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Everything posted by Blake

  1. This is for you David
  2. Blake


    You funneh. Couldn't find a picture of my dog, but I managed to find one of my cat. As you can see, he is as big as a fireplace.
  3. Blake


    I really would if I could, but I live like 2 and a half hours from them. I'll lurk though my mom's facebook and see if she posted any.
  4. Blake

    The Thane Of Whiterun

    That would explain all the yelling.
  5. Blake


    My family has a dog and a cat. I might get a cat cause I liek them. Or I might get a dog and walk it around campus for free brownie points.
  6. Everybody dies except Babette. The real reason is like you said, you can't kill kids. I guess the fake reason could be she turned invisible, as she is a vampire, and escaped after you entered. Doesn't really make sense as you'd think she would of told the other members. Maybe they wanted to try to fight you off and preserve the last Sanctuary in Tamirel.
  7. Yeah like everytime. I might keep it this run and try to get that achievement where you have to get 100k gold.
  8. HOLY KILL CAMERA, BATMAN. Makes me wish I had Xbox Live. Then my Wood Elf would be a fucking brawler. http-~~-//www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=6A7ZJq9GclI Edit: Unsuccessful video embedding was unsuccessful. I guess I'll add a list of fixes to make it look meatier. NEW FEATURES [*]New cinematic kill cameras for projectile weapons and spells [*]New kill moves and animations for melee weapons [*]Shadows on grass available (PC) [*]Smithing skill increases now factor in the created item’s value [*]Improved visual transition when going underwater [*]Improved distance LOD transition for snowy landscapes BUG FIXES [*]General crash fixes and memory optimizations [*]Fixed issue with Deflect Arrows perk not calculating properly [*]In “A Cornered Rat,†the death of certain NPCs no longer blocks progression [*]Fixed issue where Farkas would not give Companion’s quests properly [*]Fixed crash when loading saves that rely on data that is no longer being loaded [*]Followers sneak properly when player is sneaking [*]Fixed issue with weapon racks not working properly in Proudspire Manor [*]Arrows and other projectiles that were stuck in objects in the world now clean up properly [*]Fixed issue where “Rescue Mission†was preventing “Taking Care of Business†from starting properly [*]Fixed issue where certain NPCs would fail to become Thieves Guild fences [*]Fixed issue in “Diplomatic Immunity†where killing all the guards in the Thalmor Embassy before starting the quest would break progress [*]In “Hard Answers,†picking up the dwarven museum key after completing the quest, no longer restarts the quest [*]Killing Viola before or after “Blood on the Ice†no longer blocks progression [*]Fixed issue where Calixto would fail to die properly in “Blood on the Ice†[*]In “Waking Nightmare†fixed occasional issue where Erandur would stop pathing properly [*]Fixed issue where letters and notes with random encounters would appear blank [*]Fixed rare issue where dialogue and shouts would improperly play [*]Lydia will now offer marriage option after player purchases Breezehome in Whiterun [*]Fixed issue where if player manually mined ore in Cidhna Mine, jail time would not be served [*]Fixed rare issue with skills not increasing properly [*]Fixed issue where the Headsman’s Axe did not gain proper buff from Barbarian perk [*]In “A Night to Remember†it is no longer possible to kill Ysolda, Ennis or Senna before starting the quest [*]Fixed issue with the ebony dagger having a weapon speed that was too slow [*]Fixed issue with “The Wolf Queen Awakened†where backing out of a conversation with Styrr too soon would block progress [*]The third level of the Limbsplitter perk now properly improves all battle axes [*]Fixed a rare issue where Sanguine Rose would not work properly [*]In “Tending the Flames†King Olaf’s Verse will no longer disappear from explosions
  9. Yeah, you mention some of the best.I always found Astrid betraying the Dark Brotherhood pretty sad. Yeah they weren't nice people to begin with, but walking up to the sanctuary to see Krex arrowed to a tree and other members being killed or already killed is a bit depressing.
  10. 5 cents to our donation goal. KNEEL BEFORE US AND HEATH OUR WRATH

    1. Eric the Bard

      Eric the Bard

      Yeah... I've been wondering about that... Who donated 5 cents?

    2. David


      I donated 5 cents to myself just to see if it worked. It did. Made me more depressed than pleased, lmao.

  11. I read a guide not too long ago that called the fish pillar a dolphin. Dolphins aren't even in Skyrim.And I always confuse the fox and wolf pillars.
  12. Are you talking about the Ivory Claw door? The combination of that is Hawk, Hawk, Dragon. There are a lot of puzzles in that tomb, so if that isn't the one, just post saying which puzzle you are at.Or you can ignore my advice as David beats me to the post.
  13. In the end though, it is just one fight where some stupid kids got in the hospital. The community will talk about it for a while, the school will overact, and it'll just die down. And if it happens in the "north end" you can't be too surprised that some of that will make its way where you live. If you are, then you are a bit naive.
  14. Blake

    Smithing in Skyrim

    Technically he could of made any weapon he wanted at 90 smithing. Therefor I no longer like this comic.
  15. I might just go activate all the lodestones for shits and giggles, but I'll probably just stick with teleports, jewelry, and tabs.
  16. I unlock achievements....
  17. Oh yeah. I actually had a problem, but I figured out I was doing something wrong. I forgot what I was doing wrong though.
  18. I used to shoot my sisters with BB guns all the time. I guess if you took one to the eye, it'd be deadly.And I guess it was a machete fight. As long as there is one, I would classify it as such. Also, the police didn't say much about it cause it isn't really news worthy. This kind of crap happens all the time; violence over stupid reasons. Isn't really a big headliner, but to high school kids who don't really do much except go to school and act stupid, it is big part of their lives.
  19. Blake

    The Thane Of Whiterun

    This comic is missing something. Oh yeah. The funny part.
  20. The crystal is on the "boss" Falmer corpse. I'm not in a position to look up the ranks of Falmer, but its name should be different than the rest.
  21. Blake

    WTF, Attack Style ^^

    I don't get it.
  22. That's what I thought till Dynasty filled my head with confusion.
  23. Nope, no problems at all. And my computer isn't even good.
  24. To maybe start playing again. If I accomplish that then I'll call my RS 2012 career successful.I was kind of hoping this was an irl goal topic.
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