letting it stay there. At least he found some hot Italian ass to get him through his golden years. Also, how did you like the Desmond origin missions?
  24. First day back since my internt broke and I get to merge 3 of Carroll's post together. [/liekabaws]good work though. I'm at 93 at the moment, so we're pretty much neck and neck. Hopefully you can get members by the time you hit 99.
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