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Everything posted by David

  1. David

    Hello, welcome to the site! Feel free to let me know if you ever have any suggestions. :)

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    2. NYZ


      for PS3 of corse :|

    3. David


      Haha, unfortunately you'll have to see Bethesda themselves for that. I can only help with fixes and workarounds, and unfortunately know of none (save for PC console commands) for that specific bug. :(

    4. NYZ


      Yeah, I see... I can just what for the new update (hopefully). Hope that Bethesda can hear this one and only suggestion. Thank you for the replay :D

  2. Hey, what's going on?

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    2. Blake


      But why would it be "Mama, just killed a man" with a comma. That would only make sense if some guy named Just killed a guy. Either that site is wrong or Queen are idiots.

    3. Blake


      Well fuck that song now. Still, I ruined your status.

    4. David


      Or did you? Pretty sure this is a comment record.

  3. No one had used the arcade for a few months, though, near the end of its existance. It's just kind of a lot of work/maintenance if no one uses it, and it's pretty buggy.
  4. The most horrible realization I made in college was how much laundry detergent costs.
  5. 14.5? How tall are you? My shoe size is 12, which is definitely above average but not close ro 14.5.
  6. Lmao, really creative entry. I'm impressed and glad that we have another user with a blog. I myself have been often defeated by the mighty dandruff effect. Also by comic sans. But diet root beer? Really?
  7. Hm, I don't remember those ones. I was referring to a system after it that you were gone during, but it was the same concept with different medals. Could you post just a couple to refresh my memory?
  8. I've been working on a secret project that I'm sure will please many of the guests to our site. Introducing the new... TaylorSwift.ElderSouls.com !

    1. Blake


      Nice to see our Admin is always improving the site.

    2. Blake


      Oh. It's funny because taylor swift takes them here a lot and now it'll take them there. I got ya. If anything, it'll confuse them into seeing what we are.

    3. cheekychips


      Just typed it in. I. Died.

  9. List others if you can think of them.This is not me saying any of these will be back for sure... ever.
  10. This is a problem with the new patch. Fortunately the fix is quite simple and harmless. Directions Navigate to the "Game" category on the navigation menu. It's the same place you navigate to launch your games. Find the "Game Data Utility" folder. DO NOT go to the "Saved Data Utility" folder, which contains your game saves. Delete the game data (titled "Skyrim") and the updates/patches (titled "Skyrim Update") from "Game Data Utility". After that, you'll have to run the game and it will re-install the game files automatically. If you deleted the patch (as you should have), it will also re-download and install the most recent patch assuming you are connected to the internet.Oh, and you don't need to create a new topic to reply: just use the form at the bottom of this page. Let us know if the solution works or not. You don't need to create an account to reply, but having one makes it easier and opens up numerous other features here. Welcome to the site! EDIT: There are two folders that keep Skyrim data under the "GAME" category on the XMB (the navigational bar) that people are confusing... Game Data UtilitySaved Data Utility (PS3)"Saved Data Utility" contains your game saves (profile data, characters, etc.); you do NOT touch anything in this folder. "Game Data Utility" is where you need to look. It contains two files: "Skyrim" (file installed off the disc the first time you play) and "Skyrim Update" (patches downloaded from the internet). Neither of these are related to your game saves, and need to be deleted for this fix to work.
  11. It really wouldn't make much sense for it to be the disc, but assuming you reinstalled everything there's little else that could be causing the problem. You also can't eliminate the disc as a possibility without either using it with a different 360 or using a different disk with the current 360. I'm actually skeptical of disc cleaners anyways, did this problem start soon after it was cleaned or before? I wouldn't be completely surprised if that was related. Couldn't hurt to try with a friend either way, though.
  12. Assuming you uninstalled it and cleared the cache as well when you said you "deleted everything" I'm not sure what else to try. Someone who had a similar problem did the same thing (deleted/uninstalled everything) and also unplugged the 360 as an additional measure, and it fixed the problem.You're positive that EVERYTHING was deleted and uninstalled when the fix was attempted? And on the same attempt, not different instances? If so, that's very odd. Could you try the game with a different xbox, perhaps a friends?
  13. I've changed the check to every 6 hours, so hopefully that will eliminate the downtime.Otherwise just remember to delete the duplicate topic, though it would probably be easier to just wait for Falcon.
  14. I'm assuming you're running it without the install then? Try to do it with the install and see if that fixes it, as that's where I'd guess the source would be otherwise.Make sure the cache is cleared as well, though I'm sure you had that covered.
  15. It checks for news updates every 12 hours. So if Jagex happens to post something right after the check, it could be a tad late with the post (~11 hours) since it won't recognize the update until the next check. It will eventually always post it though, give or take the <12 hours. It actually posted this article right after you did, but I deleted it since your copy-paste of the article is more thorough than the RSS summary (which is shortened and linked for legal reasons).I could make it faster but I figured peope wouldn't notice or care.
  16. So when you ran the game after deleting everything, it re-installed two things: 1) game data and then 2) updates via the patches. Correct?Are you playing on a console or on a PC?
  17. Delete the installation/patch data and the run the game so everything is reset with the reinstall. It probably wasn't an issue with your game saves if it's on the new characters too.
  18. Haven't been many new threads recently. Time to revive the "Hot People" thread.

    1. Blake


      I'll start removing my pants.

  19. Yeah, if you're looking for cash monks are much better anyways. You'll come out farther ahead even if you account for the time it takes to do the quest, which is actually insignificant since you'll have to fish the same experience to get to 99 regardless.
  20. As Blexun said, to maximize the strength of your enchanted item achieve the following: [*]Use a filled Grand Soul gem (or the equivalent filled Azura's/Black Star). [*]Max your enchanting level. [*]Achieve the appropriate perks in the perk tree. For your question, you will AT LEAST want to achieve all five of the "Enchanter" perks and "Insightful Enchanter". However, since Enchanting is EXTREMELY beneficial in the game it's recommended that you get up every perk in the middle of the tree up to "Extra Effect". [*]You can also "boost" the skill using potions. If you boost alchemy by enchanting clothes, and then boost enchanting with the resulting potions... Well, the loop goes on. The above recommendations will probably be enough though.
  21. I would seriously do Swan Song for the monks. It's worth it and you still have over half of the experience to go (92 is 50%).
  22. Lobs aren't the fastest way, I think they're less cash and experience than monks if I remember correctly.Monks are the best if you want a cash/exp balance, fly fishing is more experience but shit cash.
  23. Yeah. Although it's lame that we have to come up with new methods, Smithing was probably overpowered. I'd rather them make it more difficult to raise instead of having the benefits/effects nerfed.
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