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Everything posted by Tynisa

  1. If this is still going, last week i played RS.Biggest achievement ever.
  2. Tynisa

    Clan Citadel

    I dont WC/Mine/Etcetctectectectc for myself .. So yeah, sorry, i can't help.But at least i will admit it.
  3. Tynisa


    Im more well known, and cooler.Blex is newb.
  5. I provided amusement, because i am pro.
  6. Goal accomplished.I played twice this week!New goals to be advised.
  7. Throw in the cactus patch as well, it used to be 5-7k per spine, and its a "plant once" kinda thing - plant it once, and 3 spines will always regrow.Not massive profit, but its a free 17-21k for 10 seconds, and one charge of a dueling ring.
  8. Farm toadflax, it got me rich.No idea if it still does, but im sure you can check with .ge in the IRC to figure it out.
  9. You would think that, wouldn't you?
  10. Play for more than one day in a week.
  11. Tynisa

    Mighty Banshee's

    I think they lowered the drop rates of herbs. When i started i would get a full invent of Lantadymes (sp) and Dwarf Weed. From 97-99 i got 1-2 herbs a run, which is kinda wierd.Either way, the pure essence is the payload for the trips anyway.BANSHEEEE's.
  12. Banshee's .. for anything apart from mage.
  13. I like LoL

    1. Huygens


      tell that to Ferg xD

    2. Fergal


      And Huygens misunderstands what he meant by "LoL"...

    3. Huygens


      I got it...-.-, it was funny in my head though, happens sometimes xD

  14. Tynisa


    In my eyes TRR is where i come when i need a laugh.I stay here and come back because i feel i can do as i please without any pressure to play more often.I adore all you people, and you are what keep me here.
  15. Been playing LoL way too much. Its just better than RS Tenfold. My apologies for being absent recently. LoL is just too good. Add me if you are EU West - xTynisa

    1. Crazycow73


      Join North America. Better than EU.

    2. Tynisa


      Wouldnt my lag be crazy?

  16. Tynisa


    Hello Timber.I would love you to address the very large issue of "Tynisa is a girl, but has a penis"Thank you.
  17. I don't get it.I played Oblivion, and all i worked out is that if i choose skills i can level up when i please as my main skills (Alchemy etc) then i can have high combat skills but still be level 1, thus destroying the game and all its fun.Problem is, because all the enemies level up the same as you do, i found myself dying a lot, and not understanding what skill levels i should have to complete various quests.This lead to me using the above tactic, and thus ruining the game.:-S
  18. Lol. No, I call BC2 BF2 .. not my fault i didn't play any of the others. - I only got into shooters when i got GoW1 with my first evar Xbox 360.
  19. Yeah.Im selling BF3 on Ebay. Its a camp-fest. Much like every game of CoD i have played.I'll stick to GoW3 and BF2.
  20. Bf3 is a campfest. I find it dissapointing to say the least.
  21. Tynisa

    LoveFILM <3

    Lovefilm is okay, i found myself filling in films i only half wanted, and the things i srs wanted wpuld never turn up.
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