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Everything posted by Blake

  1. No decently attractive girls play Runescape, except Emily. I'm calling shenanigans.
  2. As much as I enjoy the series, and recognize that you enjoy it too, I wouldn't buy Revelations.WHAT?!?!?!?! BUT IT'S A GREAT GAME!!Yeah, but story wise, not a whole lot goes on. Well, a big something happens at the end, kind of, but besides that the plot is kind of empty. It is Ezio's last dance and he didn't make it a ground breaking one. But you do get to play as Altair again, which is kind of fun.Screw it. Buy Revelations. You learn more about Desmond's past, which is actually pretty cool.
  3. My girlfriend once took a golf club to my stuff. But that was just on Roleplay Tuesday. Today she is dressed up as a bagel and I the knife.
  4. Kind of dumb that they have to fix the endings. =/
  5. Played this game very little, but I enjoyed it immensely. Just the scale of the bosses is amazing in itself. And the last fight is pretty epic. Great review Squishy. You may persuade me to buy a cheap copy.
  6. Sooooo many guest viewing that Skyrim water freezing thing. Is that a common issue now?

    1. David


      Apparently, I haven't seen it go below 10 guests since the 12th.

    2. cheekychips


      I'd never even heard of it before it was brought up here lol

    3. Blake


      We are like the 2nd result when google-ing the probelm too. *Success fist pump*

  7. Yeah love Queen, but not the biggest fan of that song. We'll just chalk that up as a win for you and go about our miserable existence.
  8. Blake


    So wanting to host a free build mine craft server is an emotion? Maybe you meant "motion", as in an action or proposition.
  9. By the way, you spelled ridiculousness wrong.
  10. Blake


    We could host a free build server for shits and giggles.
  11. Well damn. I'm only 10 and half D:
  12. Two words. Sham. Wow. But seriously, I just use my bath towels to clean up spilled stuff. Laundry detergent is also ridiculously expensive for one bottle.
  13. OH YEAH!My break was a long time ago, but it was nice. Got to see some friends and I went to the beach to tan =/
  14. It's Friday the 13th? I wish I knew that before I killed that girl.

  15. The competition from the arcade was pretty fun, but got old after awhile.I'll have to go with awards if I had to pick anything though. This is in no way me volunteering to hand them out.
  16. Never played it before. Not a fan of those type of games anyway.
  17. So just to clear up the issue, did you do the part where you go under the Skyforge, drink Aela's blood, and get turned into a werewolf for 2 minutes before waking up outside of town with Aela?
  18. I guess the rules of the internet apply here.
  19. You freeze when you go underwater? Well, you know how cold Skyrim is.
  20. I'm not even completely sure what your problem is. When I was stuck on a level all I had to do was just go to an old save =Enjoy replaying Fallout
  21. I never used the pain killers I was given. Somebody once offered to buy them off of me, but my moral compass pointed me away from that. Good luck with the recovery.
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