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Everything posted by APOLLYON

  1. Lol title says view at ur own discretion man, and it warns u it will be offensive to some:PYes These Are Real Books
  2. Ah too bad I couldn't make it, looked like a good turn out though.
  3. Yall owe me money then. Nelson was mah slave, he was indebt to me for 160m,Never been hacked on this account, Had a previous account where I let my friend I met online(never trust em) play on my account since we shared accounts back then(always bad idea), I quit for like a year and came back and found my account has been perm banned for rwt, even tho i changed my pass and pin, he just used my old pass for the recov info since i never set up ne questions(also bad idea). Lost mah phat and santa. Back then they were only worth rnd 330m together tho, still wud be nice if i had em right now.
  4. Why 64... I play on a crappy mini-laptop, it cant handle the lag.
  5. You had an operation in you two? is you one and three okay?

    New Promotion

    Ehh cheeky huh, You and I were event coordinators at the same time b4, maybe I should also apply for this ha.
  7. Pure Evil straight from the start. The story was good if you think of it as only part 1 since there is Infamous2
  8. Lulz, Okay show of hands, how many of you have in some way shape or form have done the above:P
  9. 90str71 slay120 combat1700 skill total levelApril 9th-10th
  10. Suck up as much as you can to your aunts/uncles/grandparents. Enjoy em while you still can
  11. Merchin is always fun, its a lot like gambling. But you have to be more like me as in take long breaks from the game for it to be useful lol.
  12. I'm not gonna buy a new pc if I can help it, I'd rather just upgrade all the crap inside, so do you know any kinda prices im looking at?
  13. I voted for Jamie ofc my vote wins,
  14. We made huygens our covergirl for forums to lead recruitment, u wanna be one to judge the swimsuit photos?
  15. Ikr, people tell me I grow on them, kinda like a fungus or a bad itch.seriously though good ideas.
  16. Lol me is know spelling, and I'm sure you remember it since you were one our coordinators.I don't mind helping out everynow and then either.Jamie good brainstorming, don't hurt yourself though. Also before I was trying to create a sole Monopoly over this and It did work lol, too bad it was durring one of TRR's depressions.
  17. i remem getting shitloads of games bb guns pokemon cards lol, now its a shirt a jacket pants myb if im lucky a watch or ring. Ahh i miss being a kid
  18. If their is a like, it would be nice to have a dis-like.
  19. Its cuz its getting closer and closer to summer. More people look to join clans and such before summer so when it hits they have people to play with. So if our recruiters are on their game we should be able to expect many more new faces.
  20. Blexun u damn pervert.And you,....Ive got 2 Ps3s a wii and a jailbroken 360, I'd rather just upgrade Pc
  21. Go fuck yourself, I make a lot of visits to pawn shops and ive actually made $400 selling shit ive got in yard/garage sales to pawn shops so far. So thank you Rick for giving me things to look out for.
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