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Eric the Bard

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Everything posted by Eric the Bard

  1. Meh, they have plenty of time to fix it. They should hold a press beta when the game's a lot better, and they probably will aswell. I don't know what people expected though. It's a regular mmo with certain things from elder scrolls. It does look quite bland though. They'll probably do something after this. Maybe they would have done something either way. I think this is just good for the developers, so they can see what people aren't happy about. Then again, I guess most of the critic is like: "THIS SUCKS!!!! GO AND KILL YOURSELF!!".
  2. I used to have the most popular blog, with most views, comments and entries. I still have the most comments and entries, however that damn sloth wizard Traaginen have overtaken me. I'm so angry I called him Traaginen. Well, I'm not really angry. Yes I am. Maybe later. Anyways; I had a pretty though leg exercise today. I think I'll just sit in this chair for a few days, as I already barely can walk, and it's just going to get worse. Exams are coming up. I have to take one exam this year. Because exams and end of year are closing in, I've had tons of tests, and still have a few more to go. Last week I spent most of my freetime for four days just rehearsing physics. I used to suck at physics. Used to. Well, I still kinda do, but not so much. I owned that test. I always sleep in physics class btw. That might be why I suck at it. I can't help it though, and my medicine forbids me to go to bed early, since I have to wait so goddamn long between meals and medicine. Once. There was a BÃ¥rd. His friend played MineCraft. He didn't. Then he pirated MineCraft and loved it. However, he wanted something more. He decided to buy MineCraft and play on servers. It was fuppin amazing. One of the first servers he saw was MinecraftOmega. He loved it. Since then he has been playing on that server on and off. This period, he was given the title "Recruiter". He decided to post on this forum to tell other members to join the server. Spoogan did. Now we are having all the fun without you guys. If you don't like/have MineCraft you're fuppin noobs. The End. The attached picture is what me and Spoogan has been up to. I made the tower, Spoogan made the other stuff. The brown thing coming off my tower is me planing something.
  3. Welp. Seems like someone wasn't pleased. Btw I thought PEN15 wasn't out yet? Edit: Posts were deleted.
  4. I'm sorry sloth murderer, but even though we are slow we are so damn good we will own you. Tomorrow. Maybe later.
  5. You're all so slothy!

    1. Jake


      Put a sloth face on your pizza.

    2. Eric the Bard

      Eric the Bard

      I have another idea. I was about to make something, but then class was over and I went home.

    3. Eric the Bard

      Eric the Bard

      I'm a fucking master at photoshop. Even though I didn't use it.

  6. Yeah you do.Anyways, might do it if I remember when I'm on the computer.
  7. They got Gaelic. They mostly use English though. I once did a project on Ireland. It was terrible, since I had to do the work for 4 people it didn't go very well... I know a lot about Ireland though.
    1. Nathan


      I only skimmed over this but this shit happens all the time in unofficial anime and manga translations.

  8. Too obvious. Ads give next to nothing money, and we are not really flashed with it, not guests either. Pluss we don't have that insane traffic on the site. Anyways, I could add that I have a very rare genetical disease and take drugs for thousands of dollars. But you already knew that.
  9. Fixed. If not I my neck will get tired. Or eyes.
  10. I had a realization in the shower today: When we can go really far out in space, we can possibly take pictures of dinosaurs.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Jake


      According to Einstein, it's impossible to go faster than light. You can reach an infinitely tiny fraction below the speed of light, but it would take an infinite amount of energy to actually reach light speed.

    3. Eric the Bard

      Eric the Bard

      I know that Jake, thats why I (tried) wrote we will break the law.

    4. .:Spoogan:.


      SO light speed from star wars was all a lie? Childhood ruined -_-

  11. Eric the Bard

    Get Welll

    Oh dear, a dead deer!
  12. I thought it was rather good, although maybe a bit easy to see ahead, and I found it odd that the nobleman had a bag with 100 coins that he could spare. Sounds a lot. Also I think there's a mistake in paragraph 6, line 2 “You've blinded me! You monsters? Why did you do this to me?' I tihnk there's another mistake in there somewhere, but can't remember and I don't have time to look for it right now. Anyways, again, I thought it was rather good, at the start I hoped for more magic, but... I guess...
  13. Edit: Damn, split second too late Here's something else instead:
  14. Ahmahgawd!!!!! Another sigthing?! I want video proof next time, I can't believe it! Try and make him say something to prove it, or I will think uou just used photoshop, or paint as some call it.
  15. I was being ironic about the RuneScape music being good, however I meant the part with nostalgia. I know RuneScape music is crap. I never have it turned on.
  16. Everyone knows RuneScape got the best soundtrack.Well, actually I sometimes quite like it. Possibly just because of the memories though. They are quite catchy though. I actualy thought Aerith's theme sounded a bit like RuneScape music.
  17. Looked out the window. Couldn't see any houses with lights on. Realized it's earth hour today. Turned off all the lights. Looked at the clock. Still about an hour until earth hour. Realized everyone's just gone for Easter. Turned on the lights again. Forgot about earth hour.

    1. Blake


      I laughed and I'm not even sure why.

  18. FAKE! There arent that many interactive objects in GTA!
  19. 5.5 or 6 in that case then.
  20. 5 aswell. Funny how we all agree...
  21. I can't be bothered making an account, and I predict LA Lakers is gonna win. Because of Koby. If I got to fill out more than that, I will have no idea. Except NY Nicks. They'll come second.
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