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Everything posted by Blake

  1. Funny thing I would like to get off my chest. Last November, more or less, Nelson got hacked and lost a lot of his money and stuff, again. Like, if I had to estimate how many times he claimed to of gotten hack over the 3+ years I've been around, it would be in the 20's. Anyway, he joined IRC, said he got hacked, told his login info in public, and quit. Well Isaiah logged into his account and apparently he forgot he like ~40m worth of stuff and we cleaned him out. Nelson joined a couple of minutes later, said he forgot he had a lot more gear left, then was confused when it was all gone. So moral to this story, Nelson isn't smart and not competent enough to raise a child.I've never been hacked before, and I've been playing for 4 years this Easter. Then again, I don't mess with a lot of the potential virus areas on the Internet.
  2. Tbh, it wasn't until the release of SoF, and now the ability to buy spins, that I started to really think that Rs is being stupid. I don't know. Any less time rcing is always nice I don't care that much to spend money though. Maybe if they let me pay by getting kicked in the groin, I'd take 80 kicks. Spread throughout the week, of course.
  3. So what kind of game is it? It looks a bit God of War-esque, but that is just solely based on first impressions.
  4. The discovery of /r/volleyballgirls has pretty much brought me a little bit closer to being the new Jeremy

  5. I really need to get back into Runescape. D:
  6. Even more if you get lucky and do some D&D every week.
  7. Well one thing that needs to be considered is that Bethesda was playing with some brand new mechanics for a TES game in Skyrim. In Oblivion, there wasn't any smithing, food, cooking, the alchemy system they have now, etc. I'm guessing they will improve these systems with the next installment, and maybe add a couple of new ones too.
  8. Kind of an underhanded moneymaking attempt, but I'm sure a nice amount of people will buy the spins, and even fewer will actually benefit from it.
  9. Another American Pie and a movie about some Edgar Allen Poe killer? Well at least that episode of Futurama where Bender is god is on

  10. Blake

    A Few Site Changes

    I like the closing message thing. Now when I write guides and such, I don't have to post without one, go to your first guide ever, then copy pasta it to mine.
  11. Their Jagex control system is more hilarious.
  12. Nice try Jamie, but I won't fall for your April Fool's prank this year!!!
  13. That is kind of hilarious. "Check out this hyper definition, bitches".Another solid review, squishy. With you doing reviews and David doing behind the scenes lulz, I think I need some kind of nick with my blog.
  14. Ladies, contain your orgasms.
  15. I'm just saying if a potential recruit went to the main site (eldersouls.com) then they would have to find the Runescape sub-forum to get to the acutal info and such. Not an actual problem for me cause I just click on active topics, but whatever.
  16. I don't have a PS3 D: And I play on Steam just because it is convenient. I'm a hero, fire is my power cause of, you know, firemaking jokes. And Batman is my mentor.
  17. I'll take all my congratulations in the form of unmarked checks.
  18. Yeah me and Nuggeh played on the PC for a bit. Haven't played in a while though.
  19. Honestly, never heard of this series until today. That aside though, I like the idea of making a game about the 4 horsemen of the Apocalypse.
  20. Yeah you should. Just I'd rather your dislike/hate to be openly and calmly expressed rather than a passive aggressive click of the mouse.
  21. Well yeah, we all enjoy the series. Morrowind, Oblivion, and Skyrim are all perfect to me, regardless of their short comings. Much of the appeal from TES games to me isn't the graphics or combat, but just the overall feel and experience you gain from the game. I think Oblivion beats Skyrim in regards to experience, but again, maybe that is because I had it for years. Regardless, it isn't important which is better. This topic is just picking apart the games little bugs and annoyances and saying how Bethesda could go about creating the perfect TES game, which tbh, will never exist.And I agree with you a bit about the food situation. Although a lot of it is just added for role playing purposes, I would like to see the cooking mechanic they have in Skyrim expanded a bit so I might actually use it.
  22. Well Speech, Smithing, Alchemy, and Enchanting are the most important skills for you to perk in. Speech is just to get the best deals, best persuasion to avoid combat situations, and just general ease when buying and selling stuff. The last three is just to aid your follower when/if you do decide to venture in more dangerous situation. Enchanting can also help you survive and fortify bartering.Speech-Taking the left side is probably your best bet. I wouldn't go all the way to the Master Trader perk because there should be enough places to sell with the Investor and Fence perks. Taking the right side for persuasions and intimidations could also be beneficial, but I wouldn't deem it necessary.Smithing-Left or Right side. Probably best bet to go Heavy Armors.Enchanting-Straight middle for the health and skill enchantments. You could pick up a fire damage enchantment boost for your followers.Alchemy-Far right for the solid boost to your potions. Green thumb is interesting, allows you to get 2 ingredients from each plant you pick, but you'll have to invest a lot of perks to reach that.These are only my ideas and suggestions. If you wanna plan out your merchant entirely, I recommend the Skyrim Perk tool at the top of our website.Edit: Well never-mind. David got rid of it.
  23. Yeah I can really imagine that it might, but they've been making this game for like over 2 years, so I'm going to give them the benefit of the doubt.
  24. Blake

    clan cape3

    They increase our e-penis by 3.
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