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Eric the Bard

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Everything posted by Eric the Bard

  1. I don't like the romani people. They come to our country, refuse to follow our laws, rights and duties. Instead they flee from the government when they try to help them, and then sues the government for being able to flee from them. I think there are three romani people in Norway that got education, and they say that their people should give their kids education, but they refuse to adapt to the modern society and instead begs on the street!
  2. I agree that the voting system is pretty terrible in the US. I also think money matters too much when it comes to who runs the country, meaning they are all rich or get paid by the rich and thus work on behalf of the rich, and not the whole people.
  3. We should have a re-match sometime. I speak nothing but the truth. Edit: I recently found out I got VIP because I was admin on the server, and their adult section is even better than ours...
  4. I have to warn you; I'm the best at CSS. I'm Simpsons GG admin even.
  5. Few people know that turtles eat both meat and green.
  6. Eric the Bard


    It's that racist goat again...
  7. I'm dissappointed. I was lead to believe 49'ers would win. No fun cheering for the loosers!
  8. I like that this is t'Official Elder Souls Steam Group.
  9. I might buy this (= I most likely won't buy it because I got a shitty computer)
  10. USA is east for the UK. And west.
  11. That'll be interesting. Never heard of a game where you're supposed to lick the mouse before. I might just buy it because of that.
  12. Kinda looks like my fingers now.
  13. Ahmfg can't post on mobile version!! Wasn't easy making this status either. Can't see what I'm writing.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. David


      I don't think so, at least I'm not. Clear the cache on your phones browser, maybe.

    3. Eric the Bard

      Eric the Bard

      I've deleted all information/history on my browser, still can't post. Same error.

    4. David


      I think I figured it out. I removed your sig, which was

      Cold Pizza (292x500)

      , and it worked. Try it now.
  14. I voted 49ers. I liked their name. Probably because it's so bad. Never heard of any of them.
  15. Offer them a cookie. It happend 2-3 times, in threads I'm pretty sure was public. Can't remember where it was, but it happened like a week ago. When I stopped posting. I was so sad, and went into neglect.
  16. What's going on with the name- and profile pic- changing?

    1. David


      Content Team members are using their actual names to be more professional. Avatar changes are just coincidence.

    2. Blake


      Yes....that's exactly why. You needn't worry about the details, Bard.

  17. I've been away for so long... Seems like everything is falling apart because of it. Edit: I can post! I've had some problems posting, on mobile atleast. It said I didn't have permission to post. Then I cried. Then I went away. Now I got flu.
  18. I was scared to click VNC, however, as I hoped, it was "View New Content". It's not very self-explanatory.
  19. Anyone here playing/owns MineCraft on PC?

    1. Nathan


      Yep. I've actually been playing loads of it lately. Why?

    2. Eric the Bard

      Eric the Bard

      Because server.minecraftomega.com is a really good server.

  20. Sometimes I want to comment on the ad-bots' posts, but I fear Traag won't like it... Especially if I quite them.

  21. No, I didn't think you tried to link it to 4chan. I have seen the .gif before, and most other things like that which have been famous at some point. But 4chan confuse me, and I don't really see the fun it, except possibly occasionally see something funny. Yes, I randomly start thinking in English. And German. But as I said before, I quit thinking in German immediately, since I can't really speak it. I can keep thinking in English for quite some time though. When I'm on the English interwebs, I sorta go over to thinking in English, although when I don't know the English word, I start thinking in Norwegian, and everything is ruined.
  22. The reason that I can't say that I'm truly a man of the interwebs, is that I don't like 4chan. Also, I think a lot in English. Sometimes, I think in German. But I fail, since I can't really speak German.
  23. I watched a video with some of the cutscenes. It looked kinda fun, although a bit ridicoulus.
  24. I've never played AC, and I can't think of any video game characters I didn't like. Possibly because I almost never play games with a storyline.
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