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Everything posted by David

  1. Those of you with PC's can use the console commands to skip the quest. If you're using a console and the patch still has not fixed the issue, there may be a different cause than the one the patch was supposed to fix. The way the patch release was worded leads me to believe that the quest may only be fixed in future play-throughs - and not retroactively start it - for many people. [*]If the player breaks into Honningbrew Meadery before receiving this quest, it will not become available (even after installing the 1.4 patch) Loud and Clear. [*] If you cannot obtain the quest, you can can skip it using the console with completequest TG03, followed by setstage TG04 1. This allows you to continue progression in the Thieves Guild. [*]After completing the quest Loud and Clear, if the player does not ask Brynjolf why Maven Black-Briar is requesting a meeting, the quest will not become available. Also Brynjolf will not speak to the player, saying only that he has "important tasks to be doing". [*]This bug is fixed by the Official Skyrim Patch (1.4). (allegedly, this is what I referenced earlier). [*] If you cannot obtain the quest, you can can skip it using the console with completequest TG03, followed by setstage TG04 1. This allows you to continue progression in the Thieves Guild. I'm sorry I can't be of more help. Until someone reports back here with a fix or a patch success story there's not much else to recommend besides trying the most recent patches or loading from a previous save and hoping for the best.
  2. Yes, there's an option to create a new album on the upload screen.Here's what the embed is like for the forums (using the "My Media" button in the text editor):
  3. I haven't written anything out yet, but here are some things (related to what Blargenfarg suggested) I've heard but have not personally tested: Instead of granting the same experience for essentially everything, the patch makes the skill similar to the others in the sense that experience is based on crafted item value. You should try to acquire materials that you will be able to craft into the highest value item possible. Just be wary of how much you spend on the materials and make sure you're not taking huge losses in the finished product.
  4. No, members can make their own personal gallery albums.
  5. You should create a personal gallery album of the work you've done for the members here. You can also link it in posts and get special formatting that way.
  6. Long time no see?

  7. Yes, 1.05 comes with all of the previous patches/fixes with it. The quest should automatically start 10-15 mins after the game has been running, so go mess around for a bit and you should get a message about the quest beginning.
  8. No problem. Feel free to respond here if anything else related comes up.
  9. We have an in-depth guide on the process here, specifically this excerpt... _________________________________________ Enchanting Armor to Achieve Unlimited Magicka (Zero Spell Cost) Now that you have 100 Enchanting, you can use the perk system's "Extra Effect" to be able to enchant two enchantments into every piece of armor! It is generally agreed that the best route to take to get this perk is by venturing up the center of the tree; refer to the right-hand image for more information. Recommended Perks [*]Enchanter (x5) - new enchantments are 20% stronger. [*]Insightful Enchanter - skill enchantments on armor are 25% stronger. [*]Corpus Enchanter - health, magicka and stamina enchantments on armor are 25% stronge. [*]Extra Effect - can put two enchantments on the same item. By using the "Fortify *Magic School*" enchantment, you will be able to achieve -25% cost on four pieces of apparel (chest, ring, necklace, and helm) for two schools of magic. The net result is -100% magicka cost (ZERO!) for two schools! This makes power-leveling all of your magic schools a matter of 10-20 minutes for level 100. _________________________________________ All you need to do is achieve an Enchanting level high enough to enchant your armor with the "Fortify *magic school*" enchantments with a strength of -25%. For the ability to get two schools free, you'll have to achieve Master level (100). The guide above that I linked goes into more detail on a sub-section, you should check that out and then come back here if you have any more questions. Leveling smithing is not required, but it's probably going to be the best method since you need things to enchant to raise Enchanting anyways.
  10. Hey, welcome to the site! Let me know if you ever have any suggestions or anything. :)

  11. Welcome to the site! Let me know if you ever need anything or have suggestions. :)

  12. Oh, and isn't the horizontal rule fantastic? Yw.
  13. Too tired to put any thought into an actual top 10 at the moment, but House would have to be up there.If you're into Netflix, watch Blue Mountain State. It's by no means a cinematic masterpiece, but it's fucking hilarious after it gets going. The Borgias is also interesting if you're even moderately aware of the history of that time period... or more likely if you've played Assassin's Creed. There's a lot of violence and sex if you can get past starring at Jeremy Iron's ass as he bangs some chick that's hotter than anyone you'll ever be with, all as a 70 year old pope.
  14. The "Fists of Steel" Heavy Armor perk increases the damage output to 18 with Daedric gauntlets, which is the most you can gain from using it. It only takes into account the base armor rating of the gauntlets, so even if you improve them with smithing the damage increase will still be 18. The "Gloves of the Pugilist" can be found in The Ratway on Gian the Fist. They fortify unarmed damage by 10 points and can be disenchanted, which allows you to apply the effect to other gloves and rings. This enchantment can be boosted to a maximum of 14 using the alchemy/enchanting loop that we have a guide on. So, assuming you have those two things, that's about all you can do. According to the wiki: That's going to be lower than any other type of combat obviously, but that doesn't stop people from trying it on their characters. Since there's no skill you don't have to create a new build around the idea, either.
  15. A platform (in our case the blog system) on which an individual or group of users record their opinions, information, thoughts etc. on a regular basis. It's essentially like a public journal on a topic of your choice, but can also be about any number of things.
  16. I had never heard of that game. y u no download FF7 and play a real classic? But yeah, I have had my own fair share of bad Christmas video games... Some motorcycle game for the PS2 that was literally unopened for 4+ years until I felt bad and played it for 10mins. Two of the same Pokemon games. Things involving popular culture TV shows, such as Scooby Doo/Spongebob/etc. But now I look back on those days and miss them... I only get a few clothes for Christmas now, and my life is going to be work from here on out. Lame.
  17. Good review. My main complaint was that the enemies level with you to the extent that you never feel like you're getting more powerful (relative to anything else) throughout the game. You get cool attacks, but by the end it takes like 5+ of ANYTHING just to kill a standard baddie. Evil Mode is also 10x better the Good imo. Good game overall.
  18. But now it's actually out. That was the main point, not really the updates themselves.
  19. Players will enter the life of Vincent Brooks, a 32-year-old man who finds himself caught by the irresistible attraction of the game's titular diversion. Vincent wakes up, hungover, next to a stunningly beautiful woman who isn't his girlfriend. This lands him in a predicament that occupies most men's dreams and nightmares. Did anything happen? Does he tell his longtime girlfriend, who's pressuring him to commit to her? Can he get away with stringing both women along? What will you choose to have Vincent do? Who will you choose to hurt? In life, cheating can ruin everything, but in the world of Catherine, it can also kill you. Overview Vincent really likes his girlfriend. Katherine's pretty, smart, and successful. Trouble is, now she's sat Vincent down for "the talk," and Vincent's spent his entire life trying to avoid long-term commitment. Since romantic complications are the last thing he wants to deal with, Vincent meets his friends for their regular night of drinks. Little does he know that he's about to be blindsided by a drop-dead sexy freight train named Catherine. When the morning comes, he's hungover in bed next to the most beautiful woman he's ever seen, unable to recall the previous night's events. Was it just harmless fooling around, he wonders, or did something more serious happen between them? Should he tell Katherine? Will he ever see Catherine again? Vincent's about to discover that stumbling on the stairway of love can turn into a horrific, fatal plummet...
  20. Always Have a Large Contrasting Title To Get People's Attention It would appear as though I am the only one updating their blog regularly. With that said, I should be finishing an 8+ page paper that's due tomorrow instead of writing this... But hell, this is more interesting. I'll also mention that I failed my last organic chemistry exam due to a lack of preparation, largely the result of my failed attempt at keeping you guys moderately entertained on this website for 5 minutes. But yeah, I'm not mad no one else is blogging or anything. I'll just keep on self-sacrificing. ಥ_ಥ That whole rant was just an attempt to use that smiley in some relevant manner. Statistics! Hm, yes. Everyone loves bar charts and line graphs. I'm not sure if I'm just simply feeble-minded or if it's the colors, but I'll be damned if they aren't gorgeous little nuggets for my brain. Anyways, I won't disappoint you... Click to enlarge. This first image I'll be sharing happens to depict the growth of Elder Souls over a period of about four months, from January 1st to April 4th. The specific metric featured is called "Visits", which as explained by Google... So basically, this means that half of these "visits" are probably just my constant appearances on the site... Though I usually don't even get 30 minutes in between my numerous check-ups, so this chart is at least somewhat legitimate. Probably. There are some interesting things to take away from this chart. The first arrow depicts the time that I ran out of money in Adwords, so paid traffic ceased to exist. Prior to this, the site was getting almost no traffic organically via search engines. I'm sure the large drop-off that the arrow is pointing at paints the picture relatively well. What's surprising, is the steep climb in traffic that appeared shortly after this at the end of January. Arrow 2 shows the period of 1-2 days that the site was offline. Though the number of unique visitors remained constant, visits did take a hit as you can see. One can assume this was due to people not coming back after they realized we were down. Ah, arrow 3. My favorite arrow. This happens to be the statistically best day our site has ever had as far as traffic is concerned, amassing 483 unique visitors. Unique visitors corresponds to the number of individual IP addresses that visit the site a day, so it's a less biased metric that "visits." That should accurately portray the number of people that came to the site, give or take those that used multiple devices (e.g. computer and phone). Need moar bar graphz. Holy shitstistics. The above graph represents totals over the 4 month range noted above. Not bad for a new site, eh? Here are some brief explanations for the more vague terms you're seeing... Page views: This field indicates the total number of pageviews for your site when applied over the selected dimension. For example, if you select this metric together with Request URI, it will return the number of page views over the returned result set for the Request URI for your report Bounce Rate: The percentage of single-page visits (i.e. visits in which the person left your site from the entrance page). New Visits: The number of new visits by people who have never been to the site before. Unlike TRR (which had 90%+ Returning Visitors), ES is largely comprised of new users. Search Engine Queries But... how exactly do people find the site? Our main source of traffic is known as organic traffic, comprised primarily of visitors from search engines. Here's a small excerpt of a few searches people used to find content on the site. As entertaining as always. Redneck boobs. The lewdness of internet users never disappoints. Y u no comment?
  21. No idea what the hell this game is, seems kinky. But people elsewhere were excited about the deal on such a new game so I'll share it. Catherine - $29.99 at Amazon Me gusta?
  22. The 1.5 patch only claimed to fix the death of specific NPC's blocking progression. Was that your issue? When the quests are actually (legitimately) fixed they should automatically start after 15-20mins of playtime after the patch is installed. I wouldn't be surprised if this wasn't a complete fix as the way they worded it specifically had me skeptical. If you had the dead NPC issue, though, and it STILL doesn't work... Well, damn.
  23. NEW FEATURES [*] New cinematic kill cameras for projectile weapons and spells [*] New kill moves and animations for melee weapons [*] Smithing skill increases now factor in the created item’s value [*] Improved visual transition when going underwater [*] Improved distance LOD transition for snowy landscapes BUG FIXES [*] General crash fixes and memory optimizations [*] Fixed issue with Deflect Arrows perk not calculating properly [*] In “A Cornered Rat,” the death of certain NPCs no longer blocks progression [*] Fixed issue where Farkas would not give Companion’s quests properly [*] Fixed crash when loading saves that rely on data that is no longer being loaded [*] Followers sneak properly when player is sneaking [*] Fixed issue with weapon racks not working properly in Proudspire Manor [*] Arrows and other projectiles that were stuck in objects in the world now clean up properly [*] Fixed issue where “Rescue Mission” was preventing “Taking Care of Business” from starting properly [*] Fixed issue where certain NPCs would fail to become Thieves Guild fences [*] Fixed issue in “Diplomatic Immunity” where killing all the guards in the Thalmor Embassy before starting the quest would break progress [*] In “Hard Answers,” picking up the dwarven museum key after completing the quest, no longer restarts the quest [*] Killing Viola before or after “Blood on the Ice” no longer blocks progression [*] Fixed issue where Calixto would fail to die properly in “Blood on the Ice” [*] In “Waking Nightmare” fixed occasional issue where Erandur would stop pathing properly [*] Fixed issue where letters and notes with random encounters would appear blank [*] Fixed rare issue where dialogue and shouts would improperly play [*] Lydia will now offer marriage option after player purchases Breezehome in Whiterun [*] Fixed issue where if player manually mined ore in Cidhna Mine, jail time would not be served [*] Fixed rare issue with skills not increasing properly [*] Fixed issue where the Headsman’s Axe did not gain proper buff from Barbarian perk [*] In “A Night to Remember” it is no longer possible to kill Ysolda, Ennis or Senna before starting the quest [*] Fixed issue with the ebony dagger having a weapon speed that was too slow [*] Fixed issue with “The Wolf Queen Awakened” where backing out of a conversation with Styrr too soon would block progress [*] The third level of the Limbsplitter perk now properly improves all battle axes [*] Fixed a rare issue where Sanguine Rose would not work properly [*] In “Tending the Flames” King Olaf’s Verse will no longer disappear from explosions [*] Fixed issue with frequency of first person kill cameras [*] Underwater effects now display properly [*] Fixed issue where sun would not appear properly after fast travel
  24. Actually I only watched the video. And I also noticed that, lol.
  25. I the opposite ofwhatever Sheogorath does. It's a paradox because he's my Oblivion me.Doesn't he give you Volendrung? If it's how I'm think of I'm going to say no just because I dislike his reward. That'll show him.
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