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Everything posted by APOLLYON

  1. Murlock wasn't that bad, I kept calling him a ghoul, he actually helped me out a bitI guess I get along better if its someone blexun doesn't like
  2. Get the 99 for the skillcape emote
  3. Now everyone knows Yak likes Jamie's nutz, and since it is on the internet it shall exist as long as the internet exists.
  4. Runescape name: Apollyon3x6Real life name:Facebookpage: http://www.facebook....114180135330374Are TRR members allowed to add you?: SureAge: A= Age, b=2. 6(A/2)+b^2 ≥ 30b+132Country+timezone: USA EasternSchool/University/Work: Offloader for a German owned Tier 1 Auto parts Manufacturing company.Hobbies: Trap and capture cute fury animals, Bisect said animals, hide carcass in neighbors yard to attract turkey buzzards.Sports: Mixed Martial ArtsFavorite athletes: Shogun, Rampage, Pacquiao, Kevin Garnet,Favorite sports club: Whichever kills time# Years you have been playing RS: Just in time for Christmas CrackersTime you've been in TRR: October 2010 to presentWhat you usually do when playing RS: Find ways to disturb, troll, annoy, induce loling and engage conversations with whoever is in cc, mainly jamie.Favorite Alcoholic Beverage: Red HorseFavorite Food: Fried Baby Milkfish, Blood Stew, Deep-Fried Calf BrainFavorite Music: Original Linkin ParkFavorite Song: Hey JudeFavorite Saying: The greatest trick the devil has ever pulled was making the world believe he doesn't exist.Words to live by: Hakuna MatataBelieved Cause/Causes Of Demented Personality: Around the age of 1-2 I sat on a wall 6ft high, leaned back and fell, Taught early in preparation of live animals for meal: learned best way to kill, drain the blood, gut and skin them., Grew up with two older brothers who would always bring home girls and was exposed to sex early on, repeated head trauma while growing up: I now have a very hard head that I can break planks of wood with easily. Too many more possible reasons to list.Target: Unseen/unknown/unheard of Domination of life.
  5. Bastard you beat me to it (D:<)
  6. You have skills? Amazing, I never would of guessed.
  7. Ding Ding Ding, We have our first Creeper. Lulz jk, Yak has you beat.
  8. R.A.Salvatore, My favorite author.Also Deathstroke The Terminator/2nd Red Hood/Joker for DC, Green Scar for Marvel.
  9. Welcome, please note that anything I say should not be taken to seriously as I have a tendency to troll and or be very disturbing, if you wish you can join Anarchy's(Constanci0) forced labor camp in our clan citadel to help improve our image to attract more recruits.
  10. I am a demented person.Hey that video is very child friendly as opposed to some of the other things I could expose yall to. No worries though, even I know when to draw the line, I wont post any content with graphic images of real things/events/people with detailed reports and explanations of material that may or may not induce vomitting, anger, disgust, and or any other negative effects. Though I could give you a peak into my mind if you so desire ANARCHY.
  11. Ah murlocks, you gotta love em, bringing down prices since g.e started:P
  12. I arrived in America's airport with clothings, U.S dollars and a jar of gypsy tears to protect me from AIDS.Kazakhstan is the greatest country in the world, all other countries are run by little girls. Kazakhstan is number one exporter of potassium, Other Central Asian countries have inferior potassium.My country send me to United States to make movie-film. Please, come and see my film. If it not success, I will be execute.Although Kazakhstan a glorious country, it have a problem, too: economic, social and Jew.
  13. Lulz third picture, everyone in formation im banking, got 91hp on kq woo
  14. Get the 100,500,1000 post count medals, staff medals, uhh event attendence from maybe like 30+ events attneded, get a monthly medal for motm that becomes smaller or somthing after month, a recruitment medal for lyk 5, 15, 25, 50 people recruited, oh maybe even one for postive like 2:1 then 5:1 kdr, come on people brainstorm.
  15. Watch this.http://video.google....=rainbow funny#And if you can do w/e it is to make it viewable here without having to go to link
  16. I honestly might play this game. It’s a dating game—well, romantic visual novel; there’s some nuance between “visual novel†and “dating game†that I don’t have space to go into here. It was developed and released by a self-assembled group of fans of the idea of Katawa Shoujo who came together as a reaction to a sketch in a translated piece of Japanese fanwork. The sketch, by an artist who publishes fanwork under the name RAITA, posited a dating game where all the girls were disabled—two amputees, a burn survivor, a blind girl, and a deaf-mute girl. The original idea itself was... funny... because a lot of dating sims are as disrespectful of women as society in general is of the disabled. And because it’s pretty easy to slot common stereotypes regarding certain disabilities into the archetypal clichés that infest the dating-game genre. RAITA published the sketch in 2000. The idea lay dormant until some anonymous fan translated the work and posted it to 4chan in 2007. The name of the game translates to Disability Girls, though that’s inaccurate—the word katawa in this context is an unprintable epithet for the disabled, connoting worthlessness. The 4chan anon community, as attracted to conceptual and intellectual perversity as they are to all perversity, went fucking berserk about the prospect of making the game real, and successive threads flooded the forum with ideas and proposals. Eventually a small group of enthusiasts broke off and started their own development forum, taking the name Four Leaf Studios, and got to work. Katawa Shoujo is the best kind of satire—the kind that stands on its own even if you ignore the satiric elements. “This is how you do it, guys. Look, I’m not even being serious and I’m doing it well.†As Blazing Saddles is a great western, The Princess Bride is an excellent swashbuckling fantasy film, Shaun of the Dead is both good romantic comedy and good zombie horror, and Galaxy Quest is the best Star Trek movie, so Katawa Shoujo is an entertaining and touching romance. If all well-executed satire is art by definition, then Katawa Shoujo is proof something resembling a video game can be art. http://www.vice.com/...o-0000141-v19n2 Another review. Type: Free Download Developer: Four Leaf Studios Download Page (All) Game's Site Just another dating sim designed by refugees from 4chan as a result of an anonymous post on /a/. Also, all the girls are disabled in some way -- Katawa is roughly translatable as "retard" or "cripple;" it's not a nice word. Heartwarming, right? But, shockingly, it's the best portrayal of people with disabilities I've ever seen, far outstripping those you see in the mainstream media, mostly because those are limited to Professor X. The characters are written with love, as people who are not defined by their disability, nor ignorant of it, but overcoming it as best they can. The easy way to write a game like this would be to make the big strong hero show up and save the poor disabled girl, but instead we are obligated -- or given the opportunity -- to appreciate them as complete individuals, just like you or me. The hero himself has a condition, and a good amount of the story is devoted to his own efforts to come to terms with his disability, and the changes in his life it necessitates -- instead of being othering, the effect is to create an overarching narrative of coming to terms with disability. But, more than a narrative, it's a true slice of life -- a life many people may never have lived. There's a force for social change here.
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