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Eric the Bard

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Everything posted by Eric the Bard

  1. Thanks for informing us that you can, in fact, post the Canadian DBZ intro, however refuse to do so.
  2. I wrote that first post while someone was talking to me, and class was starting. That's why it's so terribly written. I haven't fixed it since I'm lazy, and instead I'm writing this.
  3. I never though this day would come. I absolutely loved BF2. It was announced on E3 yesterday. Most of you probably know, but I didn't see anything about it here yet, and I remember it was discussed earlier about being cancelled. Link
  4. I never really cared for dogs. In fact I used to have fobia against them. Not anymore though. I did see a large dog attack a little girl as a kid though. I still prefer large dogs over those puny little dogs. Cats are way better though. So intelligent and can take care of themselves. Doesn't demand much.
  5. What's the deal with that guy grabbing his dick? Is he his boyfriend?
  6. Wat...? This is Tutorial Island, not login.
  7. I need to watch Ted. I haven't been bothered, since I rarely watch movies that's not in the cinema. I was away when it started running and everyone had seen it when I came back. And I don't go to the cinema alone, Even though they got two loner seats.
  8. I somehow missed this earlier... Anyways, I don't usually go on the computer when it's sunny outside. Which it has been lately, periodically. Oh, and where's Blex gone? Brad hasn't been to active lately either, nor Tunisia, but Brad and Tunisia usually just pops by occasionally and leave a few posts and then leave for some time again. Blex is just gone.
  9. I think mostly the same movies are populare, with some extra local movies. Like right now, Hangover 3 is massively hyped.
  10. So eh, what do you think about this? lolarticle.jpgetfunstuff
  11. I've never even heard of that channel... Not sure what I think of game shows though. Haven't really watchedit much. But I can say that so much that goes on on American TV seem very much scripted.
  12. I wanted/want to watch it. Never cared much. I know people were talking about it and said it was good, but I could never be bothered really. I rarely watch movies, although I go to the cinema about 1+ a month. But other than that I don't really watch movies.
  13. My blog seem to be very populare among bots...

  14. Walked by a comic store shop. There's something wrong with grown men playing with pokemon cards.

  15. Nice. Makes me wish we had tornadoes over here.
  16. What DO they call a quarter pounder with cheese in Skyrim?
  17. I've never really been able to roleplay much. I guess I just need to find a story or something to start with. I've also never played Skyrim, which seems like a more easy game to roleplay in.
  18. Guysh, Xbox only won in the USA. PlayStation seem to be a clear winner elsewhere. I know like one person who got an Xbox, compared to like 10 with PlayStation. Also, I remember the HD-DVD Bly-Ray launch, and at the start there wasn't much. It kinda seemed unneccessary, and I'm still not sure how much better it is compared to normal DVD's. Btw. I've got no idea why Blu-Ray won. Is it actually better than HD-DVD?
  19. I can't see how Pac Man could appeal more to one sex than the other...I need to start reading through my posts before publishing when typing on mobile.
  20. I hate the discussions about who would win in a fight though... Batman would ofcourse loose if he didn't happen to have kryptonite.
  21. It is. And yeah, the main character (I think he's called Nathan, coincidensly) does get a bit annoying, but I love the Djinn or what they were called. The main character does change by the end of the book I think. He's a bit too good though sort of.
  22. Yeah, Superman is just too... super. And boring. I've never watched through a Superman movie without falling asleep.
  23. Tynisa... I've read the Twilight books too... I liked them, but not the movies. I haven't even seen them all. In my defence, I was recommended the book and started reading it before the first movie came out.Anyways... I've read the Hobbit. Nice little book. Starts a bit slow, like LOTR. I'm like half-way through LOTR, started part three. I just can't finish it for some reason. I haven't been reading much lately, except some comics (Star Wars and Spawn).I've read all the Harry Potter books 2-3 times or more.The Bartimeus Sequence is a really great series. It's about magicians and such. Read through the series twice. The magicians doesn't have much magical power, instead they make magical creatures do magic for them.
  24. I like how things are fluid and solid. I thought they were contradictions.
  25. I kinda liked the movie. It's quite some time since I watched it though, and yeah, Katniss is a bitch.
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