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Eric the Bard

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Everything posted by Eric the Bard

  1. I like PvE aswell. I've never really liked PvP, if you don't count first person shooters, but then again they're not really MMOs. I like all the hate and raging in FPSes though. I'm glad you like PvE, since everyone in my class loves PvP, and it's pretty much the only reason they play RS07.
  2. [i thought [] was a very topical... No need to remove it.] I've got no idea what you're talking about btw.
  3. What's up with these guilds made by random people? Is this one of you're masterplans to get more people on the site, Traag?

    1. David


      It's a guild database. Think advertising on Zybez in TRR, except with way more features. This time we're Zybez.

  4. I think many will be Khajit because this is the internet, and everyone loves cats.
  5. I didn't like it. I did like them back then, but no more. I only liked it because it was complicated, the music wasn't very good.
  6. I've got no idea what you're talking about. Except that Nord is, of course, best.
  7. It's easier to sing in a foreign language than to speak it. That's just how it is. Also, ABBA did their songs in Swedish and sometimes Swedish and English to start with. I'm not hating on ABBA btw, although I do prefer Queen over ABBA. Also, I'm seasick, the screen is rocking.
  8. I'm fluent in two languages and know some german aswell. Singing is a lot easier than talking in a foreign language, with the accent and such.
  9. I play RS07. And it's the best.
  10. Those would not help for me. I can't because I don't have access to my bank account until I'm 18. And thus I can't buy stuff over the internet, or donate, for that matter. I could have had access from I was 16, but my parents won't let me until I'm 18. I think atleast, it's possible I couldn't get a PayPal account when I'm below 18 anyways.
  11. I don't really know. I think my external voice is higher than my internal.
  12. I generally don't buy games. I usually just buy them from my local gamestore (Spaceworld), or from somewhere on the interwebs. No more than one game from any internet store. For no good reason. I don't pirate either.
  13. I wish I had a friend to play RS07 with *hint*

    1. Fergal
    2. Blake


      I wish I could help, but you are asking way too much.

      1. Somebody to play Runescape

      2. Somebody to PAY to play Runescape

      3. Somebody to play with you

      Nobody can handle all of that brah.

  14. I like that it's multiplayer. I'm not really excited though, doubt I'll buy it. But it's still one of the best games I've played.
  15. I was looking at my(it actually belong to a friend I've lost contact with) copy of it the other day considering installing it. But my computer is struggeling enough as it is, can't risk installing anything.
  16. Welcomr back! Haven't seen you in a while...
  17. I actually bought membs to play. And I love it. I'm not much of a clan person, really. I do wish I had a friend to play with though, as it would make a few things easier.
  18. I'm glad you're back! I'll never call you a bot again!(You're a bot!)
  19. RS 2007 is really good!!!! If you don't believe me, watch this livestream: http://www.twitch.tv/aimostfamous

    1. David


      It's not like we haven't already played it, lol.

    2. Eric the Bard

      Eric the Bard

      Well, I thought it was better than I thought it would be. I'm afraid bots and gold sites will ruin this aswell though. I haven't seen anyone that I'm sure is a bot yet though.

    3. Fergal


      We haven't all been playing RS for years David. ;) Unless you want to count private 07 servers... :P Eric, bots won't ruin it because it's P2P only, there will be some, but not nearly as much as if it were to be F2P.

  20. Well, it's football(soccer), so they always try to make it look like they get hurt to get penalty kick. That's what's most annoying about the sport. I think it's a fair rule, but too many use it wrong and just lay down if someone comes too close.
  21. That's... pretty disturbing...
  22. Lol, they probably expected people to buy members to play for free.
  23. I didn't know that it was the 18th of November 2012 today, and this topic seems oddly familiar... Anyways, I got no idea about Dark Souls. Did you ever buy the expansion?
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