1350 ELO in League without really trying. We should do this.Honestly though, if there is a post somewhere where people can post "What they play, and on what console" - of which someone then compiles all of this into the very first post, so people know who is playing what, that would be awesome.--I would do this, and i could, if it was needed - it wouldn't take that much effort to compile.Event-wise, i'd hope would could organise even a mass "gaming time" where people might not be playing the same game, but could still use TS/Mumble/Etc to chat with eachother.--Reason i left RS is because nobody even types to eachother that much anymore, but in LoL you literally have to have a way of talking to eachother to even play they game properly, and this in itself creates a lot of hilarity.--I've gone off topic. My bad.