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Everything posted by Tynisa

  1. OH YEAH.We should go double team the shiz out of RS world 64. If i like a chick though and she has a fat friend, you have to jump on the grenade for me bro.
  2. Tynisa


    We achieved at least Thirteenotalk, maybe more.YOU SHALL NOT PASS!
  3. Living in the UK is nice.Me and Bradley sit down every morning at our local cafe' and order scones with jam and a cup of tea, followed by a brunch of crumpet's and more tea.
  4. I shall do an afternoon or two of barrows when i hit 99 str.Try and hit up a nice new barrows item. Probably get torag hammers, but we shall see.--Apollo, you can do barrows like Dusang said. You are a prime candidate for using Sharks and Strawberries though. (1x basket of strawberries heals around 300HP)
  5. I started my questing life by just using a guide, and nailing through quests as fast as i could. I would never read anything any quest characters said, or take in any of the storyline that was being built up around me.This was mostly because of the fact i quested solely for PKing reasons.However, in the build up to doing the Temple of Sennestien (sp?) i still used a guide, but i would read what people said, and actually take in the storyline. This was a suprise to me, as i actually enjoyed the quests a lot more than i thought i would, and didn't mind the endless quests involved.tl;dr I quested without reading didnt like it, quested with reading, and loved it.--So, how about you guys?
  6. Agreed Henry, whenever i just PK for the fun it brings instead of making cash i PK a lot better.PKing and Bossing seems to be the most popular method of fun - i wonder why Fletching Bow's or making Herby pots isn't there. How Strange.
  7. We all do it, browse the web, talk to people on the IRC, watch youtube video's.However, for the first time yesterday i played runescape for what it is - and i went PKing with a small group of people.During this trip i actually had fun, instead of grinding XP for pixelated levels in the hope it will make me a better runescaper.--So .. what do you actually do for fun on runescape?
  8. I should have checked your 99 defence.I only have 71, hence why i swap out the torso for a verac top too - so the strawbs do help to add another 1-3 trips per run.Although, i haven't actually done a barrows run since i got 95 prayer .. so that may add another trip per inventory.--If i do collate any data, how would you like it collated?
  9. Haha. I went to Lincoln University, attended 1 lecture, then spent a month getting hammered and trying to nail wimen.--Anyways, 2am, i'll be naptime.
  10. I always go to the Sun newspaper for the truth.--Serious though, Ross Kemp = win.
  11. 81 chests later .. o.o--Your making me want to barrows again .. i do have to admit it was a rather fun time in my life.Quick tip, i use half monkfish, and half basket of strawberries (5) - they heal overall more than monkfish, but require more eating time. (Use in the tunnels against the little monster peoples.)Dunno if that tip is well known .. i imagine it is.
  12. Tynisa


    Omg, you guys have never had an octo-talk before?!
  13. I didnt know you could do this! NIGHT

  14. Tynisa


    The club doesn't know wtf hit them.Everyone is like "AMAGAWD GUYZ U TALK 2GEFUR ON SO M4NY DIFFURENT CHATZ HAW D U DO FIZ???"
  15. Tynisa


    You are a Fk*832^ing idiot.lmfao.Timber Wolfs and Tynisa .. YOU WIN!
  16. Not a bad setup at all.I switch out your cape for zammy god .. cos im not as cool.Switch the SOL for a black sally, reverance aura, fury neck and verac top.I would imagine your setup is better, but you have better stats and more cash. :-P--Barrows used to be a 1m/hr thing - just on the runes. Dunno what its like now, been a while since i've been.
  17. Be sure to check out Timbers facebook page for some hot "fapping material" DY-NO-MY-TE

  18. I haven't had a mention.I quit.--I say Zeus.
  19. Grats. A very constructive comment.Wish i could have come and put my 2017 rating to the test.
  20. looking for any guys to cyber. i am 17./f/ny with tight poonani

  21. Tynisa

    Mighty Banshee's

    Work on the basis that the XP and hour is probably one of the best in the game.You are getting a free 20% boost to attack and strength + super pots; against creatures with seemingly low defence.To give you an idea of the XP - A full trip using 15 prayer pots with 95 prayer and 90 str will get me a total XP of 200-250k ish. (Thats HP and Str XP combined.)I've never actually ran an XP/hour, ive only ever gone on the total XP. Either way, its the fastest XP i know of that is never crowded - i have switched worlds like three times on my road from 90-98.
  22. I struggled reading the whole block of text.I know that my post is not useful, and i feel a little bad about it.
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