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Everything posted by David

  1. I'm not sure where the game data/patches are located on the 360, but you could still try deleting and reinstalling that. I really don't know what else could be causing it. Is the issue only on one specific save, or is on others as well? If only one character is affected it wouldn't be the game data.
  2. Welcome to the site. Did these problems start happening after you installed a patch? Are you playing on version 1.5? If they suddenly began after you installed a new patch, I'm going to assume you're using a PS3. Try the following: [*]Game -> Game Data Utility. Delete the game data and updates/patches for Skyrim. Note that this is NOT the same thing as your game saves; this is an entirely different folder than "Saved Data Utility". After the game data is deleted, run Skyrim again and reinstall the data and patches. And if that doesn't work... For Smithing, make sure you have the appropriate perks in order to max how much you can improve an item. Though with 100 you should be able to improve items past fine regardless of whether or not you have the perks, investing in them might fix it. I would try that and see if it changes anything. If you don't want to invest in the perks, save before you test it so you can just revert if it doesn't work. If you were able to do all of that before and it just suddenly stopped working, I'm not really sure what to suggest. Reply back if any of the above works. If not, just say so and we'll try to figure something else out.
  3. As an arrogant young male between the ages of 16 and 28, I would look at that channel, say and swim that bitch to the other side.
  4. There is no such thing.That is all.
  5. Here are some things to try on the PC: [*] You may have to skip forward to the start of the next quest, Alduin's Wall, by using the console and typing in setstage MQ203 5, which will allow you to continue. [*] Use console command setstage MQ202 (stage #) to force Esbern to open the door and talk again. Stage 160 makes Esbern open the door, if bugged. Stage 170 makes Esbern talk again, if bugged. Another easier way to avoid bugs is to type in CompleteQuest MQ202, which would work for any quest value. The UESP bug notes contain some fixes, as does the TES wiki. Note that I have personally not confirmed these, but they're worth a try if the suggestions in the above posts fail. It's also worth noting that not all patch fixes claim to retroactively being bugged quests. Some of the patches only prevent the issue from popping up again in new games.
  6. We have a pretty in-depth guide HERE you can refer to if you want more information, but I'll provide a brief summary.It really depends on what stage of a vampire you are. For most stages, you just need to find Falion in Morthal and complete a quest for him. However, if you're stage 4, everyone will try to attack you, including Falion. At this point, you need to drink the blood of a sleeping NPC to revert back to stage 1. At stage 1, you can resume Falion's quest normally.If you have any additional questions feel free to respond using the form at the bottom of this page.
  7. David


    Can you explain the problem a little bit more? I didn't quite understand what the specific issue was. Does the game hang in the sense that it freezes, or are you unable to get out of the cart after the cutscene?The game opens with a cutscene of men sitting with you in a cart. After 5 minutes or so, the scene will end, and you should be able to choose your character's name and details. After that, you'll be able to move around when the game actually begins.
  8. David


    What do you play on? The PS3, 360, or PC?Try deleting your game data and patch/update data (NOT your game saves) and then run the game again, so that everything reinstalls.
  9. David

    UEFA EURO 2012

    The only good thing about soccer is the ensuing vuvuzela hilarity that happened during every U.S. sporting event until they were mass banned.
  10. Hm, 12 people have voted. Not bad. Think the TRR record is like 38 or something.
  11. o.O If you notified the police that's some serious jail/ fines from her. At the very least you probably would have got money back to replace what was broken either from her or your insurance. Was it just your PS3/Modem or was it mass destruction? The picture of my girlfriend buying a golf club for the sole purpose of destroying my shit makes me chuckle. For a minute, then I realize it's probably possible. Now I'm just scared.
  12. Are you sure you cleared the right things? That is THE solution to the problem, and it should work every time. Alternatively you'll probably be waiting until the next patch comes out.
  13. I remember playing that. I was quite young when I bought it, so it was one of those things I never quite completed. It was definitely a great game, specifically the scale as Blex mentioned. The story is intentionally vague, and many people love it like that. I personally thought it needed some direction, but meh. That's not what the game was about. Is there any difference between the normal and HD version? Seems like some kind of marketing ploy.
  14. 69 forum reputation. Annnnd the system goes off.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Blake


      74 is the number associated with Jesus and, ironically, Lucifer. Goosebumps ran for 74 episodes. George Washington had 74 Generals in his Continental Army. 74 is the atomic number of tungsten, a fucking awesome element.

    3. Blake


      A hurricane, a freaking force of nature, is categorized when it's winds are at least 74 mph. Spongebob obtained 74 stars at his drving school. Ken Jenning's Jeopardy streak was 74 wins.

    4. Blake


      74 BC was the year that Roman forces under Lucius Lucullus defeat the forces of Mithridates VI of Pontus in the Battle of Cyzicus. a 74 is a boat with 74 guns, in other words, a freaking pain train. So keep your perverted coincidence. I'll hold on to my superior reputation.

  15. The DLC to fix the endings is going to be free, if anyone cares. Mass Effect 3 - $39.99
  16. Do you still have the freezing issue? If you don't have the patch you shouldn't have the freezing issue either, as they're directly related.Make sure you're looking in the "Game Data Utility" folder, and not "Saved Game Utility" or whatever its called. Your save data is not in the same location as what you should be deleting.
  17. It's a file located in the same place as the game data in the "Game Data Utility" folder. Unless I'm mistaken, the game data file is just titled "Skyrim" and the patches/updates are titled "Skyrim Update." They should be right next to each other. Note that if you've never gone on the internet to download/install the patches, they won't appear... Though this issue is related specifically with patch 1.05.
  18. David

    UEFA EURO 2012

    Does American football get any attention in Europe? I'm curious as to how you even know about it with the European "soccer" football stereotypes, lol.
  19. Patches/updates are downloaded automatically when you run the game while connected to the internet. With consoles, this is done through Live/PSN. You're either not connected to the internet or didn't delete the patch data with the game data.
  20. GMT and UTC are the same. Both change within 1 hour depending on daylight savings time.http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/converter.html This will help find time zones.
  21. The funniest thing about this is that you just wrote out that entire monologue and then didn't even bother to vote.Just lol.
  22. Please fill out the poll. If your time zone is not listed, respond here and I'll add it.
  23. I had been wondering about that, actually. You learn something new every day it seems.
  24. So this is going to be split off from my status where Blexun and I went into a debate about the lyrics, which are often misquoted, even by lyric sites. "Mama, I just killed a man." vs. "Mama, just killed a man." I'll ignore the blasphemy on the GREATEST SONG AND BAND OF ALL TIME!!11Basically, a "," in song lyrics indicate a pause, not necessarily a change in subject. Taking the rest of the songs context into account, it is as if the singer was saying "I killed a man" there regardless. Which explains why the lyrics are so often misquoted; the "I" isn't actually in the lyrics, it's just inferred... "Mama!" "Just killed a man!" The speaker is indicating that he just killed a man to his mother. "Just killed a man" has a gapped subject. Here's the video, listen for the "Mama, (I?) just killed a man..." at 1:00.http-~~-//www.youtube.com/watch?v=fJ9rUzIMcZQ
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