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Everything posted by APOLLYON

  1. Don't Forget To Show Some Love To Your Moms Today



    First Cinco de Mayo, now Mothers Day. A day of drinking and The one day a year where we all celebrate the awesomeness that is our Moms at the same time.You know what the difference is between Cinco de Mayo and St. Patricks Day is? Nobody pretends to be mexican.


    On mother's day? Really?
  4. Since you took the time to read it I'd appreciate your thoughts.
  5. Take the initiative next times. Waiting on each other to make the first move.
  6. @Traag. Too bad there are actually people who take what they seriously and can not seem to understand or enjoy the humor we see in them. @ Topic, Argument of most people is that gay marriage is insulting of the sanctity of marriage, to that I say get rid of divorces. They say the marriage of same-sexed couples goes against what god had intended, to that maybe the old phrase "Separation of Church and State" seems to become forgotten. My view is that if they are not hurting anyone(asides from themselves, blex understands), and they consciously made the decision to become wed to one another then why not let them? Why are people being so overly concerned with the affairs and personal business of people they know absolutely nothing about. Its not as if the American Gov actually continued their research on the "Gay Bomb" and are gonna drop it on us, Why do people treat homosexuality as a contagion and seek its destruction is the question I ask. As long as they do what they do and don't try to get me involved and don't hurt nobody then their business is their business. To this I point people get married everyday and then divorce later on, "Till death due us part" meaning nothing anymore. This to me has become more or less like interracial marriage was years ago, and now who cares aside from cheeky and other racist fuckers. This has been a rant. The picture was unrrelated but at some part after seeing it you probably began reading to yourself in his voice if you actually did continue reading. Donkey punch.
  7. The Hulk is my favorite if you follow his original comic stories, however the movies they made of him suck giant hairy monkey balls, cept the second one( only because of the action scenes ha).I wish they actually made their(all marvel movies) movies more true to their origins in the comic books.The spiderman movies made peterparker a joke imo. Which is why I am looking forward to the new one.Thanos as the villian for the next avengers will be badass( i hope).

    Hey guys!

    Now sir I respect you right to speak your mind and will fight for your right to speak it but however I do not have to agree with what you speak, and you are speaking blasphemy and I know I shouldn't but I feel much pity for you soul for you sir are lacking in some way for believing in what you believe, bless your heart.

    Hey guys!

    Buy both you poor ass peasant.

    Hey guys!

    This coming from a guy with a perfect Barbarian name? You play Rs lulz. You shall buy the game and play! If not you shall be laughed at for all to see.

    Hey guys!

    Fergie Join the Diabolic Rebellion, We are making a Diablo 3 section onto forums, Join us... or be left behind and become food for the fallen.
  12. diplomats and ec yesh, try having a month long or so recruitment drive offering giving some form of enticement.
  13. I'll watch it once its on netflix:P
  14. I think its like the guy from google maps, the one you click and drag. Instead of an arrow though its a dragon thats carrying and dropping you.
  15. If its me let me know, If its not me let me know. If its me I'll stop whatever it is. If its not me I'll stop whatever it is. We can't help you if you don't let us.

    Dirty Mind

    Admit it, you didn't see the tomato.
  17. [updated by Anarchy]1714 total level.I demand most demented member.
  18. That is the reason/job for FORUM MODERATORS, also it would help if you made all off-topic post voided towards post count,Btw our clan has a .91 kills per death ratio.I saw we have a clan wildy raid.
  19. Donation and post count imo should of been up there b4 the 99'sShould add stuff like kill/death ratio(ex. 2+kills per death), recruiter(how many recruits that last, a member can bring in), motm, moty, event attendance(ex. attending 25 events), events hosted(ex.hosting like 20 successful official events, 1 year 2 year etc trr membership, citadel contribution(times capped ex. reward for capping 10x ).These seem more logical awards to have for clan as opposed to having 99's, cuz then murlocks would have all rewards:P
  20. Hey, I told him to go fuck himself.I'd only pay 10m max for your account if there's no guarantee of your items being there.
  21. Lulz TLoL, I joined them after there was a complete forums blackout and nobody was in fc or cc or irc, except fergal and bgs, bout a few days after I joined trr came back alive ha, This was when me kaiden blex and delly were council
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