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Everything posted by Blake

  1. Runescape name: BlexunReal life name: BlakeFacebookpage: http://www.facebook....176890359032890Are TRR members allowed to add you?: SureAge: 1993 (19 if you are reading this as of May 28th 2012)Country+timezone: 'MURICA EasternSchool/University/Work: North Carolina State UniversityHobbies: Internet, Games, Outdoor stuff, Working out, Hanging with friends, Kidnapping and corrupting children to forward my own evil agenda, CrochetingSports:Soccer is the only thing I play for real. I'll play baseball for fun. And who doesn't enjoy kickball and dodgeball.Favorite athletes: The hot onesFavorite sports club: The Ching Chong Ping Pong Sing Along# Years you have been playing RS: Since Easter of 08, so about 4 years.Time you've been in TRR: Since April 1st of 09, so over 3 years. (god help me)What you usually do when playing RS: Talking to friends, Making money, Doing fun crap for no real reason
  2. The rearranging into a "GG" at the end is a nice touch.
  3. Arkham City has quite a shocking ending, if you know what I mean. I'm not sure why I pretended "shocking" was a clue. But seriously. It has a surprising ending.
  4. Lol. This is why I love Steam though. If only they did these kind of deals with movies. D:
  5. Dragonhide doesn't stack with your armor though. So if you use your Smithing and Enchanting correctly, then that kind of eliminates the need for Dragonhide. Dragonhide is still a good spell if you are a pure mage and/or don't specialize in any kind of armor.
  6. Argonian would definitely work, but they have bonuses in Lockpicking and Pickpocket as well as Sneak, so I always pictured them as a Thief rather than the combat stealth that I planned out.Then again, you can pretty much make any type of character with any race, so that doesn't really matter. Just makes things a tad easier. Argonian as better abilities anyway.
  7. Oh wait. I can't enjoy any of this. /sadfaice
  8. Bad jobs for NPC's you say?Jad running a Spa and Massage parlor. Happy endings included.
  9. All mods are funny guys. Your question doesn't make sense.

    1. Jamie


      Lolz, I know, I wanted to just delete the last comment I made lol.

  11. Just noticed the "Meet the Moderating Team" button at the bottom of the home page. I was kind of expecting to see some flashy graphic or something. Needless to say, I have disappoint.

    1. Blake


      Nevermind. It just says "The Moderating Team". My original expectations were present though.

  12. As you said Stealth, I didn't include what I would for a Thief character. In other words, I focused more on the combat-stealth character rather than the practical thief with Lockpicking, Pickpocketing, and relative perks.I would say the usual 100 Smithing with all 6 heavy perks and 100 Enchanting with 8 perks on the middle path is a given. The Stealth character I'm on now uses both Archery and One handed, but I can understand if you would want to stick with one or the other. For Sneak, picking up the right side of the perk tree (the ones with back stab, assassin's blade, etc) is a must. I really like Silent Movement, but you can forget about this if you are lucky to find a Muffle enchantment. Light Armor is your best bet. I wouldn't invest too many perks in the armor efficiency aspect as the 100 smithing and enchanting will max out your armor rating anyway. The left side of the Light Armor may interest you. And maybe Alchemy, if anything just for role playing purposes.Khjaiit will be the best starter race. Maybe Wood Elf.
  13. Yeah some minigames are really team oriented, but WoW is like that throughout. Then again, there are two different factions, so maybe that contributes to the team play.And never played before GE, but I can imagine how that would eliminate some player dependency. You are still depending on other players, you just don't have to actively search for them.
  14. I would climb it until the skin/bone from my legs are worn down to knubs. After that, I would continue climbing on my knee knubs until they are worn down to my hips. From then on, I'll continue climbing the mountain with my arms and hands then rolling down after reaching the top. That will completely grind the remaining body parts into dust. After being nothing, I will then be taken to hell as I have a horrible history of pope abusing. There I will meet the devil and we shall engage in mortal combat. We will ultimately tie because he is the devil and I have no body parts left.Or maybe it's just an expression. Maybe though.
  15. Yeah I actually buy that specific everytime time I do buy Stouffers. I need to branch out into the lasagna though D:
  16. Thanks a lot. I've been lazy and never got around to getting the pictures. I've also fixed some errors I noticed, mostly spelling.DAVID. Update my guide on the main guide page thing cause I don't know how.
  17. Spent the last hour and a half wondering who was the idiot playing muffled music during class. It wasn't until I got to the library that I figured out I was the idiot D:

    1. cheekychips


      Oh god. Done this so many times. That or I 'll sit on my car keys, which obnoxiously beep and alert the entire lecture hall that i have shifted in my chair.

    2. Anarchy


      I hate this, it always happens to me at work. Music coming from my back pocket...

  18. I meant you never said "THE ANSWER WAS ICO!!". You gave me three guesses and you never told me I got it right. Also, the answer is in the title of your blog.
  19. Some of my old favorites are Classic Rock, such as Pearl Jam, Eagles, Aerosmith, Queen, and more. I also enjoy some rap, but again, mostly the older stuff, before it was all hoes and drugs. I've recently downloaded the entire soundtrack to Weeds, which is a show on Showtime. It features a lot of Indie songs, some rock, some pop, and others more Mexican-typed, all of which goes with the show.Afraid I'm not too big on the dancing. In the 7th grade, my mom "forced" me to take some ball-room dancing classes. There I learned how to Waltz, Shag, and Cha-cha, and I actually got a trophy in the last two (1st place in Shag, 3rd in Cha-cha). I'm not sure the reason behind her passive-aggressively signing me up for the dancing.
  20. I've been craving a Dorito Taco from Taco Bell for a week now, and I've yet to even try one. BUT TOMORROW!!!
  21. 1. "SotC was made by a company called TeamIco. It was their second game. What was their first game? You have three guesses." YOU NEVER OFFICIALLY TOLD US THE ANSWER!! 2. So Ico and Shadow of the Colossus are related story wise? 3. You had this as a draft forever, so I'm glad to finally see it in its entirely.
  22. I did it first. Nice try though.
  23. I also really like how WoW focuses on team play a lot more than Runescape does. Since you can only specialize in two primary skills, you'll be depending on other players to help you out while helping out other players in whatever skills you choose. That and awesome dungeon raids.What am I doing with my life?
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