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Everything posted by APOLLYON

  1. I'll make you a better one tonight if I don't go out.Also i used the skill cape color but if u want a different color let me kno.The dung icon is blurred since i didn't wanna spend another 10-15seconds making multiple layers
  2. ehh only spent few mins on it lulz. could definetly do better but fuck it lol
  3. Lol, tell that to techy:P
  4. Change the 3 month break into a 3 year break for me.Hmmm one thing I really want... I guess would be the reason i created this account for many moons ago, and that would be to make money for a phat ha.
  5. Lol this was one of my random events, I offered 1-10m to ne1 who cld find me in 5mins and dropped prize every min after that.In my experience the game actually works great if you get everyone into it.
  6. i got grandor to 1/3 life b4 i was out of food:Pdamn mage kept pwnin me since i had bcp/tassy on
  7. Why not make it a clan project then and have all the council and such help out and fill in gaps and such
  8. loli wish i was there, i love arguingsee my name got mentioned ha
  9. EDIT: Post deleted due to failtrolling
  10. Haha, hey im still in here, just not part of council anymore lulz.There aint no rule saying I cant be in another clan and be part of community here as Clan Friend.
  11. wasnt delly in there too sometime near zeus?
  12. Ehhh ive been meaning to levelup construction for awhile now(currently lvl 72) when i get high nuff level ill host sum poh dungeon events with 1m+ prizes in the crystal chest.wont be for awhile tho since work/social life been takn all my tym
  13. lololololzzzzzmissed u all toocept u deusjk<3 u
  14. lulz i think applying for my old council rank would be too much:Pmissed u too kai
  15. Yo, applying for clan friend.Sup everybody.
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