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Everything posted by Tynisa

  1. BF has dedicated servers.That means it is better. If everyones connection is on a pretty much equal par, it means the game takes more skill to kill people, and is thus more rewarding.
  2. Real Life owns RS.Don't ever worry about not attending things for RL, and if you do have a personal reason for not attending, you can PM someone of the high variety if you would like.Thanks for letting everyone know, though.
  3. New name is xTynisa on eu west. Karthus main for global ult hilarity
  4. There are just better games than Runescape.I know, i said it.--I come here for friends, and sometimes to PK, that's about it though.
  5. Magical thieves are the best. Harrrrrrrrr.
  6. I dont like the fact i couldnt see my bullets, however much of a petty gripe that is.
  7. My first 99 since i started - which was in the days of classic. 99 str ftw.
  8. Destiny as EC = win. She be doing well. Id have come, but i too was balls deep in the woman, high 5.
  9. Lol thanks brad. Its cool though, was like a 5 minute "event" anyway.Maybe ill do somethin better for 99 mage.
  10. I've used SwiftKit from when it was called SwiftSwitch (It had a handy tool on the right-hand side of the screen for quick world switching; a must for any Pure PKer .. :-p)I have never ever had my password stolen. It is made in conjunction with Zybez after all, and the last thing they would want is to be associated with a password stealing machine.
  11. By tynisa at 2011-10-23 By tynisa at 2011-10-23 Yeah yeah not much happened. Me deus and another bloke i met while we were trolling people in the G.E went to the warriors guild, i got my 99 str and my uber cool untrimmed cape. Well done me. WOOP.
  12. I don't skill.Hopefully it will get the price of weapons up so PKing is a little more risky.
  13. But now i cannot buy my materials cheaply.This sucks.
  14. People sign up, get our cape, and then ignore anything else clan related.Let's be honest, the only people talking in this topic are the usual people we see on the forums everyday.It is very rare in my book to see a topic posted by or in by a new member i have not seen before.
  15. Tynisa

    Mighty Banshee's

    Xp/hr at banshees wearing the gear in the guide is 71k/hr Str XP at 98 Str.So i'd guess a good 60k/hr average?
  16. My name is iTynisa ... haha--Havent actually downloaded it yet, so i do hope it works.
  17. Amagawd.How could we say no?HELLO!
  18. Lol'd, your an idiot.Funny idiot, though.
  19. Epicness awaits.Good luck buddy, i wish you all the best.
  20. This be a picture of the first game, in which i took a picture of Destiny's last scout, and what he could see on the opposing team. Poor guy. Uploaded with ImageShack.us Great reflection, keep it up. :-)
  21. Tynisa


    YEAH!Bring it on TRR!You can't see us!
  22. PK trip will conquer.Even if i have to make 2379 more accounts to vote with.
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