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Eric the Bard

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Everything posted by Eric the Bard

  1. Who are all those people liking our FaceBook page? We're not that many active members on this page...

    1. David


      You have to remember that active forum posters are only a small fraction of total site traffic.

  2. Does anyone ever buy stuff from these posts? I probably would have, if I could. Does random people use it?
  3. If I had a good computer and a card I could use online I would probably have bought something. I really want those two things.
  4. Is it worth getting a PS3? I kinda want it, although I never used my Wii much.
  5. I just watched the movie today. Funny how it should come up in New Content right now.
  6. I actually really liked The Dims. I got a few characters to the highest level in all skills. In the newest game with two expansions me and my brother got one character to the highest skill in everything. It takes a oretty damn long time. Edit: I just noticed I wrote "The Dims".
  7. My Dad got me an Aur Rifle, wich is the only rifle you can have in Norway without training. It's rather odd he would buy me that. He is a pacifist and my mother hate guns. However, he was at a sale, and when he's at a sale he doesn't think. I really wanted it last year though, but I thought i'd never get it. I also got a telescope, some vlothes and some other stuff.
  8. So you still play GW2 then? What level are you? What server(you have told me before, can't remember)? For me it stopped being fun rather early, and my computer can't habdle it very well. I really want a new computer, but have agreed not to buy a new one until I move out in one and a half year's time.
  9. We learn English from first year at primary school. All Norwegians that finish obligatory school have ten years with English. I'm in my 12th year.
  10. Oh, I can speak Swedish and Dansih to some degree, and understand some (not that much) Icelandic, same with what they speak on Pharao Islands.We Vikings went everywhere!
  11. Norwegian, English and in my fifth year learning German. Not any good at it though, but Norwegian is about 50% german.
  12. I think XCOM looks like a great game, hadn't it been for all those bugs...
  13. <blockquote class='ipsBlockquote'data-author="squishyman" data-cid="24833" data-time="1356104759"><p>One theory people had is the Gangnam Style will finally hit 1 billion views, breaking the internet. There have actually been prophecies saying the end of the world will involve a dancing horse and 9 zeros...<br /><br />Not that I believe any of that.</p></blockquote>Well, they made it. One billion. I don't think qoutes work on mobile btw. Fix it Traag!
  14. Is this one of those "become a member today and get some epic christmas stuff" event that Jagex have been making lately? I don't even think they are as fun as they used to be.
  15. I think Hell has frozen over. Theres a place in Norway called Hell btw. And all Norway is frozen over.
  16. I think some people do get affected by violent games, but they get affected by anything really. My brother was mentally unstable for a periode, and he played GTA. He was never violent, just angry. The only person he hurt physically was himself.
  17. Happy Doomsday everyone! I'm still waitibg for the fireballs, or whatever... Maybe it's the flying spaghettimonster looking for revenge because we thought he was a joke?
  18. Laugh at people thinking it's real. Then die, because I didn't believe it. Or not.
  19. I really liked Radagast in LotR. When it comes to me seeing it before you, I'm just bragging. Even if you don't care.
  20. I just realized that I'm Premium Member! Now I can check out that closed forum...

    1. Eric the Bard

      Eric the Bard

      I want to reveal the secrets of Permium forum, howver I can't. David will kill my family.

    2. Jake


      Prepare to be disappointed.

    3. Eric the Bard

      Eric the Bard

      Shhh... You can't say that!

  21. I have seen the movie. Twice. Probably before you saw it for the first time. I didn't like Radagast. He seemed like an idiot. I was referring to the book, not the movie in my previous comment.
  22. Was Radagast in the Hobbit? I didn't think so. I thought he was only mentioned in LotR. Also, I think Saruman is all wrong in the movies. And I don't think the Necromancer was in the Hobbit(just mentioned)? Also, I hate when they think they have to make the audience laugh every five minutes, and put in some horribly stupid scenes, that makes me want to cry, not laugh.
  23. Eh... I logged in yesterday and discovered everyone had some mills, and everything was extremely expensive. I concluded the economy is properly broken, new players would have to bot or buy from sites to afford some good gear to earn the real money. RS is broken. They took of my thieving cape.
  24. I am actually kinda surprised. Also, it's EricBloodaxe.Thank you guys btw I was hoping to get MotM at some point.
  25. <blockquote class='ipsBlockquote'data-author="Huygens" data-cid="24751" data-time="1355839489"><p>Just stop allowing people to own guns...srsly...</p></blockquote>I kinda agree. I understand that guns would be easy to get hold of in the US even if they banned them, but if you don't start banning them, the problem will probably just get bigger. Quoting doesn't seem to work for me. Possibly a bug in mobile version. I didn't change the code.
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