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Everything posted by Blake

  1. Really like Futurama, MythBusters, Man v.s Wild, and Sparticus (boobs), but Pawn Stars? I now respect you 40% less.
  2. I played that before. You just switch your browser to private browsing and you can play however many times you want. Kind of ruins the point, but I enjoyed picking it apart like that.A similar, but less serious game is You Only Live Once. Instead of just ending though, you can press continue to get the aftermath of your decisions, which is pretty cool.
  3. Obligatory First Entry Stuff My name is Blake Rodriguez. I'm currently majoring in Criminology at NC State and live in an apartment in Raleigh. Half Puerto Rican, 3 sisters, been involved with David's online triumphs and downfalls for 3 years and counting, yada yada. Now that that is out of the way, on to the blog. Plan on writing on a wide variety of things I think of: game reviews, random list, semi-hilarious articles, and maybe a little bit of insight on my life. Sharing my wisdom with the world while all the while providing hilarity to the common man and exploiting the newly discovered horizontal rule. Quest 64: Revisited Between the raining and surprisingly cool weather, the fact I'm stuck at my parent's house alone during the day, and a 7+ paper on a movie slowly sneaking up on me, half of my Easter break was looking to be a bore. I decided to download and try to beat one of the hardest games I had when I was a kid: Quest 64. Besides it being a horrible, ball-bustingly hard RPG, my mother made a mistake in its purchase. Damnit Mom, you have to read the back of the box! Story If only you knew the first steps to hours of raging is beyond this gate. The creators of Quest 64 didn't spare any material when it comes to story. It takes place in the magical, monster infested, lawless land of Hard-To-Pronounce-Land. A thief stole some powerful book. Brian's father went to get it back and hasn't come back. You play Brian, some wizard who master elements, in hopes of finding your father, defeating the thief, and getting back the book. All the while, you are tracking down four other thieves who each stole some powerful orb from each major city. Sure it is horribly unoriginal, but it was 1998. We fell in love with The Waterboy and The Parent Trap: what the hell do we know? RPG and Video Game Elements This being one of the first, big RPG's for the Nintendo 64, THQ tried what I hope isn't their hardest to make it one of the best. And they did do some things great. The actual world of Good-Luck-Pronouncing-This-Land is huge with occasional houses peppering the landscape, although a bit linear. While you have a lot of area to walk around and explore, there is an obvious path leading you from town to town. The music is also pretty catchy too, although after hours of raging, this isn't a good thing. And of course, the graphics are nice for it's day and age. I should just keep on walking. Sadly that is all THQ did good with this game. First of all, there is no money system in this game, which is really unusual for an RPG. So you may be asking, how do you get food and potions to keep you alive? One of two ways: you either find it or people just give it away for free. Both of these are problematic. Once you find supplies, they obviously can't be found again, so if you were to waste them because you didn't pick up on the combat's steep learning curve, then you are screwed. This is countered a bit by civilians giving you free food and what not, but they refuse to give you an extra of any item you already have. Found a loaf of bread while walking to town? The baker denies you your free sample. It's nice, and somewhat realistic, of the civilians to supply the savior of the world with supplies, but when they have a hard time parting with dew drops, it really is pointless. Besides this horrible detail, the actual leveling up is confusing and the most grinding process I've ever messed with. I'd explain it to you, but even I don't understand it. In addition to that, its dying mechanic is really messed up. Upon the inevitable death, you are transported to the last inn you saved in and you keep your stat increases and items you gained and lose items you used up. While this makes you stronger the next time you enter whatever area you died in, the loss of items you had and the inability to buy more items is going to ensure your death again. Combat In case you aren't familiar with your Quest 64 beastiary, I'm fucked. Originally had this with the other bad things, but I couldn't sum up its awfulness and do it justice. Quest 64's combat is a mixture between turn based strategy and live action fighting. That is what some website said anyway. What you will actually experience is turn based strategy and the almost guaranteed fail dodge attempt. Pairing that with how fragile Brian is and you'll be dying. A lot. How about the combat that you do? Maybe that balances out how weak you are. Well it doesn't. On each level up, you get to raise either fire, water, wind, or earth. You can even combine these spells into useful effects, like a water spell that heals you or an earth spell that raises defense. Besides the fact these spells are useless for practical use (a healing spell that heals 5 isn't much good when you are being hit with 7's constantly), they drain your magic ridiculously fast, so you'll find yourself either drinking magic potions (good luck getting those), or hitting things with your stick. The game depends on too much grinding to really be worth it. I couldn't beat the first boss and don't plan on playing this ever again. Final Remarks My mom buying me games for Christmas was the result of some pretty bad childhood memories; I'm looking at you Yoshi Story. I remember being bummed out I couldn't get far in the game because I couldn't save it. Thank god I missed out on this train wreck of an experience. The only thing this game did for me is make me appreciate the upcoming beach weekend. So take that THQ. I hope this review affects your sells on a game made 14 years ago.
  4. Didn't I post this exact same topic, but with a video?
  5. I like "where did the arrow touch you". I'm actually putting together my first blog entry atm. Like by the time you read this, it should already be up. Maybe.
  6. Want to sift through another Skyrim guide? Can't tell you what it'll be about (cause even I don't know) but keep an eye out for one ON THE 7TH!

    1. David


      Blexun's Skyrim Recipes.

  7. I went with quest and task. Least monotonous thing on the list. Also, slayer and making money goes hand in hand. Also, you could merchant on the side while doing any of these things.
  8. I ran into this problem too. Some other guy asked the same question on this site as well. I'll basically give you the advice I gave him. Note that this is a very rare problem and doesn't happen all that often. In fact, if you download the latest patch for either the PS3 or Xbox 360, then this problem shouldn't happen again.Pretty much the only fix that I know of is to revert to an old save that was made before you got the level that should of leveled you up, but didn't. I tried this when I was stuck and it worked. Hope you have a save that can take you that far back. =/
  9. Blake


    So let me make sure I understand the question. Are you saying that your wife died, you left the spot where she was at, and you want to know if she'll be there and could you revive her?There is a very good chance that her body will be wherever you left it. I once accidentally killed Lydia outside of Whiterun and her body was there the whole game. I know sometimes bodies are put on display in the town's Hall of the Dead. This may only apply if the wife died inside a city, but it is worth noting.Now, as far as reviving your wife, I'm assuming you mean the zombie spells. Note that even though you can "revive" her in the sense she is walking around, she is a zombie. You can't talk to her for money, food, or anything. She'll just follow you forever. Now I personally don't need my wife cramping my Dragonborn's style, but that is just me.Now, as long as the spell is strong enough, it will revive her. For example, the spell Raise Zombie is the weakest zombie spell and may not be strong enough to reanimate your wife. Revenant, however, is stronger and may be needed for your wife. But with zombie spells, you run into another problem. Most of the zombie spells have a time limit. After that time limit is up, the body you reanimated turns into ash. There is no way to stop this spell from running out and there is no way to cast it on the same body after it turns into ash. The one zombie spell that doesn't turn the corpse to ash when it is over is Dead Thrall, which requires 100 Conjuration. That reanimates a very powerful human body until it dies. If/when it dies, you can just cast it on the body again and continue on your way.Again, if your wife is a zombie, she won't interact with you at all. She'll just follow you and make pathetic attempts at combat.
  10. Ooh forgot to mention House. It would of easily bumped out some shows of my original 10, but whatever.And I never got Survivor. The people on the island let the most annoying people stay through some reason of "strategy", yet they are shocked when that person betrays them or whatever.
  11. Thanks to instant Netflix and procrastination on studying and papers, I've been watching a lot of TV lately. I made a list last night of my top 10 favorites. I'll pretend I'm slightly interested in your TV picks. I don't care how you deliver yours, but here is my top 10.10. Cheers-Very old show, but they have the complete set on Netflix.9. Parks and Recreation-Just got into it. Love Rob Swanson.8. Family Guy7. 30 Rock-Alex Baldwin is a gorgeous man.6. The Walking Dead-Great show, but Netflix only has the first 6 episodes. And I can't afford AMC D:5. The Office-Honestly haven't seen it since Carrel left, but still hilarious to rewatch.4. Arrested Development-Extremely underrated show.3. It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia2. The Late Late Show w/ Craig Ferguson-I'm up at 1 in the morning every night to watch it. Very sincere guy, makes up the whole show on the spot, his partner is a gay robot skeleton, just too much to enjoy1. Seinfeld
  12. Meh no worries. Just pop in when you can.
  13. I'm guessing you didn't watch the video. Which is a shame cause there is some nice Wonderwoman side-boob.
  14. I've never read anywhere that he wasn't a Daedric prince. I'll say yes, but just in spite of David.
  15. She brought Superman out of orbit. Your argument has been rendered invalid.
  16. Blake

    A Few Site Changes

  17. Thanks for posting the opening video. I forgot how awesome it was.
  18. My friend's sister once trapped a cat under a cooler and forgot about it. My friend and I found it like 2 weeks later. It was probably the worse smelling thing I've ever seen/saw.
  19. Saw a stump with covered with ants in Skyrim. What would a TES game be without its bugs.

  20. Funny thing is, I warned this guy about the very same problem. =Phttp://eldersouls.com/topic/1798-storage/Unless you are playing on a PC, you are out of luck. Personally, I don't see the loss of masks that huge of a loss. Yeah they are cool, only a couple of them are really useful. Even still, not worth any large amount of getting back levels from an old save.
  21. Sounds good and everything, but I don't think that alone can beat how much fun gears of war 3 is. I mean, when you consider the multiplayer and story it really can't..... SWEET GHANDI'S TITS!!! That excites me in ways only you can understand.
  22. You only enter it once every time you log in. So unless skilling involves you constantly logging in and out, it isn't really a problem.
  23. Wish I could help, but quite honestly, I've never done this quest before. Guess I should remember to make sure I have no Amulet of Mara's prior to starting it. I guess this is just a short-sightedness of Bethesda, just like how if you pick up a Briarheart before doing the White Phial quest then it wouldn't let you finish it. That was fixed by a relatively new patch, but you get my point.Thanks for all the user submitted fixes though. From what I know, this is a relatively common problem and it is sure to help somebody, or at least give them a bit fixes to play around with.
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