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Eric the Bard

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Everything posted by Eric the Bard

  1. Here's the other guy; http://eldersouls.com/blog/13/entry-24-why-i-havent-played-skyrim-for-2-months/ I guess we bring bad luck to relationships... Well, maybe not in Tcee's case, or maybe that's why she quit?
  2. Deja vu. I think we already have been through thia before with someone else. That person didn't take any of our advice though.
  3. Hey, Traag, remember that black line I made on the Home page? Now it's on the Store page.

    1. David


      That's just a bug with the Developmental skin that I haven't bothered to fix yet.

  4. HAHAHA!!! I changed my vote! Also, gratz. I revolutionized the premium forums when I was there.
  5. As you might know, there was a petition for the US government to make a Death Star. The White House got a quite funny response. Here's the link: Link This was originally a status update, but it was ruining the front page
  6. It annoys me that I'm only rated 4 out of 5 stars :(

  7. It's a bit weird though...
  8. I love Oglaf. Thank you for introducing it to me. Or maybe I should hate you... It takes up my time of doing nothing/playing games!
  9. It's because of that I like it. If it was there the whole time it would get in the way.
  10. Yeah, I like it now that it isn't so big.
  11. It's (develop)mental! I don't think I like it, but I think some people do, and I don't mind it.
  12. Ofcourse, I did steal this from somewhere else without giving them credit. That's how it's done on the internet.
  13. I see what you mean, although I thought it would be 00:42, but I guess not.We had lots of snow up until Christmas. A few dats before Christmas it all turned into ice, and now it's almost all gone.
  14. I know all that, Fergal. But it can't be am twice in one day, can it? I might show you the proof that you have a timemachine later.
  15. Dynasty, do you have a time machine? Fergal posted 12:42 am today, and you posted 02:00 am today... Or actually, maybe Fergal got a time machine, because 12:42 hasn't been yet today.
  16. I'm so fucking angry! I've been waiting all day to be able to play, but then I have to wait for my brother to be finished with it, which means I'll have less time playing. But that's okay. What isn't okay is that when I finally get to use it, it's so hot and won't play games. It starts teleporting me random places, and can't remember what's it doing, and it's unplayable. And tomorrow I got to go to school and take a test, while my brother is at home...

    1. Eric the Bard

      Eric the Bard

      so I probably can't play then either!

    2. Jake


      I know that feel, bro. At least my brother plays Far Cry 3, which is entertaining to watch.

  17. Was going down in the basement to get some champagne. Almost grabbesd some clean underwear instead, because I couldn't remember what I was doing.

  18. Well, I still think the police and family would get suspicious and you would get a restraint or something.
  19. I think it's illegal to to date anyone below, like 16. Not sure about America.
  20. I'm now a pizza. Discuss.

    1. Jake


      I thought you were an apple.

  21. From the album: EricBloodaxe stuff

    It's my new signature!
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