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Everything posted by David

  1. There are a lot of different routes you can choose with stealth. Dual dagger, one-handed, archery, etc. Sneak attacks are probably overpowered in the game, but it really makes things a blast. Though at high sneak levels it's almost "too easy."Also, why not an Argonian?
  2. ... Is apparently going to be announced next week, according to rumor. Unfortunately all we know as of now is... Oh, and the 360 is going to have Kinect functionality come out soon.Hopefully the DLC release date won't be too long after the announcement. Though if they'd been diligently working on it this entire time you'd think it would have been leaked now.
  3. Hello! Welcome to the site. Let me know if you ever need anything or have any suggestions. :)

    1. x cryptic x

      x cryptic x

      Thanks =), Just one thing. When will i be added to the clan chat since it would appear i currently cannot speak in it lol

    2. David


      As soon as someone with a rank high enough comes on, they should be able to add you right away. You might have to PM them to remind them though.

  4. Yes they will, you should just reinstall the patch. It will still fix the problem.
  5. You have to do Taarie's task before you are able to marry her. This involves the "Fit for a Jarl" radiant quest, where you wear clothes she provides for you and visit Elisif the Fair. After this, you must invest in her store. She should then have disposition high enough to provide the marriage dialogue options, assuming you've began the marriage quest and have an Amulet of Mara.Note that if you have invested in the store via Endarie (it counts as the same store since they have the same items), you will be unable to raise Taarie's disposition with it, and as a result will be unable to marry her.
  6. Can't complain about that price if you need to catch up on the series. Mass Effect 1 360/PS3/PC
  7. Seems like I've been posting a lot of ME3 threads... Price hasn't been very regular. This is an Amazon dail deal, so it will probably revert to the the last deals'Mass Effect 3 for $29.99This is as low as the price will get before it permanently drops whenever it gets made a "Greatest Hit" or what-not.
  8. I had actually never heard of this game before now. Good review. I hope she made your heroics worthwile at the end.
  9. From the water freezing thread: "Admin, you are a genius"

  10. I would google the model number and see if other people have had similar problems. Since it's three years old it's probably not under warranty anymore, but you could always check or call and complain.
  11. Is it a projector projector or a DLP TV?How old is it? I have no idea what I'm talking about concerning projectors but I know on DLP's the ballast can go bad.
  12. I remember doing this when I first got the book. It took me a decent bit of time before I got the book dupe to work, but after you get the hang of it it's pretty easy. I never used the exploit though since it forces you to level several skills.Should note that you don't actually have to level by reading the book in order to dupe it, you just have to navigate the menu and deposit it quickly.
  13. I would go for 75 destruction to unlock the Expert spells if that's going to be the main method of combat. MAYBE 100 Smithing, too; it's one of the best skills regardless of build although having a mage with 100 smithing might break some roleplaying. You can also improve Dragon armor to be better than Daedric at Legendary. I'm not sure what the armor rating changes would be, though, if it was at the expense of Heavy Armor... I just like having a lot of armor options, so it's a personal taste. 90 Smithing would be better for most people. If you just have one pair of rings for fortify conjuration, I would summon two atronachs and then have the fortify regeneration/destruction on 99% of the time (the exception being when a summon dies in combat since it's permanent otherwise). Enchantment Changes Hands: Fortify Carry Weight instead of Magicka. Feet: Fortify Carry Weight instead of the Resists (not a fan of the usefulness of these). Perk Changes [*]Eliminate Conjuration Dual-casting. Master Conjuration renders time pointless as effects are permanent with Dead Thrall. Dark Souls/Necromancy can be eliminated for similar reasons. There's some Restoration Perk that allows you to get higher level dead thrall summons that is a better alternative imo. Necromage? Don't remember the name. [*]The "augmented" destruction perks are optional. I would consider only putting the perks in one of the pathways if any, but it all depends how many points are left over. [*]All of the Restoration pers from adept ->Expert are unnecessary since you'll have -100% cost most of the time. Instead go for the Necromage and optionally recovery (1) for avoid death if enough perks are left.
  14. On that topic, is there a reason why Skyrim doesn't pre-load/cache environments you've already been in? It's horribly irritating to forget something in a house, and then have to go right back inside... You go through 3 unnecessary loading screens.
  15. Deal is dead for the 360, but the PS3/PC is still live.
  16. I've personally been addicted to Campbell's chunky chili as my go-to dorm food. It's surprisingly filling but it kind of scares me since I only have to microwave it for 90 seconds and there's actually a generous amount of meat in there. Well, then again, considering it costs me $5...
  17. Lmao, yes, usually. The funniest one I've read yet involved a girl who was mugged. Her description of the attacker was something like "Male between the ages of 16 and 30 and a height between 5'4" and 6'1." After eliminating about 50 people in the United States, she went on to be hilariously specific about the guy's shoes, "Black/Green Multicolored Special Edition Tonik DC footwear." To this day I hope to meet this wonderful troll.
  18. I'll just add what I already said in the PM for context. I usually aim for builds at a lower level since 81 is a bit time consuming for my liking. At that point, you also have a lot of perk investments and can probably have at least 2 pretty well-developed play-styles that are completely different (if you wanted).
  19. Intercourse between Zeus and the earth.Lube was not used.
  20. Ah, good. Tense relations going into a clan war. Me gusta.
  21. My response was better and more realistic damnit.

    1. David


      Plus it took me a good 3 minutes to come up with that line. It went perfectly with the whole beach scenario because squirrels are always going to the beach.

    2. Blake


      Consider it revenge for deleting my cheeseburger comment. IT WAS GENIUS.

  22. The game is known to get laggy, especially in areas where you've dumped or moved a lot of items around since the game has to store that information in memory. Here are a few suggestions, though there's no guaruntee that there will be a major impact... [*]As you've done, turn off the autosave feature. [*]Clear out the unnecessary Skyrim save files that may have accumulated. [*]You're obviously going to want to keep enough so that you have a practical back-up in case one of your quests bugs out, though. [*]Clear some space on your hard drive by deleting old game data you won't use anymore. I'm not sure if this is what you meant by "rebuilt." [*]Make sure that your game has been updated to the most recent version. As of 4/21, this is v1.5 If the issue is the result of excessive amounts of items, those types of things should reset after 30 in-game days or so. You can also delete your game data and patch data and reinstall them. This MAY fix some problems. Navigate to the "Game Data Utility" folder and delete "Skyrim" and the "Skyrim Update" files. Note that this is NOT deleting the same thing as your game saves; your saves are in the "Saved Data Utility" folder.
  23. Wasn't enough evidence? That's certainly not trying very hard. Not surprised, though. I get weekly campus crime updates via email and I've yet to ever hear news of an arrest besides shit about them busting private doors down to hand out MIP's. Yay for tax dollars at work.
  24. Nah, that's not what it means. You can unlock the Dragon perk so long as you have all of the perks on EITHER side (light or heavy armor) leading up to it. Once you unlock that perk, you are not able to travel down the opposite side of the tree to get the armors in reverse order.For example, Steel -> Dwarven -> Orcish -> Ebony -> Daedric -> Dragon works fine. However, you are not then able to go down the light armor side via Dragon -> Glass -> etc.
  25. Yeah, delete the installed game data as well as the patches and then redownload and install them.It's hard to say. It's just something I would try to do since I really don't know what could be the cause of something like that. Again, if your other saves don't have the same issue, then the game data isn't the problem. Your specific save file could just be bugged in that case.
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