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Everything posted by David

  1. David

    98 april 3rd 2012

    y u no play in HD?
  2. Are you sure your game is updated with the latest patch? Make sure that it is. If not, connect to the internet via PSN/Live and run the game - the update will start automatically. After the patch installs, play Skyrim 15-20mins and the quest should automatically start.
  3. I don't even know what the hell that means.So Superman is friendzoned by a lesbian?
  4. Wonderwoman is one butch lesbian.Green Latern is white?Batman just stands there and doesn't do shit. Poor bastard has no powers.Superman is OP.
  5. If reloading didn't work, you'll have to go back farther. Is your game updated to at least 1.4 though? That's the main thing to be sure of.
  6. Lover's Comfort stacks with the three main guardian stones, but not with the Lover's Stone.
  7. Alright, that's good to hear. You probably didn't even have to delete your game saves if it was just the cache (or possibly the installation files). If it happens again I'd try clearing that first to avoid all of the hassle of starting over.I'm sure this thread will help other people searching for an answer to the same issue. Feel free to come back and ask if you ever have anything else come up. You can also create an account to join in with the various community discussions or help others.
  8. FFX?! I almost died when I saw your avatar, what a classic.

  9. David

    A Few Site Changes

    If anyone ever writes an article/guide again I'm sure it will be put to good use. :'(
  10. Between your signature and the comment you left in the Positive/Neg Rep thread I'd say your position is getting to your head.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. David


      And locking statuses. Didn't even know that was possible.

    3. Blake


      Just saw that warning point you gave me. I think members should be notified when they receive one, not that we have that problem.

      And I only changed his About Me, Interest, and Member Title. Noob Sauce did the exact same thing as well.

    4. David


      You weren't notified? I was more or less testing it and I remember filling out some form that claimed to be for the member to see. But yeah, as of now there's not really a problem.

  11. Hello, welcome to the site! Let me know if you ever have any suggestions. :)

  12. Are you using a console or the PC? Fixes [*]That bug is supposed to be fixed as of patch 1.4, so make sure your game is updated. To update, just connect to the internet via Live/PSN and run the game - the patch should begin installing automatically. After it is installed, run the game for 20mins and the quest should start right away. [*]Reload from a save prior to speaking with Brynjolf, who is supposed to assign the quest after Loud and Clear completes.
  13. I've heard of something similar, but I don't remember what the fix was honestly... Just to clarify, answer the following: [*]What was the specific name of the quest? Sounds like "The Way of the Voice." [*]Are you on a console (360/PS3) or a PC? If the game didn't fix itself when you restarted, it's not an issue with the game save. If you're on a console, delete all of the installation and profile data from your console and then run the game again so that it re-installs everything.
  14. I literally do not understand how you all get hacked so much. My account is like 8 years old and I've NEVER had it happen. Do you give other people your passwords or what? With the new display names I don't even see how it's possible, granted Cons is the same (as the login) I believe.
  15. What do you mean by can't talk? For example, is there no option to talk to NPCs, or does it enter the dialogue menu (when you lock on to the person and the speech options appear) and just have no choices? Also, did you notice this started during a specific quest, or what were you doing when it began?
  16. Did you really watch that video, see the suit, and think it was serious? It had balls on its chin... lmao.
  17. We've had our best day ever two days in a row based on visits to the site. Free Premium Member to everyone that comments!

  18. Honestly you should do the lists like what you've posted in a few threads. Things like that have a lot of article/google potential and could double as things we promote to the main content area.
  19. This was always my favorite event when I played. Yeah, you generally don't get shit for drops, but the atmosphere and companionship at these things are top notch. It's just casual enough for antics and hilarity but serious enough to get a good turnout. I remember TM pulling 16 people to one and everyone was over level 110+ besides me and a couple others.
  20. I would like to add to the customization idea: spells. Oblivion's system was fantastic, allowing you to create, manage, and customize as many spells as you wanted to create. This is one reason magic was so good in Oblivion. Skyrim removed this ability, AND nerfed the damage of the base spells... Resulting in a magic system that's extremely weak in combat. Simply re-introducing custom spells could go a long ways in fixing that issue.Oh, and I just wanted to say that I had this image of hunting bears in Red Dead Redemption when you guys were talking about more animals. I remember shooting grizzlies for 30mins straight as 4-5 continuously responded around me until I ran out of ammo and died on a pile of 50 corpses. Let's not let Skyrim go that far.
  21. Ah, no problem. This was because you were flagged by the system as a "Spammer" and your account was marked as "banned" without actually moving you to that group. It was because your email wasn't validated after a certain period of time (this is also why your name appeared as grey as opposed to the normal member white color). I have unflagged your account. You should still search for the email that was sent when you created the account, though, so that it gets validated and moved to full member. Edit: I have just edited your account myself, so you're all set. I'm sorry for the mistake.
  22. Thank you for replying back with your fix, I'm sure that will help a ton of players. You'd be surprised at how many people end up on the site from googling questions like this looking for answers.
  23. I'll just quickly detail and explain a few changes on the site I worked on this weekend... Instead of studying for the exam that's either going to make or break my life coming up on Tuesday. Ah well, that is life. General Badassery Just couldn't think of a better catch-all term in all honesty, so I wrote the first thing that came to my head. If I'm right it's going to be almost the only thing displayed in the excerpt on the index, so I bet it'll get me a few cheap clicks. Suckers. Article Updates All of the articles previously had a pretty ugly and meaningless "Closing Message." I've edited the templates of the site itself to eliminate the need for having to write this into the articles. Instead, every article automatically appears with the above message to guests (members again don't have to view it). It's the standard "Join Us/Ask Questions" deal, except in a much nicer and automatic format. Most of you won't care (if any of you), but it's really quite cool when you think about how it's integrated only for certain member groups. Hint: Write some damned articles! Guest Permisions Guests can now comment on articles, gallery images, and (depending on what you choose as bloggers) blogs! Hopefully this results in a lot more external input from the people that view our site but never post. TRR Guest Message TRR also has its own guest message, only slightly edited from the ES one shown under the Different Ad Types image. I'm looking for someone to point out 4-5 good TRR-related reasons for creating an account, and after that happens I'll continue to change it. Advertisements I've taken some time to update the ads located on the site. As members, these changes will result in you seeing far fewer advertisements, as coding changes have enabled me to display the majority of them to guests only. Advertisements per Group Normal members only see the following advertisements as of now... Board Footer Sidebar of Index Premium Members and staff are still exempt from all advertisements. Guests see everything. Color Palette Changes As you can see, the new color layout contrasts much more with the rest of the site. I'm experimenting with these effects and seeing how large of an impact they have on views and clicks. Different Ad Types As I'm sure some of you have noticed, the long and narrow advertisements have largely disappeared from the top of every page. Instead, I've changed the guest message to display larger square advertisements instead of the old ES logo. The main benefit being less advertisements users with accounts have to stare at, since generally the people that are actually interested in ad content are people that are browsing from Google or elsewhere as guests. Hence including it in the guest message none of you see.
  24. That's odd, I've heard of a few bugs involving that quest but the Karliah thing is new to me. "setstage TG08A 57" will move the quest to the next stage, but like you said you would miss the cutscene. I'm just mentioning this for others who find your question via search and may just want a quick fix. The wiki mentions a fix by standing closer to the gate while Karliah is speaking and asks you to accept the oath. You mentioned something similar in your post, but is this exactly what you were talking about? Here's another fix that I've edited a bit to make more sense...[*]Karliah can be fixed when she stops to have the final chat, in the chamber with the 8 fires. Stand with your back to the barred ritual chamber and your face pointing to the stones where you get your armor. She will start walking in the good direction, towards the barred door and you MUST save the game at this point. When she reaches the barred door, she will use the chain one time too many and the bars will drop and then raise again (if you do nothing). Instead, wait until she has pulled the chain once, and then quickly use Unrelenting Force to blast her into the next room. Once she picks herself up, the rest of the quest will continue normally. Again, these are just basic fixes people have mentioned in the wiki, along with a few others. If those are what you were unsuccessfully trying before, or don't work, just respond back and we'll try to figure something else out. Worst case you might have to reload a previous save if that's a practical suggestion.
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