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Everything posted by APOLLYON

  1. get someone i trust to vouch for you and we might be able to work something out
  2. thats tranger's mom, id recognize that face newhere

    Weird Food

    ah i wanna try that poutine now:Pand woot ive slaughtered a goat too.oh and yes mcdonalds does have some weird food
  4. Haha I alrdy got a majority of that list.I just dont know how to fly a plane and i dont have a lot of money. oh and my medical skills is purely military survival first aid.

    Weird Food

    agreed.I've slaughtered a lot of animals before but I've never tried boiling a chicken with the rice and blood.Fresh killed meat is the best.Just make sure if your friend is squeamish, make them stay away from you and the animal.Lol i was in the middle of slaughtering and cleaning a pig when my friend walked by saw what i was doing and threw up and almost hit my other friend with vomit:P

    Weird Food

    Ahhh i wanna try that
  7. haha ive done the fishing bot scorpion one b4

    Weird Food

    Okay have you ever found yourself munching on some really tasty food, and it was really really good but you would never thought you would ever try it? Or is there some food you like but others go "WTF" Share your stories/experiences. (if possible add pictures) One of my favorites is Balot. Its a Spanish dish brought to the Philippines and became a national delicacy. Hard boiled 14 day old duck egg, you sip the juice dip in vinegar and top off with salt. Most people have to be goated in to try it or be a little drunk but after they try it a large majority of people ask for seconds ha. Another is Dinuguan(Pork Blood Stew) Its pork belly and pork blood. Sounds gross but taste great. We call it chocolate meat infront of westerners and they love it. You would never guess its made with blood. However euorpeans shouldnt find it weird since they have blood pudding/sausages.


    hey dont knock it till you try it.dog is one of the best meat in the world.it warms up ur body and is healthier then beef.good aphrodisiac too if you know the right recipe.reason why horses, dogs, cats etc. arent eaten more is that horses were found better used as a beast of burden by westerners, as for dogs and so on and so on.while cattle, chickens, pigs were found easy to reproduce and domesticate.The brits and etc who colonized a lot of the world are to blame for mans best friend not being eaten:P


    Dinner Stewed Dog (wedding style) Recipe By : Joe Sweeney Serving Size : 30 Preparation Time :3:00 Categories : Ethnic Philippines Amount Measure Ingredient -- Preparation Method -------- ------------ -------------------------------- 3 kg dog meat 1 1/2 cups vinegar 60 peppercorns -- crushed 6 tablespoons salt 12 cloves garlic -- crushed 1/2 cup cooking oil 6 cups onion -- sliced 3 cups tomato sauce 10 cups boiling water 6 cups red pepper -- cut into strips 6 pieces bay leaf 1 teaspoon tabasco sauce 1 1/2 cups liver spread -- ** see note 1 whole fresh pineapple -- cut 1/2 inch thick 1. First, kill a medium sized dog, then burn off the fur over a hot fire. 2. Carefully remove the skin while still warm and set aside for later (may beused in other recpies) 3. Cut meat into 1″ cubes. Marinade meat in mixture of vinegar, peppercorn,salt and garlic for 2 hours. 4. Fry meat in oil using a large wok over an open fire, then add onions andchopped pineapple and suate until tender. 5. Pour in tomato sauce and boiling water, add green peper, bay leaf andtobasco. 6. Cover and simmer over warm coals until meat is tender. Blend in liver spreadand cook for additional 5-7 minutes. ** smooth liver pate will do as well.
  11. Did not ditch.Trr was quite dead.I went on forums, nothing.Irc, desolate.Friend Chat, lone botter.Clan Chat, empty.All Trr members on my friends list offline.No emails or anything.Was like this for days.So i joined my other friends(bgs/fergal) clan(tlol).4days after i joined tlol people started popping up again in trr.After awhile Trr had a new site and I joined as clan friend.So explain how did i ditch?
  12. too bad you dont count all the times i donated on the old sites haha
  13. addicted to zynga poker again

    1. Blakelington


      nice. im addicted to online risk (the board game)



    Philippines.Skrait DownnDirty Sou EastSide Repn dat NChuc my cuz.
  15. MMA and Boxing hands down.So much thrill in fighting sports for me.Knock out or be Knocked out.I remember watching wwf as a kid then seeing videos of Mike Tyson, going to school and getting into fights for stupid reason.What got me into MMA tho was when i hung out with my bro and his friends and they were watching the first UFC Ultimate fighter with Forrest Griffon and Stephan Bonnar.Ever since then I was little I would practice boxing and ever since I started High School me and my friends would arrange and fight in MMA Style fights.
  16. give me ur acc and pass ill give you free 1 month mem next week.you can ask nelly im trustworthy.dont give me ur info till after the 16th tho.and if u alrdy get it by then, dont give me it at all.one time offer.


    My food I cook at work when I'm hungry and only have 15mins to cook->eat->set-up.Damn you early bird people coming inside when we haven't even been open for a minute.


    Im agnostic.I believe in a higher power, though the power may not necessarily be one power, and said power may not be a god.I believe in science, evolution, however i also support the theory of intelligent design.Religion in itself is neither good nor bad, however when you add human nature into it, it becomes corrupt.Many Religions thrived on recruiting more people by demonizing other religions, an example would be when the Christians would use imagery in their writings to depict the Devil/Satan they would present him with a large crooked nose which is a common characteristic of Israelis of Hebrew faith.
  19. its okay, im happy running around f2p with my santa lol.sides nelly = <3
  20. I have my santa hat so i'm happy and nelly was on and since i love him i decided to help him out and agreed to his proposition.ps. ima be on either wednesday or next week nels, if items sold on ge by then i'll hit u up with another 20m
  21. Your mom usually drinks it all
  22. Just stay on forums yo, thats what I did:PRs was borin the shit out of me not long ago, so id not play but stayed on the forums to chat up wit my buddies inclan.Also, it was the same way for me durring summer end, all my friends were hangin out and shit, so listen, even if something sounds good when ur high or drunk, don't do it yourself:)
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