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Everything posted by APOLLYON

  1. Yes Blexun, contribute.
  2. Fix my bad karma? Sin probably, seems everytime I do some random good deed I get bad luck. Either I'm followed by a gaurdian devil that punishes me for being nice or some lord out there wants to test me and see if I will keep positive and keep doing good deeds even though all it brings me is badluck.
  3. My vote is for random douchebag. Bruce Wayne wasn't the only Batman, Hell maybe that is the Bruce Wayne of our Universe.
  4. Hmmm. the fact im out of cigs, broke and dont get my pay until tomoro :
  5. Ehh i asked the same questions before, glad not all people are stupid.Same reason why a total invasion of the united states would fail, locals with guns, large ammounts heavily armed civilians with better knowledge of terrain and environment. NRA Rednecks Law Enforcement Gangs Hunters Veterans Enthusiasts and many more gun toating people to name, Yeah lulz
  6. Almost everything in hollywood is plagirised from something lulz, There hasn't been any original idea in a long time. They've all been adaptations or sequals or ripped from original stories
  7. hmmm Batman is badass but not the strongest, excluding superman powerded up by his mastery of light blah blah blah Darkseid and doomsday is way more powerful then ne dc character imo, though he aint a hero ha
  8. Ikr, blexun is definetly a closet homosexual, oh i mean boostergold.
  9. Bruce Wayne was first, Dick was second, Terry was third. Batman beyond.Oh Ha i was right.
  10. lulz damnit i came in near the end of the lorena saga, would of loved to be in it. Though I probably would of just do what i normally do, and instigate the hell out of it.
  11. Ah your right, I'm thinking about the third batman, Terry somthing, his fathers dna was altered to become Bruce Wayne's. So any child from him is biologicaly Bruce's son.
  12. I know he was Jason ToddAlso I could of sworn It was Tim Drake that was the the grand child of Ra Ghoul or w/e the leader of the LoA was. Cuz his daughter Talia Ghoul took bruce's was prego with Bruce's Son... ahh its been forever since I've followed the batman shit lol.
  13. Third robin is also his biological son, Tim drake became red-robinsecond robin was murdered by joker but ressurected as red hood.Still trying to remember who the fourth robin was... coulda sworn she became a batgirl...Also my bet is on Guy Gardner or Alan Scott. They are Green Lanturns.BoosterGold would be a safe bet.Also Captain America... how the hell you mix up Marvel with Dc... Captain America Had a love interest before he became a supersoldier, was fawned over by women after he became the Captain and then has a child with Black Widow.
  14. Cant be aquaman, he a loving but wrathful father/husband, also most people say he sucks cause they've never seen his full story, hes got armor strong skin super strength and dominates the ocean, when his child was threatened and was being restrained he cuts off his hand to free himself, now he sports a wicked looking spear head for a hand and sometimes a metal fist/gauntlet, hes extremely aggressive and somewhat of a tyrant as he is king of atlantis. The robins, i doubt it, bruce formally adopts all of them and the last one is his biological son, the second robin becomes redhood and then red-robin i believe and is a merciless killer of criminals. http://www.mycomicnetwork.com/v2/gallery/wp-content/themes/fotofolio_vert/scripts/timthumb.php?src=http://www.mycomicnetwork.com/v2/gallery/wp-content/uploads/2010/11/RR_17_Legion_CPS_023.jpg&w=480&h=675&zc=1 The first robin becomes nightwing and was almost married to starfire. As for being the first gay dc universe character, thats false since there are already gay/lesbian and bisexual characters in dc universe such as bunker and voodoo and ofc batwoman
  15. See no evil, hear no evil hats and 1 barrel
  16. I pre-ordered/paid for it last year knowing most likely I would be too broke to buy it when it came out. Turns out I was right and it was delivered to my house day of release.


    May 20th is the day of the annual solar eclipse fool. Not a holiday and I dont think it will conflict with event but hey it's just something really cool I'd suggest people check out. Also this is durring double drop boss weekend i think. So expect to be packed
  18. I suggest Infamous, however if you got castle crashers let me know, I'll get it when i can and team up
  19. No, its the same guy from Infamous, just its a vampire game, It's standalone so you don't need to play Infamous or Infamous 2 to get it.From what I've heard its a decent game worth its price.
  20. Want me to continue the story?
  21. Too many people logging in on first day at same time, blizzard servers couldnt handle, crazy. Diablo 3 has a very large following, we just normally stick to in-game communications and older well-established sites.examples.http://www.d2sector.net/http://us.battle.net/d3/en/?-http://diablo.incgamers.com/forums/forum.phphttp://forums.d2jsp.org/forum.php?f=21http://www.blizzsector.net/forum.phphttp://www.diablofans.com/forummany more but these were the only ones from top my head
  22. Don't get arrested or hurt.
  23. If I'm still playing by time I turn f2p and your combat level is less than lyk 55 then sure. Also ask if you see me in cc as I might do some floors to kill boredom of grinding.
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