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Eric the Bard

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Everything posted by Eric the Bard

  1. Thank you, I'll most likely try this out :)Now don't go and kidnap people for money with two of your bodybuilder friends!
  2. WOOOOO!!! 18!

    1. Fergal


      Holy shit. I thought you were like 16. Guess I'm no longer the little 12 year old TRR noob either though...

    2. Eric the Bard

      Eric the Bard

      Nah, 11 year old noob.

    3. Blake


      I dont know about you, but I'm feeling 22

  3. Well, I can say that I think they are pathetic. But it's not really just politicians, it seems many "older" people really just don't understand what the younger generation want. And this is and have always bern a problem. I'm pretty sure that they thought the older generation understood them when they were younger. However, they always serm to forget this and therefore forget to ask what they actually want.
  4. GW2 was quite good even without subscription, although I did get bored of it quite fast for some reason. Not really sure why.
  5. Hello there!I'm Bard/Eric. My real name is BÃ¥rd. In case you didn't notice, it is not an American name. It's Norwegian. Cuz I live out there. My first MMO was RuneScape. Which I've played on and off since I was about ten. I turn 18 in a few weeks btw.I play a bit of MineCraft and, even though it sounds terrible and stupid, Puzzle Pirates. Yep. I pretty much always play multiplayer games.Me and the other guys with many posts are whats left of a former RuneScape clan, that might still exist.
  6. We'll see... When I get a new computer in a years time and I've figured out if the game is shit.
  7. Mabeh. Looked kinda boring. I'm in London btw. But I leave early tomorrow.
  8. I post in this hidden forum. TRR 4evurrr!
  9. Is it complicated to build your own PC? And how do you know which parts you should have (which is best and fit together)?
  10. I found out about this a while ago, and I haven't played WoW even for a second. A friend showed it to me. It's kinda meh.
  11. I didn't realize they got hated on. I thought everyone loved them. I have seen some of the glitches though, and it seems if you're playing on the computer you're fine, mostly just make some funny or annoying moments, although it might screw you over on other consoles. But I don't like other consoles.
  12. I find that many games lack community guilds. Mostly just skilling and hardcore gamers guilds.
  13. I'd rather be clan friend. Can't even be bothered logging in to RS.
  14. We need Blex here to stop this triple posting spamming maniac.
  15. Pretty much the only reason I play Puzzle Pirates is because it is built up very nicely. You have crews under flags that can war over islands. The king decide who is to rule over the island, and it is often the person who contributed the most money, since waring is really fucking expensive.
  16. I don't mind. I agree that it seems intimidating. Don't care if it shows rep or not.
  17. Good fun. Occasionally. Often accures when at the mountain cottage.
  18. Now I saw that you mentioned the case about internet threats. So stupid, can't believe he's actually being sent to jail.
  19. http://sourcefednews.com/teen-arrested-over-sarcastic-comment/ I lookes it up, it's real! That woman is a fucking retard. I'm going to kill here. Lol, jk. Do I go to jail now?
  20. Not that I'd get the game anyway, but I noriced the date aswell. I thought it was like holiday 2013 or something. The game still seem kibda rushed though. Well, I can't really remember when they started working on it.
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