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Eric the Bard

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Everything posted by Eric the Bard

  1. Realm of the Mad God is a free to play browser game, so everyone knows that. I got kinda bored of it, but I don't mind playing it again.
  2. I meant all day. With 24 clock; 12,00-02.00 next day. Also, using the 24 hour system is way better than AM/PM.
  3. I've got you added as well. When it comes to the time, I don't have school next week so anything between 12AM-02AM GMT+1 works for me. That's why I didn't say a specific time, if anyone have any preferences, they should post it here.
  4. I've already asked this as my status, but are anyone up for a gaming night? I want to know how many can come, and which games we could play. I've only got a PC, so this topic is about a PC night. My suggestions to games are; Realm of the Mad God Counter-Strike (I got all of them except GO) MineCraft If we choose MineCraft I know about a good server, but if not anyone got it we could use cracked clients on a cracked server, although I don't know how to set that up. Don't think it's too hard though. I am btw talking about using mic, although you don't have to use mic, but I do hope you would. Hopefully we can use Brad's TS server? Time: To night and every night the following week, maybe except the weekend fits for me. I might not be home next weekend though.
  5. I tried so many times to get 80... and last...
  6. This is obviously fake! I don't understand why so many fall for it! It's not fake, I lied. Also, I saw this hooooooours ago! You so late, bro!
  7. I still think we should have another game night, with mic. Maybe David would show up this time. And Blex. And that kid (Fergal).

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Eric the Bard

      Eric the Bard

      I got 40+ days on Counter-Strike. Two different games though, ads up.

    3. Fergal


      I have more than that if you add up BlackOps and BF3. And more with other CoDs, Counter Strike etc.

    4. Blake


      PC or no dice for me.

  8. I had the same problem... When you log in with facebook, nothing happens.
  9. This^^I'm not too bad, but ending a call is usually some awkward silence followd by me saying goodbye like three times, at the same time as the other person. It's always so awkward... Anyway, I don't know much about WWI, and what I know is Norwegian terms that I don't know how to translate nor bother to look up. One thing that annoys me is that I don't have many TV channels, so I've got no idea what people are talking about, what serious that are populare and the advertisments.
  10. I hate this competition, I'm loosing :(I HATE WATCH!!! Takes me so long time, compared to other word atleast.Also, I tihnk I'll do better on a proper keyboard. Might try again when I get home.
  11. I started playing in 07. Not really sure if that was them best time, possibly 08/09, something around that point.
  12. I might. I might log in and log out again after a few seconds, dissappointed I'm not members. That's always too dissappointing.
  13. To be honest, I've always found feline races in video games kinda stupid... But sure! Also, what is it with you and CAPTAIN Jack Sparrow?
  14. I like your new signature^^When it comes to the games though, I'm seriously considering not buying it, because my PC can't handle most games very well. I want to though, not sure when I'm buying a new computer, but it's not until I finish school sometime next year...
  15. Like that guy in the glitch thread, you reply 4 months late. I can see you were inspired by the hero.
  16. i think you just supressed the memory of tou watching porn every five seconds.
  17. I was going to have the reason as: "Skyrim is an RPG" but then I though this^^ would be much more fun.
  18. It's definitely not an RPG. Now, you might wonder why I say that, but I have many really good reasons as to why this is. I'm surprised by how many of you failed to recognize this. Really, it's not an RPG! Here are my reasons;
  19. I made a blog entry!!!1!1!!one!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Blake


      A blog on skiing? That's very *puts on sunglasses* cool.

      That is how you do it, Saucy.

    3. Blake


      I called you Saucy. You should be happy.


    4. Jake


      Yeah, but I like Eirc's profile pic, and wanted to reference it.

  20. My duty as a Norwegian and my nightmares. Maybe not so much my nightmares anymore. I've never really liked skiing. The reason skiing isn't so bad anymore, is because I've learned how to go up-hill and doesn't fall in every down-hill anymore. I did before though. It was pretty horrible. It's kinda odd, because I'm the only one in my family that dislikes it so much, and my father is pretty good at it. I went skiing today, which you might have guessed. It was the first time this year, and I had forgotten how much your feet hurt the first kilometer or so. But then it passes. I fell going down a hill, and a kid laughed at me. I didn't really mind, especially since he immediately after started crying because he couldn't get up the hill. Even though I don't like skiing, my parents (my father especially), make me go a few times a year. The last few years it haven't been to bad, but the place I went today have two hills I hate, and we go there every year. Today we only went down and up one of the hills, the one that got a sharp turn at the end where I always fall. The trip turned out not too bad. Anyways, have anyone else here gone skiing? And do you do it often?
  21. I think it's funny that the gamestudio that developed Journey went bankrupt for producing a huge success.
  22. Note: in the westernized world. I believe so atleast.
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